Chapter eleven

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J: Boss?

Jynx's POV:

What did they mean by boss? I know what a boss is, but I thought they were friends. I didn't know they also worked with Daddy. We finished dinner, and the three of them went up to his office. I gave a false yawn and headed up to my room. I make it up the stairs. Well, me being me, I very quietly walk to Daddy's office, and I listen in. I know what you are gonna say. This is none of my business, but I feel like people are hiding things from me. Hearing daddy talking to Uncle Hayden and Charlie, I press my ear to the door.

D: I need the two of you to find Mr. And Mrs..

P: What are you doing?

I jumped at the sound of Paxton's voice. I nearly screamed.

J: I - I was just..

P: Just what ease dropping.? Don't you know you should not be easedropping on someone else's conversation?

J: I didn't hear anything.

Paxton raised his eyebrow at me in a questioning look, and I broke. I told him all I heard was daddy telling Uncle Hayden and Charlie to find a Mr. and Mrs. But that is all I heard before he caught me. He picked me up like I weighed nothing at all. He then proceeded to knock on Daddy's office door. I could hear Daddy say to "come in." Pax opened the door, and we walked in or more like he walked in. I was still in his arms.

P: This little princess here was ease dropping at your door, and I caught her red-handed.

Daddy didn't even have to say a word. He just gave me the same raised eyebrow that Paxy gave me, and once again, I broke and spilled what I heard just like I did with Paxton. "Man, I would make a terrible bad guy. I crack with the slightest look. I need to work on that." I say in my head. Uncle Hayden pulled me out of my thoughts.

UH: What is running through your little head, princess?

J: Huh? Oh, sorry. I was thinking, man, I would make a terrible bad guy. I crack with the slightest look. And that I need to work on that.

I heard the four of them laugh at what I just said, and I quickly buried my head into Paxton's chest. I don't like being laughed at. I start to cry quietly. Paxton is taking notice that his shirt is now wet from tears he stops laughing at me while rubbing my back.

P: Shh sissy we didn't mean to laugh at you. I'm sorry we laughed.

D: Pumpkin, we truly are sorry we laughed. We don't want you to cry and be upset. We were not thinking.

J: Why did you laugh at me? Did I make a joke. Am I already a bad guy? Is that way you all laughed at me? I am not worthy to be alive.

🛑🚧(Warning, this may be a trigger to some. No true harm will happen but does come very close to it. Please be warned.)🚧🛑

Thinking of the questions I just asked got me thinking maybe I just don't want the answer to them. I wiggled myself out of Paxy's hold, and I ran to my room. I slammed the door shut, locking it. I then ran into the bathroom closing and also locked the door. I begin to fill the tub. Once the tub is filled, I climb in. Lowering my head under the water, I just let myself go. My last thoughts were that I'm not worth the love and family. I'm not worth the gift of life.

🛑Safe to read on🚧🛑

Paxton's POV:

We watched as she ran out of the room, not truly aware of what had just happened. All of us were in a bit of shock when she asked those questions. And made the last statement about not being worthy to be alive. The slamming of her bedroom door brought us back into the now. I took off running to her room. I hear the tub running, and I start to panicking. I start banging on the door, telling her to open the door. When she didn't open the door, I ran back to dad's office, yelling he needed to come quick. Seeing the panic in my face, the three of them quickly rise and follow me to her room. He tries to open the door but still finds it is locked. He yells for her to unlock the door. When he got no response, he kicked the door open. I ran to the bathroom door and tried to open it. Locked! I slammed my shoulder into the door, hoping it would open. Dad sees my attempt to open the door and then proceeds to kick open the door. My heart dropped as I saw my baby sister under the water and blue. All I see is a blur when the three of them rush past me. Dad pulls Jynx out of the tub and lies her on the floor he starts mouth to mouth. I start to scream for her to "come on open your eyes to come back to us." Mom must have heard all of the commotion that was currently going on. She came rushing in and saw the scene in front of her. She started screaming and broke out into a full-on sob, yelling for dad to save her. Dropping to her knees, I come over, and I hold her.

M: (between sobs) Why would she do this? Does she not want to be with us? I can't lose my baby girl again. Save her, please.

Our heads snap in Jynx's direction when we hear her start to cough. Dad turns her on her side to help get the water out of her lungs. Once the water was all out, dad pulled her into a big hug. Jynx wrapped her arms around his neck and cried.

Maddox's POV:

Seeing my baby girl blue and not breathing, my heart sank like rocks. I pull her out and start mouth to mouth. What feels like eternity of mouth to mouth was actually only about minutes until she was coughing out the water. I roll her to her side so she doesn't choke any more than she has already. Once the water was out of her lungs, I pulled her into a big hug. She wraps her arms around my neck and just cries. When she whispers in my ear, "I'm sorry, Daddy." I begin to rock her, and she soon falls asleep in my arms. Well, with it now being lunchtime, I don't think anyone at this point in time is very hungry.

Well, here is another chapter. Sorry it has been a few days. I hope you liked the chapter. Feel free to leave a vote behind. I'm starting a new story. It is not yet posted, but once I have more than 3 chapters written, I will post them. The title is My five overprotective brothers. I already have 2 chapters written. Don't worry. I will not abandon this story. I just had a new idea that I needed to get down before I lost it. Thanks for reading. Until next time, my dear readers. 🙂💜

The Found Daughter (Slow And Random Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora