Chapter eight

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Angle's POV:

Stepping out of the car, I closed the door behind me. "What happened, Charles? Where is Maddox?" Was the first thing out of my mouth. That is when Charles dropped his head and told me that Maddox was stabbed and is in the clinic wing being cared for. I swing the door open to the car and tell the kids to go with Charles here and that he will not hurt them. I proceeded to run through the house and make my way into the clinic. There, he was lying in the bed awake and aware of his surroundings.

A: (runs to him with tears in her eyes) Oh Maddy. I was so worried we lost you. You need to be more careful.

M: Baby, what did I say about calling me Maddy? It makes me sound like a girl.

A: Oh hush!! I will call you that, if I feel like it. You may be the head of the mafia, but I'm the neck. I get to decide which way to turn it. Or in this case I get to decide what to call you.

M: Okay, my love, just please don't let my men hear you call me that. Alright?

A: Alright, but if any of them give you shit about it, they will deal with me. Nothing is worse than a woman wrath.

M: (Chuckles) Yes, my dear, we all know.

Jynx's POV:

Mommy told us to go with Mr. Charles, and that he won't hurt us. I was still clinging to Paxy like, if any moment we were never to see each other again. Mr. Charles said that we were going to his house until Mommy and Daddy had everything cleaned up. He slides in the back with us and tells the driver to head to his house.

(Skip car ride)

Opening the door to Mr. Charles' house he tells us that his nephew lives with him and that he takes care of his nephew. Of course, right away, Paxy starts asking questions. By this time, he places me on my own two feet.

Charles - C

P: How old is he? What's his name? Does he like to play video games? Does he like to play soccer? Oh, please say he likes to play soccer.

C: Whoa there sport. One question at a time. He is 15 years old. His name is William. He is not that into video games, and he does love to play soccer.

P: Is he here now? Can I meet him? I love hanging with my sister here, but I need another guy to hang out with.

J: Hey!!

C: (Chuckles) He is not here right now he is out with his friends. Though he should be home tonight. You can make yourself right at home.

J: Um... Excuse Mr. Charles, what time will mommy and daddy come for us? Also, I'm quite hungry. I didn't get to eat breakfast, and I'm guessing it is now close to lunch or late lunch. He, k maybe even dinner.

P: Jynxie, don't be rude!

J: But Paxy, I'm hungry!!

C: Well that's okay son and little princess it is 14:30(2:30 pm.) I will have my housekeeper make you anything you like. Is that alright? Oh, and you don't need to keep calling me Mr. Charles. You can just call me Charlie if you like.

J: That is good, thank you, Mr. Char... I mean Charlie.

He showed us to the kitchen, and his housekeeper asked us what we would like to eat. We told her what we would like, and she gave a nod of her head and got busy making chicken nuggets for me and a sandwich for Paxy. After I would say 20 minutes we were done eating. Okay, I was done eating. Paxton only had a sandwich, so he was done in only a few minutes. We went to the living room and watched some TV. Charlie then entered the room and started speaking.

C: Would you both like to go swimming? I'm sure I can have extra clothing ready for the both of you for when you are done.

P: Sure, that sounds fun. But do we just go in our clothes?

C: Well, I'm sure you could fit a pair of swim trunks of Will's, and princess here can go in her shirt and shorts. I will get my housekeeper to find her clothes in her size. If she is up for that.

J: That is okay with me, but it is not deep, is it? I don't know how to swim.

C: It has a shallow end and a deep end. I have plenty of floaters if you wish to use them.

I nod my head, and we follow him out to the pool.

C: Molly, get this young prince a pair of Will's swim trunks, will you. Bring them out to the pool changing room, please, and thank you. Also, get princess here spare clothes. She looks to be about a size, small clothes.

Molly brought out a pair of swim trunks and a set of clothing for me. Paxton changes and we swim for I don't know how long. I just know I'm tired. Just as I'm climbing out and about to sit on the chair to watch Paxy and Charlie swim, Molly comes to the back door and announces dinner is ready. We dry off, and we go inside for dinner. We ate dinner, and as soon as we finished, Charlie showed us to a bedroom and left us to clean up. Ourselves, not the room. Paxton let me shower first, and he then got his shower as soon as I was done and out of the bathroom. Putting on the clothes that Molly gave me. Now dressed, I climb into bed, pulling the blanket up over me. Moments later, Paxy came out dressed and climbed into bed next to me. He pulled me into his side, and that is how we ended that day. Now morning rolls around, and Paxy and I make the bed. He and I then take turns in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. At the orphanage, we had many chores. Ms. Daisy said it helps all of us kids learn responsibility. We had to be up and ready every day by 06:00(am.). We exit the bedroom, making our way into the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, I start to gather the ingredients for breakfast, and Paxton then starts to make breakfast. I was not allowed to use the stove at the orphanage. Only when you turned 12 were you then taught how to use the stove. Anyways I start setting the table for us to eat with my back to the door when a voice scared me.

??: Who are you?

Here is another chapter. Thank you for reading this far, for giving my story ago. If you liked or enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote 🗳. Stay safe and healthy. Keep on reading 📚. Until next time, my dear readers. 💜🙂

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