Chapter nine

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Jynx's POV:

??: Who are you?

Paxton and I turned around to look at the voice that just scared the crap out of me. There we stand just looking at each other. Tilting my head to the side really studying his face. When something just clicked in my head.

J: B-B-Billy??

??: H-How do you know my name?

J: H-h-how? I thought you d-died? It is me, Jynx, or as you called me Jy, and Paxton - Pax.

P: Billy, it really is you, big brother.

B: Pax, Jy? Oh my... I was told you were both killed with mom and dad.

P: We were told you died with mom and dad.

I dropped the dishes that I was still holding in my hands and ran to my big brother. I cried in his embrace.

J: We watched you get shot. I'm sorry it was all my fault. If I didn't call for help, none of this would have happened. (still in his embrace)

B: Shh, princess. I was shot, but I survived. But I'm here now I got you.

P: Bro, we missed you, mom and dad. The doctor told us the three of you died. Why would he do that?.

B: The doctor told me that all five of us were shot and that I was the only one to make it.

C: What's going on in here? Why is our young princess crying?

B: Uncle Charlie, they are my brother and sister I told you about. Jy and Pax. Wait, Pax, what doctor told you all this?

C: Wait, I don't know what's going on here yet. But humor me and why don't the both of you say this doctors name together. Then after we will talk.

B: Okay, 1-2-3

P,B: Doctor Smith!

C: Oh shi... Crap we need to talk to your parents.

B: But Uncle Charlie, our parents passed.

C: I know Will, but I mean their birth parents.

(For those who may not know Bill or Billy is short for William or Will. Though not every William or Will goes by Bill or Billy. Now, back to the story.)

Charles POV:




Shit the stove is on fire. I ran over and turned the heat off, and grabbed a lid. I carefully and quickly placed it over the inflamed pan. Looking over at the kids to make sure they are alright, I see Paxton with his head down repeatedly saying "he is so sorry." I release a sigh and walk over to the young prince, placing a hand on his shoulder.

C: It's okay. I know you didn't do it on purpose. Only next time try to remember to turn the stove off, alright?

P: Yes, sir, sorry, sir. (Head still down)

C: (lifts Paxton head up) Hey, hey, none of that. It is okay, really. I have done it a few times myself. Really, it is okay. And Charlie is the name, not sir. That makes me feel like my father, old. But thank you for the respect, young prince.

J: Why do you keep calling him young prince? Is daddy and mommy king and queen?

C: Something like that princess. Well, let's go get something to eat on the way to the office.

P: Office?

C: Yes, that is where your parents are at right now.

J: Can Billy come, please? We just got him back. Our big brother is back.

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