Chapter six

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8 hours later

Jynx's POV:

I wake up in a white room to the sound of beeping. I slowly turn my head to my right side. There, I see an IV in my arm. What happened? All I remember is having a nightmare and waking up covered in sweat. My heart beating faster at this point, making the beeping on the machine pick up considerably. Doctors rush into the room.

Doctor Roe - DR

DR: She is having another panic attack. We need to get her to calm down and breathe. Who is she closest to?

D: That would be my son Paxton.

P: Me!? What could I do?

DR: We have to hurry before she passes out yet again. Paxton, I need you to go to her. Talk calmly and hold her hand to your heart and tell her to follow your breathing.

P: Okay

Paxton is now sitting on the bed with me. He puts my hand up against his chest. " Breath follow me." I hear Paxton say. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, I then try matching his breathing. About 10 minutes later, I have my breathing under control. I throw myself into his arms, and I start crying. "Please don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" I plead. He pulls in closer, rocking me back and forth. "I'm never gonna leave you." He whispered to me. With a few yawns, I fell asleep in his embrace. My brother, my protector.

Maddox's POV:

After Paxton calmed Jynx's breathing. I left out a sigh of relief. I watched as she fell asleep in his arms. He laid down with her still in his embrace, and soon he himself was fast asleep. I put off my responsibility to conduct an interrogation of Doctor Smith for taking away my son, but I'm going to go take care of that now. Giving both of my kids a kiss on each of their foreheads, I take my leave. I place 2 guards outside the hospital room. Taking the elevator down to the ground floor, I make my way to my car and head to the warehouse cells. Arriving at the warehouse cells, I begin making my way down a lightly dim hallway and down a flight of stairs. Opening up big heavy steel doors to a full room of cells. Walking past a few cells that are occupied and some that are not occupied. Having many enemies means I need many cells. Let's get back on topic, please. I walk up to a cell, and I see a beat-up doctor Smith tied up and sleeping to a chair. Now, let's see if he gives the right answers. Opening the cell door, I walk up to him and throw a punch to his stomach. Nice wake-up call, don't you think? He coughs and opens his eyes. He sees me, and his eyes get wide with fear. Time for the interrogation.

Doctor Smith - DS, Maddox -B(Boss mode)

B: Why did you lie and take my son away? Who's infant did you have me believing is my son?

DS: I'm sorry. I had to they were gonna kill my family. The baby was one from the morgue.

B: Well, I know you are lying. I did my  thorough research. You have no wife or kids. You were never married. And your parents were killed when you were 9 years old. So want to try again with your answer. Why did you do this?

DS: I-I-I can't and won't tell you anything.

B: You will tell me everything you know, whether you tell me on your own or I beat it out of you.

DS: Do what you want. Do what you need. But I'm not going to talk. I'm not gonna tell you who I'm working for. Oops, I didn't say the last sentence.

B: Ahh, but too late. You just said you were working for someone.

I go over to the table and grab a pair of brass knuckles. Taking a swing at the doctor's face. Blood was now seeping out of his busted open lip. Placing another blow to his abdomen. He coughs and coughs. Trying to catch his breath. Putting the brass knuckles back, I now grab a whip with spikes. Seeing his eyes go wide brings a smirk to my face. I bring the whip back, and with force, I bring it forward, making contact with his legs. Screams of pain leaving his mouth and few tears in his eyes he then cracks like an egg.

DS: Okay, okay, I will talk. I wasn't made for this torture.

B: Well, start talking!

DS: Well, it started when you and your wife left your first appointment. A man came in and walked up to me, demanding all the information I had on the two of you. He told me his name is Mr. Kyle West. I told him sorry and that I could not give out such information. He told me I would regret not giving him any information. Two weeks passed, and I haven't heard anything more from this man. So I left it go and thought nothing more of it. I was going to tell you about it on your next appointment but he came in before your next appointment. He pulled me into an empty room, locking the door behind us. He then closed all shades to the room windows. Grabbing me by my collar, he slammed me against the wall and threw a punch at my stomach. Telling me that he will kill me and kill my son slowly and painfully. I didn't believe him until he showed me a picture of my son tied to bed.

B: Don't lie. You have no kids.

DS: Oh, but I do have a son. He doesn't have my last name and and I didn't sign any birth certificate. The girl I was with had another man sign it and gave my son his last name. Years later, when the boy was about 5, she told me he was my son. We took a DNA test, and it came back positive that he is my son. I didn't change his name because I didn't want that man knowing about my son. I would wire money for child support and visit my son as often as I could. Without bringing suspension to him. Well, that didn't work as planned. Mr. West found out, and he took my son. He promised he would release my son if I told him everything. I broke down and told him what I knew. He then called someone and said, "Kill her." He told me to keep my mouth shut or I would be next. I didn't realize who her was until later that week when I got a call from my son's father saying Amber (the boys mother) was murdered. As the time was approaching to have your son, he came back and told me that I would keep my mouth shut. Also that I will have to tell you your son past at birth and hand him over to Mr. West. When I told him I couldn't do that, that I can't say the boy past then, and not having a body would be too unrealistic. Mr. West said he already thought of that and handed me a deceased newborn baby boy. I didn't ask questions in fear for my son's life. I only did what was told of me. I don't know what he then did with your son. I'm truly, truly sorry. I did it for my son.

I left out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. Bringing the gun I had out of my waistline and holding to the doctor's head, I pulled the trigger. I had no more use for him. I knew who Kyle West was. He is the leader of a small gang trying to make it big. They call themselves the Vultures. Well, he has signed his death wish. I walk out of the room and order my men to clean up this mess. Heading for my security and surveillance room, I walk in and start barking orders to find this Kyle West and bring to me. With this all said, I take my leave and head for home.

Well, here is another chapter. Hope you all like it. If you did like it, please leave a vote  🗳 below. Thanks for reading, and if you haven't already, please check out my other stories. Keep on reading. Thanks until next time, my dear readers.💜🙂

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