Chapter eighteen

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Jynx's POV:


"Ugh! Who the hell is calling me this early in uh..(looks at the clock) What the hell 2 in the morning? Someone is gonna die!" Picking my phone up, I answer the phone without looking at the caller ID.

(Phone call)


Rg: Don't what me young lady.

J: Dad? Sorry, I was asleep, and it is now 02:10 in the morning. You know how I like my sleep.

Rg: Well, okay then. But next time, read your caller ID. I will not take that tone of voice again. Understand?

J: Yes, I get dad. I'm sorry. But what did you call about?

Rg: I called to talk. I need to know when you will be home and what information you have gotten for me about the shipments. Oh, I tracked your location to New York. Why are you in New York?

J: Really! Now you are tracking me!? I am here because this is where I was following the lead that turned out to be a dead end. It was really late and I didn't want to drive home.

Rg: Well, leave first thing in the morning. I miss my little girl.

J: I miss you too, dad. I will leave first thing in the morning. Goodnight.

Rg: Goodnight.

I ended the call and placed my phone back on the nightstand. I once again I let sleep take over.

(06:00 - 6am)

Stretching myself from my night sleep, I sit up on the side of the bed. I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Afterwards, I get ready to head home. Leaving the bedroom, I make my way to the kitchen for some food. I sit down at the island, and a maid places a plate of eggs benedict and a glass of orange juice in front of me. Halfway through my meal, my father and brothers came in and took a seat. The maid then placed plates in front of them.

J: I have to leave in an hour for Texas.

P: What do you mean you leave for Texas in an hour?

J: Exactly like what it sounds like. I need to go back. I have to keep up my appearance.

B: If you must, but please be careful. Come home safe.

I finish my food and I go grab my bag. I give hugs and a kiss on the cheek. Making my way to the door.

D: Wait, I want to give you something.

He leaves and comes back in a few moments and gives me a small jewelry box. I open it and see a beautiful gold chain with a heart pendent. He takes it from the box and has me turn around and places it around my neck.

J: It's beautiful, thank you.

D: It was your mom's. She wanted you to have it. Please, whatever you do, please don't take it off.

J: I won't, I promise. But I really need to get going. I will be back as soon as it is possible. I will keep in touch with a burner. Bye now, I must get going. I love you all.

I grab my bags and get into the waiting taxi. The taxi starts to pull away, and I wave until I am out of the long driveway. "Hff, here goes nothing." Forty- five minutes later, the taxi comes to a complete stop at the airport. Grabbing my bags and paying the taxi driver, I head inside to check in. The check-in agent hands me my ticket, and I now head for TSA. Minutes later, I am sitting at the gate waiting for my flight to board. I pull out my phone and message Roger (dad), telling him that I am at the airport waiting to board. That it won't be too much longer. That I will message him when I land. Tucking my phone in my pocket, I pull out a book (Any book). I am a page into the new chapter, and the speaker came on. "All passengers for flight 4852 please report to gate 3A. We will be boarding in 5 minutes. I repeat, all passengers for flight 4852, please report to gate 3A. We will be boarding in 5 minutes." Closing my book, I place it back into my bag and wait for the jet bridge door to open. "Now boarding 4852, now boarding 4852." The gate agent announced over the intercom. I grab my bag and in line to board.

(Skip plane ride)

We landed, pulled up to the gate, and now everyone is grabbing their belongings from the overhead bin. Filing out and making my way to baggage claim, realizing I didn't check a bag. I only have a carry-on. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and messaged Roger that I landed. Not even minutes later, I get a text back saying okay, and someone will be here soon to get me. I take a seat in the lobby, and about 15 minutes later, I get a text saying my ride is here. I grab my bag and home here I come. Placing my bag in the trunk, I climb in the back seat next to my bodyguard. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and I start reading a story on Wattpad. I just love werewolves and mafia stories. Ironic, I know because I am a part of one, but hey, no one needs to know that. About 30 minutes into the drive, the driver makes a right turn.

(Bodyguard- Bg)

J: Where are we going? He made the wrong turn. Home is the other way.

Bg: Sorry, Ms. but I have no other choice but to do this.

That was all I heard before all I saw was black.

Sorry it has been a while. Sorry, this chapter is not as long as the rest. But I felt this was a good place to leave off. I hope you like this chapter. Again, sorry it has been a while. I hope this is better than nothing at all. Well, thanks for reading and voting. Until next time, my dear readers. 💜🙂💜

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