Chapter nineteen

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My body feels heavy, and my eyes just don't want to open. I struggle with my body with trying to get it to move. I feel a hand smaking my face in one of those wake-up taps. Finally, I am able to open my eyes if just for a small moment with the heaviness in them.

Rg: Ah, you are finally awake. Good to see you again.

J: W..what happened and why am I tied to the chair? Dad, are you gonna untie me here?

Rg: Ahh Jynxie, Jynxie, Jynxie. Did you really think I wouldn't find out what you were planning? I will not be untieing you any time soon.

J: What are you talking about? I am not planning anything. Please untie me, dad.

Rg: I'M NOT YOUR DAD! Now look, you made me go and yell at you.

J: But.. but you..

Rg: But me nothing. You should have thought about that before you planned your little takeover. I was good to you. I never abused you, I fed you, clothed you. And you repay me by planning a takeover. Oh, and don't worry about how I found out. Let's just say I have my ways.

Here, I sit tied to this chair and just wishing that I didn't leave my family. Man, was I stupid. I hope my family can save me. God only knows what he has planned for me now. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel a stinging in my cheek. He just slapped me.


J: Huh!? What? I didn't hear a thing.


I keep quiet and don't say anything. I will just take the beating that is coming my way. I won't break. I can't break. Roger turns away from me and goes to leave but not before saying to the guards, "To do as they please, just don't rape. We may be cruel, but we are not rapist." At least I won't be raped I think to myself. The door to the cell slams shut, and fading sounds of his footsteps could barely be heard. Guard one looks at me with a very sinister smirk on his face. He walks over to me like he is stalking his prey before the attack. He pulls a knife from his side holster and plunges it into my right thigh. It's Taking everything in me not to scream out in pain. Not liking that I didn't respond to his torture, he proceeds to drive the knife now into my left leg. Again, I make all efforts not to scream out. The second guard comes over with a lit cigarette and holds it to my forearm. I bit my tongue as more tears came to my eyes. Now tasting the iron metallic in my mouth. He brings his fist up and makes contact with my stomach. I start coughing, trying to get air back into my lungs, when I feel him connect with my ribs once more. One pulls my head back by my hair, and the other cuts from my earlobe to my chin with a Swiss army knife. I scream out in pain, no longer able to contain it. Through my tears, I can see that I finally gave them what they wanted. The showing of my pain and suffering. The one that is holding my hair releases it with force, and my head hangs low. The one who had cut my face throws punch after punch to my face while the other starts carving into my skin like I was a human canvas. Not being able to scream with the blows to my face, I start to see black spots in my line of vision. The next thing I know is blacking out.

Paxton's POV:

We haven't heard from Jynx in about a week. I have this bad feeling something bad has happened to her. I called a family meeting with Papa and Billy. They entered the conference room and I explain why I called a family meeting. Papa called his best tracker and hacker into the meeting, and we again explained what was happening.

(Dad - D, men - M)
(I don't want to give names, I may decide later on, but for now, I will not.)

D: I want the both of you to track and hack any security footage needed to find Jynx. If she has the necklace on that I gave her, there is a tracker in it. NOW GO!!

M: Yes, Sr.!

The men ran out of the room.

(2 hours later, yes 2 hours)

The men came barging in the room, yelling they have her location, and it looks like it was Greene and his men. We gather in the conference room and formulate a plan. An hour later, we came up with a solid plan.

M: I will go gather the troops and weapons. Sr.

D: Be ready in 30.

M: Yes, Sr.

P: Papa, I really don't want to say this, but what if we are too late?

B: Don't say that! We are not too late!

D: He is right. We can't think that way. We need to stay positive we will save her in time. Now let's go get ready to get our princess back.

The three of us leave the conference room and head to our rooms. Within 15 minutes, the three of us were ready for a fight. We walk down the stairs and see all of our men ready and waiting.

P: Let's move out!!

All of us guys get into 4 SUVs and drive to our private jet. My nerves are on edge. I am praying for my little sister to be safe and at home with us. Thirty minutes later, we pull up to the airport. Our bag, well I should say Jynx's bag is carried into the cabin and placed in the bedroom. And before you ask yes, I did pack her a bag. I wanted to make sure she would have something if she was in need of it.

P: I am coming for you, Jynxie. We all are! Hang in there!!

Well, my dear readers, I know it has been a while since I last updated. And for that I am sorry. I just have not had any motivation to do so. I hope I will get into the groove again in writing. I had already had this chapter started, and I went over it and fixed it some. I'm hoping I caught all of the errors. I read a comment in another chapter and realized I missed spelled a word. So I will be going back to fix it. So no need to re read it. That is unless you want to. Thank you all for reading, and if this chapter was worth the vote, then please don't be shy. Until next time, my dear readers. 💜🙂💜

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