Chapter twelve

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I woke up in my bed and Paxy was next to me. I smiled at seeing my big brother next to me. I need to tell him everything. Daddy was right. I look at the time and see that the time is 17:00(5:00pm.). Wow, I slept for a few hours. Gently shaking Paxy awake.

J: Paxy, I am hungry. Get up, please. I also want to talk to you about something.

P:(yawn) I'm up, and you're right. We do need to talk. But let's go see if dinner is ready.

Making our way downstairs, I see everyone sitting in the sitting room talking. "I am sorry!" I said to no one and everyone at once. They snap their heads in my direction when my mom comes running up to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

M: Don't ever try something like that again. Do you hear me? You had us all scared. Could you tell us what made you do it? Why did you do it?

J: I - I..(stomach growls)

M: Everyone lets go eat, but don't think you are getting out of talking, young lady.

J: (hangs head down) Yes, ma'am. I understand Mrs. King.

Angle's POV:

My little girl just called me ma'am and Mrs. King. I just lost my title of mom. Wow, I.I.. I have no words. I leave the sitting room and head for the kitchen. I see our chef and ask if she needs any help. I need to take my mind off of things. Even if it is only for a short amount of time.

(Chef, - Ch)

Ch: No ma'am but I known you long enough to know that you would help regardless. So, if you would like, you can pull the baked pasta out of the oven. I am just finishing up the salad.

I grab a hold of the mitts and pull dinner from the oven, placing it on the stove top. Next, I go to the cabinet and get the dishes that will be needed for dinner.

Ch: Ma'am the salad is finished. Go take a seat at the table. Dinner will be served in a few. I will have the servers set the table.

A: I don't mind helping.

Ch: I know, but go be with your family.

I nod my head and head for the dining room. Noticing they didn't come to the table yet, I take my seat to the right of the head of the table. In walks the head server with the dishes. "Can you get the others for dinner, please?" I ask of her. She gave me a small nod and made her way to the sitting room.

Jynx's POV:

A server came to the sitting room and announced dinner was ready and made her way back to the dining room. I wait for everyone to take a seat before I take my seat at the far opposite end of the table. I want to be able to see everyone when I finally tell them about my nightmares, or I really should say my past. My nightmares are my past. Moments later, more servers brought out the food and started dishing our plates for us, saying prayer before we eat. Here we are, and I have eaten only a few bites no longer really hungry. Clearing my throat, I gain everyone's attention. Once all eyes are on me, and I being speaking "Ma'am, Sirs, Paxton." Now knowing I have full attention, I start my story. By the time I got halfway through it, I noticed anger on all 6 of their faces. Paxton and Billy get up out of their seats and give me a hugh group hug. The three of us hold each other as I sniffle, trying to hold back tears. When will things get better for me.? I hope soon. They pull away from the hug and make their way back to their seats. "May I be excused?" I ask no one in particular. Mr. King gave a short answer, "You may." "Thank you, sir." I replay, and I made my way out to the backyard. I lie on my back in the grass. "It's so peaceful out here watching the night sky." Whispering to myself. I sigh as I lose track of what star I left off on.

J: Hmm, one day, one day I will be with you again. It felt like home when I was with you both. I hope that you both still watch over the three of us. Well, I have been out here for a while now. I guess it is time to head inside. Thanks for listening to me. I love you!

Maddox POV:

I watch Jynx from the screendoor. She lies down on her back, and from what I can tell, she is counting stars. She then starts talking to the sky. I do not interfere with her conversation. I just listen in on it. Only hearing bits and pieces of it because she is talking in a hushed tone. But from what I could make out, was she is talking to someone, and also being able make out a "thanks for listening to me" and a "I love you." My heart hurt with the last thing she said. I see her starting to get up, and I quickly make my way to the sitting room and turn the TV on before she walks into the room. I place my arms on the back of the couch, making it look like I'm really into this show. Which, I honestly have no clue what the hell it is, but she doesn't need to know that. I hear the fridge open and some rustling about. Now, hearing the fridge close, I bring my attention back to the show to make it more believable that I am into this show. Hear tiny footsteps walking into the room. Jynx takes a seat right next to me on the couch. She surprises me by snuggling in close to me. I bring my arm off the back of the couch, bringing the blanket that was there with it. Placing the blanket as best as I can around her with one arm. I then pull her further into my side. She yawns and closes her eyes to sleep.

(Whispers right before she is completely asleep)

J: How much of that did you hear?

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked this chapter. If you liked this chapter, don't be shy and drop a vote behind. I will be posting my new story within a day or two if you are interested in giving it a go. It is called My five overprotective brothers. Stay safe and healthy. Until next time, my dear readers.

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