Chapter three

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Jynx POV:

Pax and I were sitting in his room talking when Ms. Daisy called everyone down for lineup. Pax held my hand as we walked downstairs. I was scared that they were gonna split us up. Tears sprang to my eyes but never fell. Suzie came up behind us and tripped me. I was waiting for the fall that never came. Once I was back on my feet, I held onto Paxton like I was physically glued to him.

J: I'm scared, Pax. What if they try and split us up? I want to stay with you.

P: I won't let that happen. If they want one, they have to have us both.

Hearing Paxton say this to me, it made me feel better. Reaching the bottom of the stairs and walking into the hall. I cling right to Paxton's like a baby koala bear. "He looks scary." I whisper to Paxton. They start to walk over to us, and Paxton moves me, so I'm now standing behind him. My tummy starts to toss because of nerves. The man asks if I want to go sit at the table and chat. Shaking my head no Paxton then picks me up and heads to the table. Sitting down and placing me on his lap. As soon as we sat down, the lady asked our names. Paxton gave his name and was about to give my name, but I stopped him. I didn't want to give them my name. They got up and asked us to stay at the table until they came back. When they returned, the guy still wanted to know my name. He said he was gonna try and guess it. Pax and I were very shocked that he guessed it on the first try. He asked if I wanted to go live with them, but I wasn't gonna leave my big brother. Then the man said that Paxton could come too. I was very happy. He told us to go pack our belongings.

J: Umm, what should we call you?

A: Mom and dad, if you are comfortable.

We make it upstairs, and I give Paxton a big hug.

J: Paxton, we have a new mommy and daddy.

S: Ugh!! Who would ever want you? They probably only want Paxton, but feel sorry for you, so they are taking you too. You are worthless. Just a big ugly cry baby bitch.


S: What the slut can't handle her o--

Paxton took a big swing and punched Suzie in the face. She dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Holding her now bloody nose when we here stomping come running up the stairs. Ms. Daisy started yelling at Paxton because he hit Suzie. Saying boys are not supposed to hit girls. She tried to get him to apologize to her when I told her what happened before he hit her. She said it was no excuse, when dad stepped in and told Ms. Daisy that Paxton will not say he's sorry and that he will no longer be a donor for this orphanage because due to all the bulling I want through and nothing was ever done about it. My new daddy picked me up and took me to my room to gather my stuff. If you are wondering our names are on the doors. After gathering all of things and placing them in my bag dad picked me back up in one arm and my bag in the other. We walked back to Paxton's room were my new mommy was just helping Pax finish packing. We are finally out of the orphanage and getting into big long car. I think they are called a limousine or a limo for short. But I don't know. I'm not a car person. I sat on dad's lap and started to fall asleep. But before I was completely asleep I heard their voices, not their conversation.

(Here is their conversation)

P: Wow, she never took to anyone that fast before.

A: What do you mean she never took to anyone this fast before?

P: Well you see we have both been adopted out before but they either just wanted her or just wanted me. I would miss behave until they would just end up returning me. Jynx was returned for being clingy and weak. Their words not mine. Jynx would be bullied here at the orphanage and at school. I always felt a strong connection with her and I would protect her as much as I could. When they would return her she would have bruises all over her body from being beat.

M: Why haven't they done anything to stop the bulling?

P: I'm sorry I can't unfortunately answer that question. I don't have an answer for it.

M: That's okay son. Catch some sleep. The ride will take some time.

Maddox's POV:

When he told us about being adopted out and then being sent back I had mixed emotions. You ask why I have mixed emotions well I'll tell you why.
Number one: Mad because they were taken from us and adopted out. They are our children and belong with us, and relieved that they were returned.
Number two: Pisted off because my little princess was bullied and beat at school and at the orphanage and very likely at the adopted family's house. Though there is no real proof the adopted homes did any abuse. Happy that we have finally found her and our thought to be past on son well and alive.

Now that they are with us once again we will protect them with our lives. I have a sleeping Jynx on my lap and a sleeping Paxton with his head on his Mama's lap. The driver pulls up to the airport and I take and carry Paxton and pass Jynx to Angle to carry since she is the lighter out of the two. I have my guard grab the bags and load our private plane. I walk to the bedroom on board the plane, pull back the covers and place Paxton in the bed. Angle then places Jynx next to her brother and he must of sensed her next to him because he pulled her close to himself. Melting our hearts to see them so close, we kiss each of their foreheads and exit the room. Buckling our seat belts the pilot makes his announcement that we are ready for take off. When the kids wake up they will be finally be home where we all belong. Once I get home I have a doctor to deal with.

Well here is another chapter. If you liked this chapter please don't forget to vote for it. Thanks for reading  📚. Until next time. Stay safe and healthy. 🙂💜

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