Sir or Sir James

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Chapter 2:

(James POV)

A few days had passed since I saw Clio and I kept trying to think of something I could do or take her to see. My mind started coming up with excuses like maybe she was only being polite when I asked her, maybe she didn't want to spend time together, maybe I was reading too much into everything. These thoughts racked my brain as I continued my daily training outside the castle. Once I had finished my training I turned towards a tree in the garden and after wrapping my knuckles began hitting the hard bark. Each blow was harder and harder until I heard someone behind me.

"Prince James," I turned and saw Baileywick with a note on a silver tray, "someone sent this for you." I picked up the letter and saw my name written in script on the back, "Thank you Baileywick." I nodded toward him. He walked away and I opened the note.

Dear Prince James (or Sir James),

I smirked to myself immediately knowing who it was from.

You still haven't cleared up which one I should call you now. I think I'm going to stick with Sir James until you tell me otherwise, especially after seeing you in your armor.

I laughed at that...

I wanted to thank you for saving me in person but, you still haven't come or even written so I had to settle for a note. So thank you and Desmond for saving me from that giant bird that destroyed the caravan. Not only am I grateful that you saved me but, it was really great to see you again... you and Desmond. If you don't want to "spend time together" as you so eloquently put it, no hard feelings... But, if you do and you would like to be friends again come to my kingdom today and meet me in the garden at noon, we can go for a ride or something.

I truly hope to see you soon,

I put the note down. So she did actually want to spend time together. I went inside and looked at the clock, I had two hours. I quickly showered and head off.

(Clio POV)

A few days had passed and I hadn't heard anything from James. I don't know if he changed his mind or if he had just felt sorry for me but the least I could do was thank him. I sent him that note in a moment of bravery and now I was sitting in the garden in my riding clothes, magenta riding pants and a pink waist coat. I had tied my hair in a low pony tail and was running my hands through my curls.

"Did I keep you waiting long," I turned and saw James, climbing off his horse. "Not long at all Sir James," I said. He laughed at this, "Clio we have known each other since we were little. You have slept over at my castle I think you can call me James." I nodded, "True but, I like saying Sir James more." I said walking over to him. He laughed at this, "Well I guess we have reached an impasse." He said. I nodded, "Yeah but, I know how we can settle this." I said going up on my toes as I said this. "What do you have in mind?" "Well you have your horse, I have mine. What say you to a little wager?" I teased. He laughed at this, "So you want to race?" "Down passed the field through the woods to the river, loser chooses James or Sir James," I held my hand out and he shook it, "Your choice."

We saddled up and got ready to ride. "Are you sure you want to do this?" James asked. "I think I can manage," I shrugged. I then snapped the reigns and took off.

(James POV)

I was surprised when Clio suggested a race but, I wasn't one to back down from a challenge. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, I never remembered seeing her riding when we were in school. "I think I can manage," she shrugged. She then turned to face forward and snapped the reigns. I snapped the reigns for my horse to and began riding after her but, she was flying on her horse.

She rode quickly ahead of me but, I managed to catch up as we began riding through the woods, "I feel like I might have been tricked." I said looking over to her as she still was riding. "No" she said shaking her head, "you are being tricked." She then snapped the reigns even harder getting farther ahead of me. I got to the river and saw her climbing down, "I won Sir James." I laughed at this, "Why did you never tell me you could ride?" I asked. She shrugged, "Whenever I was at your house or at school I was with Amber and Hildegard. They weren't the biggest fans of riding, musicals, hats" she shrugged, "doesn't mean I didn't have fun with all those things when I got home. Especially with my brothers." She was smiling as she was stroking her horse, "Brothers?" I asked. It dawned on me, I really didn't know much about Clio. She turned toward me and shrugged, "Yeah I don't really talk about my family much." I decided not to ask more about it right now.

(Clio POV)

James decided not to ask more about my family and I was relieved. We tied the horses to a tree and looked out towards the river. James then turned to me and smirked, "Last one in is a rotten gargoyle egg." He said running into the water. I then went in after him and he turned around and splashed me. I felt the cold chill of water as I brought my arms in front of me to protect myself. "You're going to get it," I said. We started throwing water at each other laughing and I squealed each time the cold water hit my skin.

We got out of the water and James handed me a blanket that he had in his saddle bag, "How gallant Sir James." I said wrapping the blanket around me. He rolled his eyes, "Are you going to call me Sir James every time you see me now?" I shrugged, "Well as the winner of our little race I do have the right to unless you want to win it back." He smiled, "Alright first back to the garden wins."

We rode back and James made it back first, barely. "Alright, James you win this time," I laughed. He laughed too, "Yeah but, we can always rematch next time. "Next time" I smiled, "I like that." James rode home and I knew that I would see him soon. I knew that this was the beginning of something great.

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