Prince Edward

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Warning: This chapter contains some upsetting themes for some people and as it refers to sexual assault and other mature themes. If you are not comfortable reading this chapter please stop reading now. In addition if you are experiencing this or any other type of abuse please seek out help.

Chapter 14:

(Clio POV)

I went up to my room to get out of my gown and began ripping off the jewels that hung around my neck and tossing the tiara from my head as far away from me as possible. I looked at my tattered ballgown and felt myself collapse to the ground. I brought my knees as close to my stomach as possible and buried my head inside the small opening that was left. I interlocked my fingers and made myself as small as possible. I sobbed harder as I was gasping for breath that was becoming harder to come by, by the moment. What had I done to deserve this? I thought to myself. I heard the loud pounds against my door and could hear my brothers pleading for me to let them in but, I didn't want to see them right now. I didn't want to see anyone right now. I just wanted to crawl deeper within myself and wake up knowing that it wasn't real that it had all been a dream and that I was back with James in Doc and Mary's cottage. If only that could have been the reality of it all and a deep-seeded sense of horror that overcame me.

- 12 hours ago-

Two days had passed since the luncheon and I still hadn't heard anything from James. Tonight I would be going to another Ball and I was on edge. Elijah was too as Mother was putting more pressure on the both of us to make this alliance happen sooner rather than later. The Ball wasn't for hours but, Mother insisted I be ready to go now. I couldn't even sit in the ballgown she selected without a great deal of struggle so I resigned to stand. I heard a knock on the door and saw Henry and Issac walk in. Henry was holding a bag in his hand and Issac had a map. I walked over to them and they each handed me the items.

"Here is a map that is going to lead you somewhere safe," Issac said handing me the map. Henry then gave me the bag, "There is some food, clothes and money that should be enough to get you far enough away from here without drawing too much attention." I looked down at the items and nodded, "Thank you." They both nodded, "They will help you when you leave tonight." Henry said. "I don't leave for a few more days..." I started but, saw the look that they shared and knew something was up. Issac let out a breath, "Clio you need to leave tonight." I looked between the two of them, "Why?" Henry sighed, "Because, Mother and Father want their alliance determined by the end of the week you no longer have any time." I took a step back, "No, no I have until the end of the week. I can't risk rushing it. If I rush it, I risk getting caught." "WHAT IF SHE CHANGES HER MIND? WHAT IF SHE DECIDES TO MARRY YOU OFF TOMORROW? WHAT IF SHE DECIDES TO MAKE THE DECISION RATHER THAN ELIJAH? DON'T BE STUPID!" Issac shouted. I stumbled back and he let out a breath and sighed, "Clio, you are now playing with fire. Before there was an arbitrary alliance hanging over your head now there is a time constraint. If you wait you will have no chance at all."

-8 hours ago-

Henry and Issac left my room and I kept thinking about what they said. I knew it was the smart thing to do, to leave that night but, something told me that it wasn't the right thing and that if I did I would regret it. I was waiting out on the balcony as I watched time go by. I heard the door open and I knew that Elijah had come in but, I still wasn't responding. Not for any particular reason I was just sorting through the cloud of my thoughts and I didn't know what to say. "Clio, it's time to go," He broke the silence. I turned to face him and nodded.

He came towards me, "Clio?" I turned to face him and forced out a smile, "Yeah let's head out." "Clio, whats wrong?" I sighed and looked over in the direction of the map and bag. "Clio, you know why..." I nodded my head, "I know why you all think that this is best. It does make sense... It just doesn't feel like the right move to make." Henry came next to me leaning against the balcony, "Clio none of us want to see you trapped in a life you don't want or to be unhappy." I nodded, "But, it is still your decision to make just promise me that you will think about it tonight. Everything is set up if you do choose to leave." "Alright, I promise," I smiled up at him. He took my arm and guided me to the carriage. I could feel a pit in my stomach and I felt like something was wrong but, I choose to believe that it was nerves.

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