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Chapter 18:

(James POV)

I heard a knock on the door. One of the guards came in, "We have a Crown Prince Elijah, can we let him in." I nodded not taking my eyes off Clio. "Why on earth were we invited here? All that work to get her out, and we were invited to exactly where she was." He started saying. I didn't glance over at him, I knew everything he was saying was right but, it didn't matter until Clio woke up. He eventually sat down next to me, "My parents didn't know everything that had happened. They thought that Clio just got into a fight with your family and wanted to try and help. I'm sorry. When they told me that you were coming I tried to get her out of here but there was not enough time. I told the guards not to let your parents of Prince Edward in if that helps." He looked down at Clio and moved some of the hair from her face, "I should have done more." He said. I turned to face him, "We both know that Clio would say you did all you could. If I had told my parents maybe things would have been different but, when she told me I just felt guilty I wasn't there to help her when it happened. I didn't want to let anyone else know that I wasn't able to protect her from that." "We are quite the pair," He said and I laughed a little.

Clio began to stir as her eyes fluttered open, "James" She murmured. I smiled down at her, "Hey, I'm right here." I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of her palm. She smiled and lifted her head up when she was her brother, "Elijah?" "Hey Clio, looks like you still need me around." Her eyes widened, "" she began to hyperventilate. "Hey," I said drawing her attention back over to me, "We are going to handle this, alright? Don't stress yourself out over this. Whenever you are ready, they can't come in here." She nodded her head into the pillow before turning to her brother, "Sorry I couldn't stay hidden long. I know how much work went into getting me out the first time." He shook his head, "We'll figure it out." She began looking around the room, "Where are Henry and Issac?" "Henry and Issac would be in here too, but if all of us disappeared Mother would notice. I need to leave soon so we can switch out. I am leaving them with her for too long as it is." She nodded. He then looked at the two of us, "I'm going to give you two a moment." He said leaving the room. I sat down next to Clio again and helped her sit up.

(Clio POV)

James helped me sit up and arranged the pillows behind me as I leaned back. "I'm sorry," I softly said. "What are you sorry about?" "I caused all of this. If I had... maybe if I had... I'm sorry" I breathed out. "Hey, hey, hey, you didn't cause any of this." He ran his hand along the side of my face, "None of this is your fault." I looked up at him and I leaned forward and reached out my hand to move the hair from his face. I leaned closer to him, "James." "Clio," he said coming closer to me. "Prince James, Princess Clio your presence is requested in the meeting room." Our foreheads leaned against each other and I closed my eyes. "We should go," I whispered. He nodded against my forehead but, we stayed like this for a moment longer.

"Are you ready to face the monsters?" He asked as he helped me stand up, "Only with you, by my side Sir James." He smiled at me, "I thought that I had won the rights back for you to call me only James." I shrugged, "I think I earned the Sir James this time." We went to the door and I took a deep breath. "If you're not ready, you don't have to do this," "I know, but I need to do this now." We walked hand in hand down to the meeting room.

Both our families were there waiting for us sitting at the tables. "Still ready for this?" James asked. "Well too late to back out now," I said. I went into a curtsey and James bowed, "Your Majesties." We both said. Although our families were here there were still other royal families here and we needed to be respectful. We stood up and saw all eyes on us. "Clio, what are you doing here? Why did you leave home? Why did you not tell me that you were courting Prince James?" Mother started. "Would it have mattered. Mother you told me that I couldn't marry anyone unless it was a Crown Prince that you, father and my brother chose." She turned towards King Rolland and Queen Miranda, "What a ridiculous notion. I don't understand where these lies have come from but, clearly she is no longer well and must come home now." "No, Mother. I am not going with you" She glared into my eyes. "Princess Clio, you are returning home today. We are dissolving whatever courtship you are currently engaged in as you are clearly not in the metal state to be in any type of relationship." Crown Prince Edward then stood up, "Yes Princess Clio, it is clear that you are in need of some help. My kingdom has the best physicians for this kind of thing." He came closer to us and whispered in my ear, "They will help you be more agreeable to me." I shuddered and turned towards James. He pulled me closer to him and glared at Prince Edward. "No," I said again. I remained calm as I said this because if I became hysterical they would be more inclined to believe my family, "I will not."

(James POV)

I maintained my composure but, Prince Edward was really pushing it. "I will not," Clio said again. I turned towards Prince Elijah and other two brothers. Pleading with them to help. They looked like they really wanted to but, kept glancing back over to their mother. Their mother was trying to convince everyone that she was insane and we all know that she was not. "Queen Clarice, we both know that none of this is true," I said staring at her now. "How dare you address me like this. You are nothing but a Knight and a Prince who will never take the crown, I am a Queen." Mom and Dad were shocked by this, "Excuse me, that is our son you are referring to." Mom said angrily. Clarice turned to face her, "I apologize if I offend you." "I am not the one you owe the apology to." "Well you clearly must understand. Look at you a cobbler who married a King. You married your daughter off to the Crown Prince of Albuquerque and now she is in line to be Queen," she started. "I allowed my daughter to marry a man that she loved. That is the only reason why they are married." Clarice huffed at this, "Either way, your daughter is your business and my daughter is mine. She will be coming home." Clio stepped forward, "Don't you understand. That place is not my home."

"You ungrateful girl. Do you know how hard I worked to get you and your brothers to this place in life? I am not going to let you ruin my legacy," She said coming towards Clio. She grabbed onto her arm, "You are coming back. You will do as I say." Clio turned towards her dad who sat silently watching this scene. "You know I knew you never cared about me. That much is clear, but I hope you know how disappointed Andrew must be in you," she turned back towards her Mother. "If you don't want me to be a part of your legacy, then don't include me in your legacy. I declare my intention to remove myself from the line of succession of the kingdom of Corinthia. From this day forward I have no Mother and no Father."

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