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Chapter 16:

(James POV)

-a few days later- (Chapter 18 of Enchancian Curse)

The last week had been a whirlwind and I was relieved that everyone was safe. I was still struggling to calm down after living through that attack and not knowing what was going to happen to my sisters. Now it was time for everyone to come home, so that we can be together as a family again. First I had to send word to Des that it was safe for Amber to return home and that is what I did. I gave Baileywick a small envelope, "Please send this to Coumure to let Princess Amber know that she can come home."

I began walking through the gardens looking for Sofia. I saw her in the gazebo with Hugo as he was down on one knee. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the, Hugo picked her up and began spinning her around. "He finally asked her," I smirked to myself remembering how he showed me the ring. It made me think about Clio and my own relationship with her. All this time apart and almost losing my family made me realize that I was just as scared to lose her as I was to lose them. At the Ball that night I was terrified something would happen to her because, I loved her. I let out a broken breath 'I love her.' I turned to Baileywick, "Please send an invitation to Princess Clio of Corinthia to come here." He nodded and I felt myself growing more excited to see her to tell her everything. It was time to tell everyone in my family. If she still wanted to wait with her own we would but, I needed to tell them. Now the only reaction I had to worry about was Amber's.

(Clio POV)

I huddled under the blanket in the small cabin as I tried to sleep. I kept all the curtains drawn and the doors locked as I waited. I had a few more days here before I had to leave but, I couldn't help but hope that James would send word soon. I knew that I could depend on myself and that I would be able to find a place to stay but, I wanted to be by his side. I also grew worried though as I waited. I knew I had to tell him the truth about everything that had happened but, what if he no longer wanted me. I shuddered at the thought as I tightened my grip around the blanket.

I heard a strong knock at the door and my heart skipped a beat. I fumbled off the bed and hid away in the far corner of the hut where I was able to hide behind some of the animal pelts. I heard the door unlock and held my breath. I heard footsteps move around the cabin before I heard a familiar voice, "Clio." I moved one of the pelts slightly so that I would be able to see who it was. "Issac," I said crawling out. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I hadn't realized how much I would miss my brothers. It wasn't the first time we had spent time apart but, this time felt different almost more permanent. We separated as he handed me an envelope, "Elijah was able to snatch this before Mother saw it. He told me that he promised to give it to you when it arrived." I ripped the envelope open and saw that it was from Enchancia asking me to go there from James. I turned to face Issac, "Thank you."

We were quiet for a moment both having questions to ask but neither knowing how to say them. "Mother is furious. She began sending out search parties for you the moment she found out you were gone. All of them have come back not knowing where you are. She also asked everyone in the castle but, no one knows. She is trying to keep Crown Prince Edward's proposal but, he is starting to pull away and is considering withdrawing his are safe for the time being, but you are going to have to move soon." I nodded. I secretly hoped that she actually missed me but, I knew that wasn't the case. I then let out a breath, "It is from the kingdom of Enchancia, I have been courting Prince James and he invited me to their palace. He doesn't know everything that has been going on but, I plan on telling him and I can hopefully stay there." He nodded as well. "Alright I have to grab some riffles I am going hunting with my friend who owns this cabin so that no one knows that you are here. If you are going to leave wait until you hear the first riffle go off that will be us signaling the all clear." I nodded.

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