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Chapter 8:

(Clio POV)

We rode to James' castle and he took me in through the service entrance. He knew that I we needed to move quickly and I don't think he wanted to answer questions about where he was either. He guided me to Sofia's room, "Take any dress from her closet. She won't notice if anything is missing, she hasn't been here in a few years." I looked back and wondered if any of them would even fit me if she hadn't been here in so long but, I was one of the shorter princesses. I figured I might be able to find something.

I walked into her wardrobe and looked for a gown that she wouldn't notice being gone. I know James said she wouldn't notice but still I wasn't going to take a signature dress or anything. I finally settled on a cream gown that had a pink sash across the center of the waist and was ordained with some pearls. I looked in the mirror and fixed pulling the top half back and let my curls down on the bottom. I came out, carrying Mary's dress. James was facing away and I cleared my throat. He turned and faced me, "Feeling better?" He asked. "Yes, thank you" I said. "Alright. Lets take you home," He said taking my arm guiding me out of the room.

We went down to the stable and James saddled two horses, "We better head off if we are going to get you home before noon." I nodded and turned to James, "Can you do me a favor?" I asked before we set off. He stopped and turned to face me, "Yeah, what do you need?" "When we see my mother, can we not mention that Amber is the one taking the throne?" James was surprised I asked this but, it would be better if my mother didn't know. "Uh- sure if that's what you want, mind telling me why?" He did deserve an explanation I just wish it wasn't as terrible as the truth is, "My mother can be a bit... there is not good word to describe it but, if she thinks that you are heir even in her own head she is going to treat you better. It is horrible and stupid but, we are already going to be pushing our luck today. I'd rather not go further than we have to." James frowned at that and I could feel my heart beating faster but in the end he nodded, "Alright, we won't tell her." "Thank you," I breathed out.

We rode to Corinthia and arrived at the castle. We unmounted from the horses and James had not said anything since we had left. I felt terrible but, if he knew my mother he would understand why I did this as well. "James," I said before we went inside. He stopped and turned to face me, "I did mean what I said last night. I have never wanted to be Queen. My mother doesn't change that." He gave me a small forced smile, "I know Clio. I guess it just hit me that some people do still care about this stuff." "Well I don't, does that count for anything?" I asked. His smile became more real, "Yeah it actually counts for a lot."

We walked inside and headed for the throne room. My mother and father were sitting there waiting for us and I saw a three of my brothers, Elijah, Issac, and Henry, standing along the sides. We approached them and I went into a deep curtsey and James bowed. "Princess Clio, where have you been? And who is this?" She said gesturing over to James. I stood up, "Mother, this is Prince James from Enchancia and he is here because last night he saved my life. I was out with his sister, Princess Sofia, when we were attacked by a monster and I was taken. James was the knight that saved me. When he saved me it was late in the night and we were closer to there castle. It was deemed best that we stayed there until morning." I hoped she believed me. I was pressing my shoulder blades together as her gaze went between the two of us. She then turned to James and smiled, "Thank you Prince James for saving my daughter." James nodded his head, "Of course, Your Majesty." Mother began to think again before saying, "As far as I recall you are the only son in line for your throne, yes." James nodded his head, "Yes, I have 2 sisters, no brothers." My mother smiled as she walked toward us and came closer she then held out her hand to shake James' and I let out a breath of relief. She then turned to face me, "Clio we still need to have that discussion later." I bowed my head, "Yes, ma'am." She walked back and sat next to my father.

My father never really talked when it came to me, he let my mother handle everything. I honestly don't remember if he ever spoke more than 3 words to me. I don't think he even made eye contact with me as I stood down there.

My mother began talking again, "Clio, why don't you escort Prince James out and we can have out little talk?" I went down into a curtsey, "Yes mother." James bowed to and we walked out of the room. We got to the front of the castle and James was getting ready to ride off, "Are you going to be ok?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, see you tomorrow." He nodded. I watched as he rode off before going back inside.

Mother was waiting for me outside my room. "Clio, you didn't think that you were going to sneak away from our discussion again, did you?" I had really hoped I could. My ribs were starting to hurt again and I just wanted to go to bed. I just smiled, "Of course not Mother. What did you want to talk to me about?" She opened the door to my room and walked in behind me. She closed the door and turned to face me, "It is time we talk about your role in this family. Now that this silly singing business is over..." "Mother, it is not over. Just because I am home doesn't change the fact that I want to be-" Slap. "You are a princess. You may think that gives you power but it doesn't. Your entire life is going to be dictated based on who you marry and how you help your kingdom. Stop acting like a spoiled child and learn your place." I felt the sting against my cheek as I looked back up at Mother, "Look what you made me do." She said sighing. "Now that we are done with that foolishness it is time we talk about you role in this family. Your brother is soon going to be King and he is going to need allies it is up to you to marry a crown Prince to bring in another ally." "W-What if I didn't marry a crown prince? What is I married a man I loved and was a prince but, would never be King?" Mother just started laughing, "You can't be serious." She looked at my face and saw that I wasn't joking she frowned, "Clio I thought that you were done with juvenile fantasies you will marry a crown prince and you will be Queen that is how you will help this family. That is your job." I looked down at the ground and Mother came closer stroking her hand across my reddening cheek, "I just want whats best for you. You will understand when you have children." I didn't speak in response to this, talking would not end well. She took a few steps back and refocussed, "I will start sending you to Balls with your brother so that you can find an appropriate match and he can find an ally. It is time for you to grow up and help this family." She left the room and I hugged my knees as I sat on the bed.

Right then and there all I wanted to do was be with James again. I wanted to be back in Doc and Mary's house just talking about the future together. Now I was back here. I wish I never came back to the castle. I had gotten out once, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it again. Only difference is this time I'm not just fighting for my future... I'm fighting for our future.

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