Oh Honey

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Chapter 17:

(James POV)

The days quickly melded together as we approached Sofia's wedding. Clio was acting like her normal self again but, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was still struggling with everything that had happened. She hadn't spoken a word about it since that day in the treehouse and I could only hope she was still reassured that I still wanted to be with her. Clio was staying in one of the guest rooms and I tried to visit her often but, she was often out helping Sofia and Amber. I began throwing myself into my training. Every time I started to relax the thought of Clio's mother finding her crept into my mind and I quickly grew angry again. On this day however, I couldn't allow myself to feel angry. Today was my little sister's wedding and I would not ruin it.

I waited with the other groomsmen and I grinned as I watched Hugo becoming more nervous. I sat next to Desmond and was glad that they were going to be family. Pretty soon Hugo left and we lined up with the bridesmaids. I saw Clio and stood next to her, "You look breathtaking." I whispered in her ear. She leaned against my arm and rested her head on my shoulder as we waited to walk down. I decided then, that today was not going to be the day that we talked about all of this. Today was just going to be about enjoying each other's company. We walked down the aisle together and watched the ceremony. Clio's eyes were glued on Sofia and Hugo, while mine were on her. We spent the rest of the night dancing. We talked, we just didn't say anything that mattered. Despite, how hard I was trying to ignore it we both knew what was still hanging in the air, but that was for tomorrow. Tonight I was going to focus on my beautiful princess that I was holding in my arms.

(Clio POV)

The day went by quickly and the next morning I watched as Sofia and Hugo headed off on their honeymoon. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them fly off. I turned to look at James and he was smiling too. These past few days since I told him what happened we hadn't seen each other much. I tried to visit James a few times but, he was always out training with the other knights and I never wanted to disturb that but, today we were at each other's sides and it felt nice. I was honored when Sofia had asked me to be a bridesmaid and I was glad that it was James walking me down the aisle. He danced with me a few times at the reception but no words of substance had been exchanged between us and I think it was because neither of us knew what to say. We experienced a lot within the early stages of our courtship and there was still so many unknowns.

"Princess Clio," I turned and saw King Rolland and Queen Miranda disrupting my thoughts. I went down into a curtsey, "There is no need for that." Queen Miranda said gesturing for me to stand. James then came over and stood next to me, "Is something wrong?" The Queen shook her head, "No, dear nothing is wrong. We just noticed that none of your family was able to make it today." The mention of my family made me nervous. James noticed and held my hand offering a reassuring squeeze. "I apologize for their lack of attendance, they didn't mean to offend you or the kingdom of Enchancia" I forced a smile. "We are not offended," Queen Miranda started, "we were just curious. We didn't send out an invitation because it we were told that you would be the one to send word to them. Did you hear back from them?" I started looking at the ground not sure how to respond. I didn't send word to anyone in my family worried the Mother would see it. James and I both didn't expect there to be follow up. I was shaking slightly. King Rolland then spoke, "Princess Clio, do they know that you are here?" "The-They... I-I..." I turned to look at James before looking back at the ground. "Princess Clio?" I looked up at him as I felt tears form in my eyes. "Please don't tell them where I am" I breathed out.

They exchanged another look before Queen Miranda came closer to me, "Let's go inside and we can talk about this more." She wrapped her arms around me and guided me inside. I felt James let go of my hand but my eyes were focused on the ground as we walked into the castle. She guided me into a warm library near the fireplace. She sat across from me and I kept staring at my lap, "Princess Clio would you like to talk about it?" I started to cry and I felt arms wrap around me, "Oh honey." Her embrace was warm and loving. I could only think about how I never experienced anything like this before. I buried my head into her shoulder.

(James POV)

I watched as Mom guided Clio back in the house but I could see that Dad still wanted to talk to me and I stayed planted to the ground. I watched as she went into the castle. "Why don't her parents know where she is?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "Dad her family... her parents..." I let out a breath, "It is very complicated but let's just say that it is better if they don't know where she is." "That is not enough son, I need to know what is going on so that I could help her..." "Dad" I brought my hands to my face, "I don't know what to do. So much has happened and I just don't know what to do anymore." He sighed, "James, we will figure this out together, alright?" I nodded. He placed a hand on my shoulder, "Now we already invited Clio's family to the castle..." "WHAT!" I shouted. "James, I had to let her family know they were worried sick. I understand that family's fight that is only natural but," "No, you don't understand. You don't know all the work and planning it took to get her out of there. You don't know everything that has happened and now you invited them back into this. I have to find Clio and get her out of here." I said, running into the palace.

I began navigating through the hallways asking some of the maids where they were. Corinthia wasn't far and if her family was on their way we only had a small window to get her out. I found Clio and Mom in the library and I felt bad interrupting their hug, because it was clear that Clio needed it, but we had to move quickly. "Clio, we need to leave now" I said. She looked up at me confused, "James, what's wrong?" "Your parents are on their way" I said quickly. I saw the blood drain from her face, "What?' "We need to leave now," I said going to take her hand. "James, is that really necessary. They're her family I'm sure whatever the problem is it can easily be resolved." Clio turned to face her, "Y-you knew that they were coming?" She asked. Mom nodded, "Yes, the king invited them. I wasn't sure if we should but, seeing as you two are courting..." "You told my parents that we are courting?" Clio asked her eyes on the brink of tears. "Yes, didn't they already know?" She turned to face me, "James." I nodded and grabbed her hand. "The horses are ready in the stable we'll leave now."

(Clio POV)

We rushed through the castle running as fast as we could. We were almost out to the stable as we cut through the grand foyer. "May I present the Royal Family of Corinthia: King Xavier, Queen Clarice, Crown Prince Elijah, Prince Henry and Prince Issac. May I also present Crown Prince Edward of Welshire" Baileywick's voice echoed as my feet became planted to the ground. My blood went ice cold and I felt James' grip on my hand tighten. "Princess Clio," Mother's voice sliced through the silence. I turned to face her, "You truly are far from home." I was frozen in my place.

I knew that others around me were talking but as I locked eyes with him I could no longer feel anything. Prince Edward was scanning me up and down. "Clio," James's voice beckoned me from my fog. "Guards, bring over Princess Clio," I heard a voice command. I watched as four guards approached us. Two grabbed my arms and began dragging me forward, the other two were holding James back. "Let me go" I screamed as I tried to get out of their grip. "What is going on here?" Amber's voice sounded over the chaos. The guards grip momentarily loosened and I ran back to James. I threw myself in his arms. I watched as the guards approached us again, "J-J-James" I stuttered out before everything went dark.

(James POV)

Clio collapsed into my arms as the guards came closer to us. I cradled her in my arms as the guards came closer. I looked up at them, "Don't you dare lay a finger on her." I growled. I picked her up and began to carry her, "Where are you taking my daughter?" Her mother demanded. I turned to face her, "I'm taking her somewhere she can rest. Clearly she needs it, we will deal with everything else later." I turned back and stated carrying her up the stairs, "How dare you address me so informally..." I continued to walk in silence "Prince James, I am speaking with you..." I refused to give her the satisfaction of turning back. Amber walked alongside me as I carried Clio. I could hear her voice in the background but, I continued walking until we reached my chambers. I laid her down on my bed and watched over her for a moment. I knelt down beside her, "I promise we will figure this out. I'm not letting you go back." I turned to face Amber, "Can you watch over her for a second." "Of course James," she said taking my seat. I saw two guards coming down the hallway, "You two." They came over, "The King and Queen of Corinthia and Prince Edward of Welshire are not permitted in here under any circumstances." "Yes Prince James," I nodded as they stood guard and went back over to Clio. I wasn't leaving her anytime soon especially with them in the castle. Amber looked over at me, "I'm going to give you two a moment." She said standing up and leaving the room, not that I really noticed. My focus was solely on Clio in that moment. I held onto her hand like we did that night and continued to watch over her in silence.

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