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Chapter 19:

(Clio POV)

"If you don't want me to be a part of your legacy, then don't include me in your legacy. I declare my intention to remove myself from the line of succession of the kingdom of Corinthia. From this day forward I have no Mother and no Father," I said. I couldn't believe that I was saying this but, it felt like the right thing to do. She grabbed my arm and pulled me forward, "You won't do this. I won't allow it. You are coming home now." I looked her in the eye, "I am an adult now, I renounce my claim to any type of title or citizenship to Corinthia and I renounce you as my family, you have no power over me anymore." Prince Edward came closer, "Now, now Princess Clio. Don't do anything rash. We don't want to ruin our engagement." At this point James and I both had enough, "We are not engaged. You are a pompous, disgusting monster. I would rather die than spend the rest of my life with you." I said to him. His face darkened his grip was tight on both my arms, "I was promised. I was promised you'd be my obedient wife. You idiotic little..." He raised a hand to strike me. I closed my eyes and braced myself but, I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and saw him on the ground as James stood over him, "Boom goes the cannon." The guards came and dragged him out of the room. King Rolland stood up, "I am not entirely sure what just happened, but I think that it is best if you leave. Guards please escort them out of here." The guards came in and brought my Mother and Father out of the room.

Queen Miranda turned to face us, "Would someone please explain everything that just happened?" We all looked at one another before I took a breath, "I think I might be the best to offer explanation." I told everyone in the room everything. I told them about Andrew, the arranged marriage, the times that she hit me and more. Everyone in the room was silent, no one had heard the entire story before. My brothers knew bits and pieces of it as did James but, they didn't know about the times she physically hurt me. I even talked about times when we were students at Royal Prep, Mother used to lock me away in my room for days claiming that I was sick so that she could control what I was doing. Andrew was the only one who knew about that.

No one knew what to say. Everyone was quiet and none were able to look me in the eye. I turned towards my brothers, "Clio" Issac started as he stood up. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me soon followed by Henry and Elijah. "She is going to kill all of you, if you don't leave soon." I whispered in the embrace. Henry held onto us tighter, "She can wait," but Elijah was beginning to worry. He was the first to pull away from the hug, "We will figure everything out Clio." I just smiled, "Don't worry about me, I'm free now."

(James POV)

As Clio and her brothers had their moment my family and I all silently signaled that we were going to give them some time. We went out into the hallway. I turned over to my parents, "We aren't allies with Welshire right?" Dad stepped in, "We are involved with some trade with them but, not much else." I turned to Amber, "I wouldn't rely on their continued trade anymore." Amber just shook her head, "You think that is what I'm worried about? Are you ok?" I shrugged. I was so overwhelmed with everything that had happened recently that I wasn't sure what I felt anymore, "I just want to talk to Clio." She nodded towards me.

I waited outside the meeting room with Amber. Our parents went off a while ago and I just waited for Clio. "Why didn't you tell me about any of this?" Amber asked as she sat next to me. "When we first started hanging out it was just easier to keep it between the two of us. I didn't know anything about what her Mother had done or any of it. I didn't know how bad it was, she never wanted to talk about it. I just wanted to make her happy. When she finally told me more I just wanted to keep her safe at that point." Amber wrapped an arm around me, "Well I guess Clio is happy, she has had a crush on you for years." "She did?" I asked turning my head over to her. I remembered Clio saying something like that when we were with Doc and Mary but, I didn't know if it was the truth. "Boys are clueless," "Well what about you? Desmond had a crush on you for years and you didn't notice." "Touché little brother. Touché," she murmured.

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