A Monster's Return

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Chapter 5:

(James POV)

I immediately recognized that sound when I heard it. How did the Roc get back here? I drew my sword and then my attention refocused on Amber, "Clio, run to the coach and go to the castle now." "James what is going on?" She asked, but I was trying to look for the direction that it was coming in. I needed Clio to get out of here before she something happened to her again. "Clio you need to leave now." But it was too late.

The Roc began swooping down and up in the village. The talon that I had put Desmond's cuff on was gone. The Roc must have done something to remove the appendage. It went down to grab me and it slashed my right shoulder as I slipped through. I fell to the ground and I heard Clio, "JAMES!" She ran over to me as I was on the ground. I started shaking my head, "Clio go to the carriage get to safety." Her lips parted as I saw the Roc flying over us again. I tried to push her out of the way but, I was too late. The Roc got a firm grasp on Clio and began to fly away.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I stood up trying to follow the bird screaming for Clio but, it was soon out of sight. It had flown in the direction of its nest and I knew that I could get there fast. I threw on a piece of gaze over the cuts and threw on my chest plate and some arm guards before riding off. I just started courting this princess and I wasn't going to lose her so quickly.

(Clio POV)

I don't even remember what led to this happening. I remember hearing a noise similar to the one I heard that day in the caravan. I remember James immediately jump into action when he heard the noise as well. I remember James falling to the ground and rushing over to him. Then it all went blank.

The next thing I remember I was in a dark cave in some type of nest. I could feel bruises forming along my waist and some shallow cuts but nothing life threatening. I lifted myself up into a seated position and tried to get a better look around. I began to crawl forward when I felt something brush up against my leg. I turned back and saw a long severed talon with some type of cuff near the top. I shuddered back falling into the bones of some type of animals. I scooted back further away until I was along the edge of the nest.

I pulled myself up to see if I could find a way out. There was an opening at the mouth of the cave that I might have been able to make a run for but, before I could even climb out of the nest I saw the giant bird flying around blocking the exit. I slid back down into the nest. I had to play this smart. I wasn't positive but it was a definite possibility that my ribs were broken and even if I was able to make a run for the exit that bird would probably see me coming and I would be in real trouble. Staying in the nest however, is only a temporary solution because if at any point the bird comes in I have no way of getting out. I started playing with the charm on my bracelet. I then looked at the small glass charm and remembered something...


James and I had gone riding and for once we weren't racing. We had been talking and enjoying each others' company. We stopped for a moment, thinking about walking for a little, giving the horse a break, and James went into his saddle bag, "Clio, I hope you don't mind but, I got you something." I smiled, "You didn't need to get me anything." He rolled his eyes, "It is your birthday, of course I had to get you something." I smiled, "You remember my birthday?" I was surprised at this because after I had left Royal Prep I didn't really celebrate my birthday, no one really ever remembered. "Of course I remember Clio. It isn't much..." He started as I unwrapped the clumsy wrapping paper that was wrapped in layers of tape. I then saw a small bracelet that was a piece of black rope with a small clear glass charm with lilies painted on it. I picked it up and saw that something was inside the charm. James saw me looking at it and explained, "If you are ever in trouble and need to make a quick getaway or to disappear break the charm and run. A smoke screen will come out and give you the opportunity to get away." I smiled up at him, "You don't think I can take care of myself?" I joked but, James was taking this one more seriously, "I know that you can take care of yourself but, this is a safety net. I don't want to see something bad happen to you." It was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for me, "I love it James. Thank you."

It has a smoke screen. "James you are a freaking genius" I muttered to myself. I need to do this carefully, I only had one shoot and if I blew it that was it. I needed to buy time to either get myself out or for James to come and get me.

(James POV)

I had to get to her. I had to save her. Those were the only thoughts that were going through my mind. As I approached the mountain I saw the Roc circling close to where his nest is. That is where Clio is, I thought to myself as I began riding up the incline. As it got steeper I unmounted from my horse and tied the reigns to a nearby branch and started making my way up on foot. I was grateful I wasn't in my full armor, it would only slow me down.

In Chivalry Hall they told us to never rush into fighting a monster, to think and come up with a plan instead of jumping blindly into a dangerous situation, but right now I was more concerned about the danger Clio was in to even think about any of that. "Just hold on Clio" I said to myself, "just hold on."

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