One Week

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Chapter 12:

(Clio POV)

Time passed quickly as I prepared to escape this place but, tonight was when the Ball was happening in Enchancia and I couldn't wait to see James. I had to tell him about my plan tonight. I was going to need his help and he needed to be aware of everything that was going on. I also couldn't help but smile, we hadn't seen each other in awhile and I wanted to see him again. I was getting ready for the Ball putting on some gown that Mother had picked out. This one wasn't as bad as some of the others and I didn't mind wearing it as much. It was an off the shoulder, V-neck red sequined gown. It went in and the waist and flowed down to the ground. I wore my hair down with some elaborate braids on top as my curls cascaded down my back. I wore the two bracelets James had given me and a silver crown with rubies.

I left my room and saw Elijah waiting for me. He took my arm silently and we walked down to the foyer where Mother was waiting. She looked me over, "You look presentable Clio." I nodded my head, "Thank you Mother." She then turned over to Elijah, "There will be a lot of potential allies tonight, I think you should defiantly be determining which kingdom you want an alliance with tonight so we can begin arranging the match." My stomach churned as she talked about me getting married as nothing more than a business proposition, like that was all that was important right now. She turned back toward me, "Make sure to smile Clio, no one likes to see a frown." She said lifting up my chin forcing me to look up. I forced out a smile, "Better. Off you two go." We both nodded our heads and went into the carriage.

We flew off and headed to the Ball. I was bouncing my leg nervously as we approached and Elijah seemed to notice. "Clio why are you so nervous? You know that I am not going to try and use you to force an alliance with one of these kingdoms. We are just going to go to the Ball, go home and continue planning your escape from Mother," I nodded. It was true but, it wasn't why I was nervous. I took a deep breath, "I know. I know the plan." I looked down at my lap, "Clio..." He started and I turned to face him again, "Yes." He sighed, "If Mother tries to disown you or something like that, I want you to know that, that is only her. As far as Henry, Issac and I are concerned you're still going to be our little sister and you are still going to be a member of our family. When I get into power, I will reinstate your title if that is what you want." I smiled and gave him a hug. He was trying and I know what he was thinking and it felt so good to know that I had all my brothers in my corner, behind Mother's back.

We landed in front of the castle and went into the ballroom. Elijah began making small talk with some of the princes from different kingdoms and I ran into some princesses from Royal Prep and talked to them as I waited. I then saw them walk in. King Rolland and Queen Miranda, Amber, Sofia and James. I smiled up toward James. It was a reflex and Elijah seemed to notice as he nudged me in the side, "Isn't that the knight" he whispered. I nodded my head, "Yes, that is James." He didn't say anything else after that but, I knew that we were going to have to talk about it when we got home. We watched as the King and Queen opened the dance floor and I kept looking over at James as he stood beside his sisters. He looked worried about something and I wished I knew what. I watched as the first dance ended and Amber and Sofia were approached by Prince Desmond and Prince Hugo. I looked over at Elijah, "I will talk to you in a bit." He nodded as he saw where I was heading, "Have fun." I rolled my eyes and walked over to James.

I went down into a curtsey, "Hello Sir James." I said smiling as I stood up. He laughed at this and I saw the worry fade from his eyes for a moment. He went into a bow, "Princess Clio." We both stood up and I knew that I had to tell him. "James" "Clio" We both started and laughed. He held out his hand, "May I have this dance?" I nodded and took his hand. Instead of guiding me to the dance floor though he led me to a hallway in the back of the ballroom where we wouldn't be seen. He bowed in front of me and I went into a curtsey. He wrapped an arm around my waist and grabbed my right hand. I put my left hand on his shoulder and smiled as we began to dance. I missed him more than I realized and I moved my hand from his hand and wrapped it around his neck as I leaned in closer. I rested my head on his shoulder and he did the same.

"James," I began to speak. He looked me in the eyes, "Yes Clio." I opened my mouth when we heard glass shatter. James' eyes widened, "Clio you need to get out of here now." He said as he went to the doorway to the ballroom. I ran after him, "James what is going on?" I asked following him into the ballroom. He looked around the room and went towards one of the suits of armors taking the sword. "Clio, you need to..." He started again but then he saw that the room was completely surrounded by vines. Soon all the lights went out and James held out one arm in front of me protecting me and holding up the sword with the other. It was eerily quiet. A flash of lightning came down in the middle of the room and I kept looking at James but, he wasn't saying anything. A cyclone of smoke came and a man emerged. "James," I whispered. He was focused on the man.

The man then demanded for the Enchancian Princesses and when Sofia and Amber didn't come forward he cast a spell that forced them to come forward. I couldn't hear what was going on but, I could see James torn between leaving me and going further into the crowd to see his sisters. The man then shouted for the entire room to hear, "I choose Princess Sofia to be my bride." My blood went ice cold. What was going on here? The vines was leaving the room and James was standing still. I put my hand on his shoulder. He turned to face me and I knew I couldn't tell him now. He took my hand and brought me over to my brother. "Please keep her safe," James said as he placed my hand in my brothers'. Elijah nodded, "Of course." James nodded and began walking away. I put my hand on his shoulder and when he turned around I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace. "Get her back and stay safe, when you come back send for me Ok." He nodded and I left with Elijah.

As we rode back, I was trying to process everything that had happened. Elijah then spoke, "I don't understand Clio. You said you didn't want to marry a Prince, that you didn't want to be Queen. But, you clearly have feelings for Prince James." "He isn't a Crown Prince. His twin sister is next in line for the throne and she is taking it. Neither of us want to be King and Queen." I looked numbly down at my lap. I couldn't help but worry about James. He stopped telling me about his missions because of this. I could feel knots forming in my stomach as I worried about what would happen to him. I think Elijah knew that something was going on but, he didn't say anything. He just held onto me and let me sit there worrying about what was going to happen. We got closer to Corinthia when he spoke, "When are you going to leave?" I looked over at him, "I can't leave without telling James." He looked me in the eyes and sighed, "Clio you can't wait that long, he is on a mission right now to save his sister and you don't know how long it will be until he comes back. The longer you wait the more likely Mother is going to arrange something that we can't undo." I knew he was right. I turned to face him, "One week. If he doesn't come back and I don't hear from him in one week I'm going to go. But, you have to promise me you are going to tell him why I left. And that I hope we can see each other again." Elijah nodded. "I promise Clio." We sat quietly before he muttered, "You said it wasn't for some boy." He was right I had said that. But, it wasn't for some boy, it wasn't for any boy he just gave me the strength to finally fight for what I wanted and what I wanted was to be free. And in one week I was going to be free. I just felt a weight on my chest as I worried about whether or not James would be a part of that freedom.

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