Nighttime Talks

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Chapter 6:

(Clio POV)

I backed up to the side of the nest closest to the mouth of the cave. I thought out the best plan I could think of and was waiting for the Roc to fly in before using the smoke screen and getting out of here. I thought about what James had told me from when he was at Chivalry Hall. I was being as smart about this as I could be and waited. My hands were shaking as I held onto the charm in my hand. I would break it under my shoe when the bird was all the way in the cave and then I was going to run out of there and find somewhere safe before the smoke dissipated. After I would just have to wait until I could get out of there. I heard the bird screeched and I shuddered. I needed to stay calm. If I got scared, I was more likely to make a mistake. I heard a thud and saw the Roc come into the cave and towards the nest. I stomped on the charm and watched as smoke filled the room.

(James POV)

I was getting closer and closer to the Roc's nest that was in the cave. I saw the Roc land and enter the cave and knew I had to hurry. If Clio was safe she wouldn't be for long if she was now in the Roc. I made my way to the mouth of the cave when I saw smoke start to pour out. The smoke screen I gave Clio. I saw a figure run out and saw Clio crash into my arms. "J-J-James..." she said. I separated from her, "Clio I need you to start going down the mountain, I will be there soon but, first I have to deal with this." She nodded and began running down.

I refocused on the cave and unsheathed my sword. I knew that the smoke wouldn't stay for long so I had to move quickly. I went into the cave and saw the shadow of the Roc. Go for the wings I thought. I quickly ran in closer and went for the wings. I was able to cut one clean off but the monster turned to faced me and its large beak came for me and the tip slashed my arm. The moments that followed were an adrenaline filled blackout. All I remember was leaving the cave knowing that, that monster was never going to hurt anyone, especially Clio again.

I made my way down the mountain and saw Clio by my horse. I finally got a good look at her and saw that she was clutching her sides where the monster had grabbed her and could see stain from some cuts. "Are you ok?" I asked. She smiled up at me, "I'll be fine, but what about you?" Her eyes drifted to my arm. "Clio it's nothing..." I started but she immediately ripped off some of the fabric from her dress and began pressing it into the wound. "Come on, we need to get you to a doctor," she said. We rode to a small physician I knew about that was nearby in silence.

We went into a small cabin and I saw the doctor and his wife. "Sir James," "Hello Doctor Jones. Mary." He looked at the fabric on my arm and saw the gauze poking out from under my armor, "Come into the examination room." I shook my head, "You need to examine her first." She turned to face me, "James you are the one that is bleeding..." "Clio," I said stopping her. I grabbed her arm, "You are going first." She opened and closed her mouth before nodding her head. She was still holding onto her both her sides, crossing her arms against her chest, as she walked into the examination room. Doctor Jones and Mary followed her and I sat down. I removed the piece of armor that was over my shoulder. I saw that the gauze I had put on was a bright red but, that wasn't important. I just needed Clio to be ok.

(Clio POV)

I walked into the small exam room. I sat down on a small table as the doctor approached me. "May I, Miss?" He asked and I nodded. He began the examination and looked over all the wounds I had received. "Well you broke some of your ribs and you have some flesh wounds but, it looks like you are going to be ok." I nodded, "Thank you." We walked out of the room and I looked over at James who stood up when he saw me come out, "How is she?" Doctor Jones then spoke, "She has a few broken ribs but, she will be alright in a few weeks." James nodded but didn't seem to believe it, "James I'm fine. But, now it is your turn." He gave me a look but I shook my head, "Your turn." My voice was calm but, James knew that he had to go in. I was going to sit where he sat but he held my hand. I looked him in the eye and saw that he didn't want me to leave him and I nodded.

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