Clio's Side

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Chapter 7:

(James POV)

I woke up the next morning half hanging over the side of the bed and saw my hand still interlocked with Clio's. I smiled as I saw she was still asleep. I carefully removed my hand from hers and tucked it next to her as she continued to sleep. I went down the stairs and saw Doc and Mary were waiting for me. "Sir James, would you like something to eat?" Mary asked. "Yes thank you ma'am," I said taking a seat at their table. I didn't tell either of them that I was a Prince and I didn't plan on telling them.

They were people I met when I was coming to Enchancia. I didn't want to use the royal physician because I didn't want to worry my family and I had heard about Doc here. When I came to meet them I thought about telling them who I was but, they treated me so casually and as there equal. I enjoyed it. I never really liked the whole bowing thing and it was refreshing to be around them. I had come here a few times since first meeting them on other missions I went on with Desmond and they always patched me right up. It was never anything major like this before though.

Mary put down a plate of eggs and hash in front of me, "Thank you." I said before picking up the fork and knife. Not long after I finished I heard Clio coming down the stairs. I turned and saw her. Her gown was tattered, her curls were all over the place and she wasn't wearing any of her usual make up and yet, she still was the prettiest princess I had even seen. "Good morning everyone," she said as she sat next to me at the table. Mary placed down a plate in front of her. Clio looked up at her, "Thank you." She began to eat and listened as we all talked. Doc then asked, "So how did a noble lady like yourself end up with this knight?" Clio and I exchanged a glance and Doc and Mary laughed, "Only noblewoman have access to these types of fabric." Mary said gesturing to Clio's gown. Clio then spoke, "We used to go to school together, and I was friends with his sisters."

Mary then leaned in, "So tell me more." Clio laughed and started talking again, "Well I had a crush on him for a long time and started to go over their house more often..." "To get more face time, makes perfect sense," Mary said as Clio paused, "But he never seemed to understand that I was trying to get his attention." Mary rolled her eyes, "Men, they never do." Doc then chimed in, "Hey." Mary faced him, "How long did we know each other before you asked me out?" He thought back, "I don't know, about a year?" Mary nodded, "Yes, a year. Did you really think I was so accident prone I needed to visit the Doctor every other week? I was trying to get your attention." Clio and I laughed as Doc sunk back into his chair. Mary then refocused on Clio, "So how did you two finally end up together?" Clio started, "We didn't back then. We both graduated and went to different schools and lost touch for a while..." "Oh no," Mary said sounding so disappointed. Doc tried to speak again, "Mary they clearly-" "Shhhhh, I want to see where this goes," Mary said bringing her finger to her lip, before he could finish the thought. Clio and I laughed again as she turned to look at me, "One day in a village near where we both used to live" she isn't completely wrong we used to live in different kingdoms and that village was on the border, "there was a monster attack and I was one of the people who was there. I got trapped beneath the rubble. Thankfully a knight showed up and saved us." I held her hand as she smiled at me, "Aren't you two so sweet. How did he ask you out?" Clio was still looking at me smirked, "Yes James, how did you ask me out? I believe it went something along the lines of 'Clio, would you like to spend time together soon?'" Doc and Mary had a good laugh at this and I did too, "Not my finest moment. I was just nervous," I said but Clio kept smiling at me, "I found it endearing and I couldn't say no. Even though after that he never contacted me. I had to write a letter after a certain point," Mary took a wash cloth and hit James on the arm that wasn't hurt, "What is wrong with you? She is a delight." "I let doubt cloud my judgement, I shouldn't have and thankfully she is a lot braver than me," I said. "Well one of us has to be Sir James," of course I thought to myself. We continued talking and I had never seen Clio so relaxed around others before. When the crown was gone she had the opportunity to be free and she was enjoying it.

Mary sighed, "You two are so sweet, must be newlyweds. How long have you been married?" I took the lead on this one, "About 3 months?" I said adding a hint of question to my voice and Clio nodded, "3 months last week." Mary smiled at the two of us. Clio's eyes then widened and I turned and saw a clock behind me. It was getting late now and Clio had never explained why she wasn't home nor had I. I turned back to Doc and Mary, "We better head out. It is getting late and we are needed back at home." Clio nodded before looking back over at them, "It was lovely to meet you both." Mary smiled, "Same here, come back any time. Especially when this one here inevitably makes a mistake." James mocked offense, "Mary you've known her for a day and already like her better than me." Mary smiled, "It doesn't take long for people to like others better than you Sir James." She then turned to Clio, "Would you like a dress before you go? It won't be anything fancy but, it will be clean and not tattered." Clio looked down at her dress and nodded, "Thank you." Clio went up with her and Doc tossed me a new shirt, "Here you'll need something clean too." "Thank you," I said throwing it over my head.

Clio came down in a simple pale pin dress and she had tied her hair in a loose braid. "You ready?" I asked, she smiled and nodded. She turned back to Mary, "Thank you for everything." "Of course, and next time you have to tell me more about your singing," She nodded, "I will." She walked over to me and took my arm. I led her outside to the horse and we rode off a little bit before we stopped. We needn't to come up with an explanation as to why we were gone all night and I could tell that Clio was nervous ever since she looked at the clock.

"J-James, what are we going to do? I can't go back dressed like this. I'm going to be in so much trouble for not coming back to the castle last night. They are going to kill me," She was quickly saying as she began pacing back and forth. "Clio," I said stopping her, "It's going to be ok. We are going to go to my family castle and get you a new dress, one of Sofia's or something. Then I will take you back home and we will tell them that while you were spending time with my sister Sofia, there was a monster attack and I was the knight that was sent out. When I got you to safety it was late and you came back to my castle." Clio began to nod, "T-That could work." I held Clio for a moment and felt her shake, trembling in fear. I held her until she was calmer and then we set off for my castle.

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