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Chapter 13:

(Clio POV)

Elijah and I got back to the castle and found mother waiting for us in the foyer, "What are you two doing home so soon?" She accusingly asked. I looked down at the ground knowing she didn't want to hear my response, "There was an attack on the Ball and they took Princess Sofia, everyone left after that." Mother nodded, "I see." She stood up and sighed, "Such a shame, I was hoping that you would have finalized the alliance today. Oh well, there is another Ball in two days you will secure it there." She stood up and left the room and I continued to stare at the ground not sure what to say. She didn't care about what happened or who was hurt. All she cared about was a stupid marriage I didn't want to a Crown Prince of my brother's choosing.

Elijah walked over to me and wrapped an arm around me, "Why don't we go to bed?" I nodded. We walked up the stairs and I went into my room. "One week, Clio," he said encouragingly and I nodded, "Yeah one week." It didn't sound as strong or as powerful as I wanted it to but, Elijah didn't seem to notice. I watched as he walked down the hallway before I closed the door. The events of that evening began to feel more overwhelming. I didn't know what to think or what to do. All I wanted to do though was be with James. Even with everything that happened I though back to dancing in that hallway, just James and I, and I couldn't help but smile as I thought about it. I closed my eyes and focused on that warm thought. I knew that things were becoming more complicated but, I wanted to feel good for a little while longer.

My thoughts were more clouded when I woke up. The sun was barely coming up as I looked out the window and I decided to stay in bed for as long as I could. I then heard a knock on the door and knew that I had to get out of bed. I rolled myself to the side farthest from the door and walked around slowly just wanting to prolong the inevitable interaction I knew I was going to have. I opened the door slightly and saw Mother standing there. "Clio," She said widening the opening of the door and coming into my room. She then took my arm and began guiding me my closet, "Mother what is going on?" I asked. She looked back over at me, "Well seeing as last nights ball was a bust, I have asked your father to invite some of the kingdoms, with eligible Crown Princes, that we are looking into getting an alliance with over for a luncheon. We must get you presentable." She said rummaging through my gowns. I felt my blood run cold. When I was with Elijah at these events I could get away with not talking to Crown Princes especially after what we talked about, but now Mother would be overseeing everything and that made it a lot more difficult. Mother pulled down one of my older gowns that didn't fit right anymore and smiled as she held it against my chest, "This one will do quite nicely." She smiled forcing the garment into my hands. "M-Mother, this gown is from when I was in my first year at the School of Arts and Music when I was 14. It doesn't fit anymore." She just shook her head, "Now Clio, you must try harder to secure a proposal. Clearly all your current gowns are not helping your failure, but I believe this one might help. Now stop with this stuttering." She then gestured for a maid, who I had not seen come in, to come closer, "Please help Princess Clio put on this gown and tighten her corset. We will surely secure a match by nightfall." She turned and left the room.

I turned and faced the maid. She was newer from what I had gathered as she was still shaking after her last interaction with my Mother, "Hello." I said and her head snapped up and looked at me. I could then see her hazel eyes between strands of her auburn hair. Her face was decorated in freckles and her mouth seemed to be cemented in a straight line. "Hello Princess Clio, should we get started." She said gesturing to the fabric in my hands. I sighed, "I suppose we should. Pray tell what is your name I can't quite place it." I asked as she came closer and took the dress from my hand. "You wouldn't princess, I began working shortly after your return home and primarily in the kitchen. I am covering for a friend today which is why I'm in the upper levels of the palace today." She placed the dress down on a small bench before picking up one of the many sized corsets as I nodded, "And what is your name?" Her eyes widened at my question as it was the second time I asked, "Forgive me, I did not mean to..." she sighed, "My names is Ally." I nodded, "Well Ally, please stop referring to me as Princess, it only inflates my ego more than is necessary. Please call me Clio." She smiled briefly at this before her lips went back down into their line, "Very well Clio. Let us begin."

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