Chapter 47: Winning Dad's Heart

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As they sit down to enjoy the breakfast Mon prepared, the aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air, creating a cozy atmosphere around them. Sam takes a bite, savoring the flavors with a contented sigh. "You know," she says with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "I still think you're the best thing on the menu, Mon."

Mon laughs, her heart warmed by Sam's playful teasing. "Flattery will get you everywhere," she replies with a smile, reaching across the table to gently squeeze Sam's hand. "But I'm glad you're enjoying the food."

Between bites, Sam shares her excitement about a weekend vacation she's been planning for the two of them. "I thought we could get away for a couple of days," she explains, her eyes bright with anticipation. "Just you and me, somewhere peaceful and quiet."

Mon's heart swells with happiness at the thought of spending quality time with Sam. "That sounds perfect," she says, her voice filled with warmth. "I can't wait to get away with you, Sam. It's going to be amazing."

Eagerly, Sam pulls out her phone, her eyes shining with excitement as she shows Mon the pictures of the resort they'll be staying at. "Look at this place, Mon," she exclaims, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "It's going to be so much fun!"

Mon's eyes light up as she gazes at the images, her heart racing with anticipation. "It looks amazing, Sam," she replies, her voice filled with excitement. "I can't wait to be there with you."

As they discuss their plans, Sam surprises Mon with an offer. "And after our vacation," she says, her tone filled with sincerity, "you can stay at my house. I'll take care of everything."

Mon hesitates, her mind racing with thoughts of her father's approval. "I'm not sure my dad will go for that," she admits, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

But Sam's determination shines through as she reassures Mon. "Don't worry about your dad," she says confidently, her eyes locked on Mon's. "I'll talk to him. I'll take care of everything, Mon. I promise."

With breakfast finished and plans set for their day, Sam gently reminds Mon to get ready for work. "Time to get ready," Sam says with a smile, her tone gentle yet firm. "I'll drop you off at your office, and later this evening, I'll come pick you up."

Mon nods, grateful for Sam's thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Sam," she replies warmly, rising from the table to start her morning routine. "I'll be ready in no time."

As Mon prepares for the day ahead, she feels a sense of gratitude for Sam's presence in her life. With Sam by her side, she knows that no matter what challenges may arise, they'll always find a way through together.

With the workday drawing to a close, Mon begins to pack up her belongings, eagerly anticipating the evening ahead. As she tidies her desk and gathers her things, her phone lights up with a message from Sam.

"Hey Babe, I'm already waiting for you in the parking lot," the message reads, accompanied by a playful emoji.

A smile spreads across Mon's face as she reads the message, her heart skipping with excitement. Quickly gathering her belongings, she heads towards the parking lot, eager to be reunited with Sam. As she makes her way through the office corridors, she can't help but feel grateful for Sam's thoughtfulness and the love they share.

As they settled into the cozy confines of Sam's car, Sam broached the topic once more, her voice gentle yet hopeful. "Hey, Mon," she began, her eyes filled with warmth, "what do you say about staying at my place until our vacation?"

Mon's heart swelled with affection at Sam's suggestion, but she couldn't ignore the concern gnawing at her. "I wish I could, Sam," she replied softly, her gaze flickering with uncertainty, "but you know my dad won't approve of that."

Just as they delved deeper into their conversation, Mon's phone rang, signaling an incoming call from her dad. With a heavy heart, she answered, her father's disappointed voice echoing through the car. "See, my dad is calling," Mon murmured, a pang of guilt tugging at her. "He might be really disappointed because I didn't come home last night."

With a warm smile, Sam suggested putting Mon's phone on loudspeaker so she could personally speak to Mon's dad. Nodding in agreement, Mon activated the loudspeaker function as the call connected.

"Hello?" Mon's dad's voice came through the line, a hint of concern in his tone.

"Hi, Dad," Sam greeted warmly. "I just wanted to apologize for Mon not being able to come home last night. It was my fault, and I'm really sorry about that."

Mon's dad's voice softened on the other end of the line. "Oh, it's alright, Sam," he replied kindly. "These things happen."

Sam seized the opportunity to broach the topic of Mon staying with her until the end of their vacation. "We're planning to go on vacation until the weekend," she explained, her voice hopeful. "I was wondering if Mon could stay with me until then?"

Mon's dad agreed without hesitation, his approval evident in his voice. "Of course, Sam," he said warmly. "Just take care of Mon, alright?"

Mon couldn't help but feel a wave of curiosity wash over her as she listened to the conversation unfold. Just last night, her dad was upset about her not coming home, and now he was giving his blessing for her to stay with Sam. As the call ended, she couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed, but for now, she was content to bask in the warmth of her dad's approval and Sam's unwavering support.

With a proud grin, Sam turned to Mon, her eyes shining with excitement. "Everything's all set now, Mon," she declared triumphantly. "You can stay with me!"

Mon's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but ask, "What happened? How come my dad suddenly approved?"

Sam's chest swelled with pride as she leaned back in her seat. "Well," she began, a playful glint in her eyes, "turns out I'm your dad's favorite." She couldn't resist a grin as she teased Mon.

Mon chuckled in disbelief, shaking her head in amusement. "Should I be jealous now?" she teased, her eyes dancing with laughter. "So, who's the favorite daughter now?"

As they shared a laugh, Mon couldn't help but feel grateful for Sam's unwavering support and the newfound approval from her dad. With Sam by her side, she knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always find a way through together.

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