Chapter 53: The Unfinished Business

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Under the warm sun of their last day at the resort, Sam and Mon reveled in the joy of their newfound engagement. With laughter and teasing filling the air, they captured precious moments together, snapping photos in every corner of the resort.

Hand in hand, they strolled along the shoreline, the gentle waves lapping at their feet as they shared tender glances and whispered promises of love. Each step was a testament to their unwavering bond, a celebration of the life they had found in each other.

With playful splashes and teasing laughter, Sam and Mon reveled in their carefree moments at the beach. As they dipped in the water, their playful antics escalated, culminating in Mon's graceful tumble into the waves.

Sam's laughter echoed across the shore as she rushed to Mon's side, extending a helping hand to lift her back to her feet. As Mon stood, their faces mere inches apart, their eyes met with an intensity that ignited a spark of passion between them.

"I love you," Sam whispered, her voice filled with warmth and adoration, before sealing her declaration with a kiss so fervent that it seemed to consume them both in its embrace. In that moment, surrounded by the gentle lapping of the waves, Sam and Mon lost themselves in the sweet surrender of their love.

As Sam and Mon gathered their belongings to depart from the resort, Cher and Risa approached them with warm smiles of gratitude. "Thank you both for choosing to stay with us," Cher said, her voice filled with sincerity.

Sam returned the thanks graciously, expressing appreciation for the wonderful accommodations and hospitality they had received during their stay.

Mon's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she turned to Risa and Cher, her heart overflowing with appreciation. "And thank you both for your help with the proposal," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "You truly enlightened me."

Risa beamed with happiness, her eyes sparkling with joy. "We're so happy for you both," she exclaimed, extending her congratulations to Sam and Mon.

Cher couldn't resist a teasing remark, adding with a playful wink, "And remember, after the wedding, our resort is open for your honeymoon."

Sam and Mon shared a laugh, their hearts full of love and gratitude for the unforgettable memories they had created together at the resort.

As Sam and Mon settled into the car, ready to embark on their journey ahead, they exchanged one last glance with Risa and Cher, who stood watching them from the entrance of the resort.

With waves of gratitude and fond farewells exchanged between them, Sam and Mon felt a pang of nostalgia for the beautiful moments they had shared during their stay.

As the car pulled away, carrying them towards their future together, Sam and Mon carried with them the memories of their time at the resort, and the love and warmth of the friendships they had formed there.

As they settled into Sam's house, the warm hues of evening enveloping them, Sam couldn't resist the urge to sneak up behind Mon and wrap her arms around her in a tight back hug.

Startled by the unexpected embrace, Mon turned around with a playful grin. "What's the occasion?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Sam flashed a mischievous smile of her own, her arms still wrapped around Mon. "No occasion, just wanted to hug my favorite person," she replied with a wink, her tone teasing yet tender.

Mon couldn't help but chuckle at Sam's antics, leaning back into her embrace with a contented sigh. "Well, in that case, consider yourself hugged back," she quipped, relishing in the warmth of Sam's embrace.

As the evening settled in, casting a soft glow over the room, Sam turned to Mon with a look of deep gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you for everything," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "You're my lifeline, Mon."

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