Chapter 57: Lost Connection

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As the ambulance screeched to a halt at the hospital, Sam was whisked away to the emergency room, accompanied by Kirk. Anxious and fearful, Kirk fumbled for his phone and dialed Grandmother's number.

When Grandmother picked up, Kirk's voice cracked with emotion as he struggled to convey the news. "It's Sam," he managed to choke out between sobs.

Grandmother, taken aback by the urgency in Kirk's tone, asked with growing concern, "What happened?"

With a heavy heart, Kirk recounted the events to Grandmother, his fear evident in every word he spoke.

Shocked by the news, Grandmother's voice trembled as she instructed Kirk to wait for her at the hospital. With a heavy heart, Kirk ended the call, his eyes fixed on the flurry of activity surrounding Sam as the doctors worked, his own fear mirroring Grandmother's.

Moments later, Grandmother rushed into the hospital, her eyes wide with panic as she exclaimed, "Sam!! Where's Sam? Where's my baby?"

Startled by her sudden arrival, Kirk hurried to her side and gently urged her to calm down. "Sam is being monitored by the doctors," he reassured her, his own voice betraying his anxiety. "They're still running tests."

With a heavy heart, Kirk enveloped Grandmother in a comforting hug, offering what solace he could in the face of uncertainty.

Guiding Grandmother to a nearby seat, Kirk offered her support as she broke down in tears. As she settled, Grandmother's voice trembled as she whispered, "I told Sam to take care of herself." The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, a poignant reminder of the vulnerability and uncertainty of life.

The doctor's somber approach weighed heavily on both Grandmother and Kirk. "Sam's condition is critical," the doctor relayed, his tone grave. "She's unconscious and needs to be closely monitored. We'll be transferring her to the intensive care unit."

As the doctor departed, leaving them reeling from the news, Grandmother's knees threatened to buckle beneath her. Kirk, quick to offer support, steadied her with a comforting embrace, silently sharing in her shock and devastation.

With a heavy heart, Grandmother turned to Kirk, her eyes filled with sorrow. "I'll leave it to you to relay the news to Sam's friends, especially Mon," she said softly, her voice trembling with emotion. Giving his shoulder a gentle pat, she then made her way to the door of the emergency room, where Sam lay unconscious, her thoughts consumed with worry and fear for her beloved grandchild.

The following morning, Mon woke up abruptly, "Sam!!? she calls out Sam's name in a panic.

Gasping for breath, she settled onto the sofa, realizing she had fallen asleep while waiting for Sam the previous night.

Recollecting herself, Mon rose to her feet and began searching for Sam throughout the house. Calling out Sam's name, she checked the kitchen and the poolside, but when she didn't find Sam on the first floor, she hurriedly ascended the stairs to check upstairs. Rushing to Sam's room, she frantically searched inside the closet, but Sam was nowhere to be found.

Mon's heart raced as she descended the stairs, the phone's shrill ring slicing through the air. She hesitated before answering, and the familiar voice of Jim on the other end brought a mix of relief and dread. "Hello?" she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Jim's inquiry about Sam sent a shiver down Mon's spine. "No," she admitted weakly, "I haven't spoken to Sam yet." Her breath caught in her throat as she asked about Jim's progress.

The reassurance in Jim's voice was a lifeline. "I haven't reached Sam either," she confessed.
Jim's concern for Mon was palpable as she pressed for her well-being and location. "Are you okay?" She inquired urgently. "Where are you now?"

Mon's voice trembled as she disclosed her whereabouts. "I'm at Sam's house," she admitted, her anxiety palpable even over the phone.

Jim's promise to be by her side offered a glimmer of comfort in the midst of uncertainty. "I'll be there soon to accompany you," she reassured Mon, her words a beacon of support in the darkness of worry.

Mon's tense vigil was interrupted by the distant rumble of a car engine. With a jolt, she realized it was Jim, accompanied by Kade, Tee, and Yuki, finally arriving at Sam's house. As she swung the door open, relief flooded her at the sight of familiar faces.

Welcoming them into the house, Mon led them to the living room where they all gathered, the weight of worry still heavy in the air despite their presence.

Tee's words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the situation's gravity. "Jim filled us in," Tee began, her voice laced with concern.

Kade's agreement only amplified the tension in the room. "I'm really worried about Sam," she admitted, her voice strained with worry.

Jim's gaze turned to Mon, her concern palpable. "Are you okay?" She asked softly, her eyes searching Mon's for any sign of distress.

Mon shook her head, her eyes glistening with unshed tears betraying the turmoil within. Without a word, Yuki moved to her side, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. "It's going to be okay," Yuki whispered soothingly, her words a gentle balm to Mon's frazzled nerves.

Tee's promise to assist Mon in the search for Sam brought a glimmer of hope to the somber atmosphere. "We'll find her," she vowed resolutely.

Kade's determination mirrored Tee's sentiment. "We'll do everything we can to figure out what happened," she affirmed, her voice steady despite the underlying worry.

As Tee, Kade, and Jim frantically dialed their phones, Yuki remained a steadfast source of comfort for Mon, gently urging her to stay calm amidst the chaos. "We'll find Sam," Yuki reassured, her voice a soothing melody amid the storm of emotions.

Mon's tear-stained face contorted with worry as she voiced her deepest fears to Yuki. "What if Sam left? What if she didn't want to marry me after all?" she fretted, her insecurities surfacing in the midst of uncertainty.

Yuki's response was swift and unwavering. "Don't say that," she admonished gently, her words carrying a weight of conviction. "Sam loves you more than anything," she reminded Mon, her voice brimming with certainty even in the face of doubt.

Tee's attempt to find another avenue of contact for Sam's whereabouts hit a dead end as Mon, Kade, and Jim all shook their heads in unison, indicating they didn't have Sam's grandmother's phone number either.

With a heavy sigh, Tee contemplated other potential connections, her brow furrowed in deep thought as she searched for any lead that could bring them closer to finding Sam.

Tee's hesitant admission hung in the air like a heavy fog, each word laden with uncertainty. "There's one person left," she began, her voice trembling with trepidation.

Jim's inquiry sliced through the tense silence, her urgency palpable. "Who is it?" She demanded, her eyes darting between Tee and the others, searching for answers.

Yuki, Kade, and Mon turned their gaze towards Tee, their collective anticipation mirrored in their anxious expressions, silently urging her to reveal the name.

With a heavy sigh, Tee finally uttered the name that had been weighing on her mind. "Kirk," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking the name aloud made their fears all too real.

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