Chapter 68: Always by Your Side

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Mon returned to Sam's room, clutching her photo tightly as she sank onto the bed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she gazed at the image of Sam, her voice choked with anguish.

"I can't do this without you, Sam," she whispered brokenly, her sobs punctuating each word. "I need you here with me... Why did you have to leave? Why did you have to die?" Her voice cracked with pain, the weight of her loss pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

Her crying grew more intense, her body shaking with each sob. "I just want to be with you," she murmured through her tears. "I can't bear this life without you. I want to be where you are, Sam." The room echoed with her grief, each word a testament to her unbearable sorrow.

Suddenly, a strange calm washed over her. "Yeah.. right," she murmured to herself, a new determination in her eyes. "I need to be where you are. I promised I would always be with you, Sam."

Wiping her tears, Mon stood up, grabbed Sam's car keys, and urgently left the room. Her heart pounded as she headed towards the car, a desperate resolve driving her forward.

When Mon descended the stairs, her friends were still in the living room. They looked up in surprise at the urgency in her steps.

"Mon, what's with the rush?" Tee asked, concern etched on her face.

Mon didn't answer, her eyes fixed straight ahead as she headed for the door. The group exchanged anxious glances before following her urgently, their worry mounting with each passing second.

Mon approached Sam's car with a determined stride. She got in and pulled the door shut, but Tee quickly held it open, her face a mask of intense worry.

"Mon, what are you doing?" Tee demanded, her voice shaking. "You don't know how to drive!"

Mon's eyes were wild with desperation. "I have to be with Sam," she said, her voice trembling but resolute. The rest of the group reached the car, their expressions mirroring Tee's fear and concern.

Mon managed to shut the door and started the engine, her hands trembling as she gripped the steering wheel. Tee, realizing she couldn't stop Mon, turned to Jim, Kade, and Yuki, her voice urgent.

"Get in the car, now!" she shouted. "We have to follow her!"

The three quickly scrambled into Tee's car, their faces etched with fear and worry as they prepared to follow Mon, hoping they could reach her before it was too late.

As Mon's car sped off, Tee floored the gas pedal, racing to catch up. The tension in the car was palpable.

"Someone call Mon, now!" Tee demanded, her knuckles white on the steering wheel.

Jim fumbled for her phone, dialing Mon's number with shaking hands. "Come on, come on, pick up," she muttered anxiously.

Kade and Yuki leaned forward, eyes fixed on Mon's car ahead, their hearts pounding as they prayed she would answer and they could somehow reach her in time.

Jim's phone finally connected, and Mon's frantic voice came through the speaker.

"Mon, pull the car over, please!" Jim pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency.

"No, I need to be with Sam," Mon cried, her voice breaking. "I have to go to her. I promised I’d always be with her!"

Tee swerved around a slow-moving vehicle, the tires screeching. "Mon, this isn't the way! Please, just pull over and we can talk!" Jim continued, desperation seeping into her tone.

But Mon's resolve was unyielding. "I have to go to Sam," she repeated, her sobs making it hard for her to speak clearly. "I need to be where she is. You don't understand!" The line went silent, the sound of the rushing wind filling the void.

Mon abruptly ended the call, leaving a heavy silence in the car.

"Dammit!" Jim yelled, throwing her phone onto the dashboard.

"She's not listening," Yuki said, her voice trembling with fear.

"We have to catch up to her," Tee said through gritted teeth, her eyes focused on Mon's car. "We can't let her do this."

Kade clutched the seat, her knuckles white. "She’s too far ahead. What if we can't reach her in time?"

Tee pushed the car harder, the engine roaring as they sped down the road. "We have to try. We can’t let her go through with this. Hang on, everyone!"

As Mon's car approached a sharp left turn, it swerved violently, the tires screeching against the asphalt. Tee and his friends watched in horror from behind.

"Mon, no!" Tee shouted, but his voice was drowned out by the chaos.

Mon's car skidded off the road and crashed into a tree with a deafening crunch of metal and shattering glass. The group watched in shock, their hearts sinking.

As Mon's car careened out of control, her heart pounded in her chest with a mixture of fear and determination. With a sickening thud, the car collided with the tree, sending shards of glass flying and metal groaning in protest. Pain shot through Mon's body as her seatbelt strained against the impact.

Gasping for breath, Mon's vision blurred with tears as she whispered hoarsely, "Sam... wait for me. I'm coming." Each word was a struggle, but she clung to them with fierce resolve, her mind consumed by the desperate need to be with Sam.

Through the haze of pain and shock, Mon's thoughts were filled with Sam's face, her voice, her touch. Mon reached out, her hand trembling as if trying to grasp onto something that was slipping away. "I'll find you," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the ringing in her ears. "I'll always be where you are, Sam."

"She hit the tree!" Yuki screamed, her hands covering her mouth.

"Hold on!" Tee yelled, slamming on the brakes and bringing their car to a screeching halt. They all scrambled out, racing towards Mon's car.

"Mon! Mon, can you hear us?" Jim shouted, panic rising in her voice as they approached the wreckage.

Amidst the wreckage, Mon lay unconscious, her body twisted among the mangled remains of her car. The air was thick with the smell of gasoline and smoke, the sound of distant sirens echoing in the distance.

Tee and her friends rushed to Mon's side, their hands trembling as they checked for a pulse. "She's still breathing," Kade said, relief evident in her voice, but her expression quickly turned grim. "But it's weak."

"We need to get her out of here," Tee said, her voice urgent as she carefully cradled Mon's head. "We can't lose her."

With gentle but hurried movements, they worked together to carefully extract Mon from the wreckage, their hearts heavy with worry for their friend. "Hang in there, Mon," Jim whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "We're going to get you help."

After the chaos of the crash subsided, the scene was eerie in its stillness. Mon lay motionless on the ground, surrounded by the twisted wreckage of her car. Tee and her friends stood nearby, their faces etched with concern as they waited for help to arrive.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as they watched and waited, the sound of their own breathing the only thing breaking the silence. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as they prayed for the arrival of emergency responders.

Finally, the distant wail of sirens cut through the quiet, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Relief washed over the group as they saw the flashing lights approaching, knowing that help was finally on the way.

But even as the first responders arrived and began their work, the tension remained palpable in the air. Mon's fate hung in the balance, and the outcome was far from certain. All they could do now was wait, clinging to hope as they prayed for her recovery.

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