A Crêpes Date

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It had started as a simple comment, a suggestion at most. Though it was just something Gentaro had said as he had been walking down Takeshita Street, having met Ann along the way. He didn’t mind the company, somewhat appreciating it even. So it turned into the both of them just walking a little, him trying to get his mind a little off the current manuscript he was writing. He needed the break after all, to have his mind wander around a little. And having them around helped a little bit with that.

The two had been talking about something mundane, just the usual everyday stuff.The complain about class and lectures. Oh the life of a university student… He was not going to envy it. He really had dodged a bullet there, didn’t he? And yet, they were amusing stories all the same. Oh the things he sometimes was tempted to add just to twist their stories around a little and at points he did, only leaving them speechless for one second yet laughing the other. “ Yeah, if only life could be like fiction sometimes~ ” They would even add sometimes. If only…

But wasn’t that the beauty of fiction as well? Being fully in control of the story or choosing to see where it goes while writing? Let it stay an escapism… And yet, said escapism sounded more exciting than the world they were living in. Even though he secretly grew more fond of the current days, the days he was experiencing first hand. And everyone around him does play a part in it. Even today was a little amusing. Maybe it’s just the small joys in life getting to him these days, something he had not expected, given his own circumstances.

And yet, the conversation had come to a sudden halt when a smell hit his own nose. An unusual sweet one, a pleasant one. Now he was not someone to stop at such a smell yet this one was a little too tempting. He just couldn’t help himself at this rate. It had even escaped his own lips all of a sudden. “Oh, there’s a sweet smell coming from somewhere…” He had mumbled, though at first it had passed his own head. He had even turned his head to the store nearby… Million Crepes, one of the sweets stores in this era. And they happened to be open! Then again, it was the afternoon. Of course they were open. “I’m tempted to order one.”

“Then go on ahead.” He heard them respond, making him nearly flinch in shock. He was about to ask if they were a mind reader yet it had then dawned on him that he was just saying it out loud. “I can wait right here.”

He turned to them, still a bit surprised. “You don’t want anything?” He asked.

It was met with a quick headshake. “No, I’d… Rather not. Plus I don’t think my stomach could handle an entire crêpe.”

At first he raised an eyebrow, finding this odd to hear. Their… Stomach couldn’t handle it? Then again, if he thought back on some of their meetings at the café it would explain why they barely ordered some food when having a coffee with milk. And if going to eat out with the entire trio he would see Ann only ordering small bits. He was curious at most but that was about it. And yet… He would feel somewhat guilty if he was the only one getting something. “We can share.” It was his next best suggestion.

“Ah— No! You’re ordering it, right? So it’s all yours.”

“But what if I insist?”

“All yours. So—”

“I order it so I can decide what to do with it, correct?”

“Yeah bu—”

“We are sharing.”

“Hah!? Wait a minute— Hey, Gentaro! Get back out here!”

But it had been too late by then, he had already entered the shop and gotten out with a crêpe a little too large for himself alone. His claim was that he ‘had ordered it by accident and now this was too large for himself. He will need their help if he wants to finish it, to not let the money spent go to waste’. Of course that was a lie and they knew that it was. It was not an accident, it was on purpose. And yet, he had not given them a choice in this, not anymore.

As for the flavor he picked… It was a little… Extravagant looking yet it might be common with one on the larger side. Lots of cream, strawberries found within yet also pieces of chocolate as well as a fitting sauce.  Too much for one person (unless you were a certain gambler wandering across Shibuya) yet it would be consumed by the two of them. He would make sure of that.

“Now Ann, open up already~” Gentaro said, unable to hide his smile. This was a little amusing, he had to admit. Seeing them all flustered, still trying to resist. Not to mention that the two were out in public, him trying to feed them as if the two were actually official… Him having too much fun was an understatement here.

“B… But that…” They were trying to protest yet he only got closer to them, crêpe closer into their face as well.

“Oh, you wish for me to do it the hard way now?” He teased, making them flinch on the spot for a moment, their gaze slowly turning back.

“Wh… What do you mean by… The hard way?”

“Well, I could take a bite you see. And then, when I chewed on it a little—”

A sudden bite, he could spot it. It was a small one but from one moment to the next he got them to take a bite out of said crêpe. The blush was visible, them knowing exactly what he had been hinting at right then and there. The reaction was something, a little adorable even, making him chuckle.

“Don’t worry. That was a lie.”

But the damage had been already done, them lifting their head up and chewing, face beyond red. And they were looking very unamused at him yet he had been used to this, he had to admit. “Not funny…” They added after having swallowed the piece of the crêpe they had been eating.

“Haha, I had to get you to eat a bit somehow.”

“Ugh… I see that hasn’t changed.”

“Oh what could you possibly mean?”

“Still playing as unfairly as ever…”

“Unfair? All I am doing is using my wits. I don’t see how that’s ‘unfair’~”

“Oh you know exactly what that means!”

Ah, they are all angry again. It was always an adorable sight, he could not get enough of it. It was hard to hold it back. He was not even sorry, judging from his expression at this very moment. However, even then he took notice of something on their face, unable to not look for a few moments. It was not their pout, no. That had even faded when they had noticed him staring.

“Huh? Is something wrong?” They asked, hoping for an answer. And they would get one… Yet in a more daring way than imagined. They had hoped for a verbal response, didn’t they? Well, he would not give it to them.

Instead he only launched his head a little forward without further warning, pressing his lips against their cheek, close to their mouth. A quick lick, putting the cream off their face that way. Yeah, a small amount of cream had been on their face. And they could not see it coming either.

He pulled away fast as well, having his usual smug grin on his face. “Just a little cream.” He said.

They were only staring at him, a bit in disbelief, the blush too visible on their face. They even touched that part of their cheek, as if still processing this, leading to a few seconds of silence. That is until…

“Y… You could’ve just said so!”

“Haha, I could but that would have been boring.”

“Bo– Oh why you—” And a pout in the end after all.

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s another lie, isn’t it?”

“It is. You’re seeing right through me these days~” Because why would he be sorry? There was no reason to…


“Ow, that hurt~” It did not.

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