A Fool For His Birthday

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Being greeted with this sight was something Ann had not necessarily expected. Especially not at his home, Gentaro’s home. They had somewhat announced it, not wanting to barge in from one moment to the next.

Hey, Gentaro. Is it ok if I come to visit you after lectures today?

Visiting me? What gives me the honor on such a day? Wouldn’t you prefer to avoid me~?

Given it was the first of April as well as his nature, maybe… But he just so happened to be born on that day. So they really couldn’t… “Oh c’mon! I don’t see a reason to! Can I come over or not?

Very well. But don’t make it too long. Ramuda and Dice pushed me into some plans for that evening.

I know. Ramuda is also making me attend…

Of course he would. What a troublesome boy.

It’s just how he is.” Though their first boyfriend had insisted more than usual… What was up with that? They could only wonder… 

Even the argument ‘How about you three have some ‘bro time?’ did not work. Because all Ramuda answered there was ‘Oh we’re getting plenty of bro time! Plus, it's Gentaro’s birthday! Pleeeaaase!?’. … He himself did have a fair argument though… 

Then I assume we could head to his studio together later.

Sure, I don’t mind.

I’ll look forward to it then. See you later, Ann.

So regardless of anything, Ann still had plans to see Gentaro one on one, mainly to not be hit with a wave of embarrassment when handing him their gift… Which was difficult to pick out. Then again, in the end they didn’t necessarily pick something out. 

Or… Well, they did but that was just a notebook, really, fitting in a small story within its pages. And they sadly had to admit that this was their emergency solution. All because they just couldn’t think of anything else… Outside of watermelon slices but… Firstly, it’s not summer. Secondly, that’s boring. At least the chocolate on Ramuda’s birthday required effort. And they didn’t want to slack off in Gentaro’s case either.

So they recalled one of the things he seemed to really enjoy and concluded that it might be a fun idea to write a short story, dedicated to his eyes only. Not just that but… Perhaps try themself on a doodle here and there. But that was also the thing, it was impossible to hand it over when Ramuda and Dice were around. Especially if the two saw the poor attempts of their illustrations. They already wanted to sink into the ground knowing that Gentaro would see them while reading the story sometime… Ah, the entire thought was embarrassing! Not just that but he was going to see their handwriting as well! Maybe they had gotten a little too ahead with this. Besides, what if he doesn’t like it!? That was perhaps their biggest fear at the end of the day, one which would make their stomach turn.

And that was why they had been pacing back and forth in front of his apartment door, unsure if they should even enter. Maybe they should just drop the notebook and run. Run as fast as possible and say that they only had enough time to drop their gift. But no, that’d be inappropriate! They should give him their gift to him in person. Yeah, in person! Besides, they had already agreed to pay him a visit so it would be impossible to back out now!

Alright, deep breath… And just get this over with! Yeah, just get it over with! It’ll be fine. It’ll be just fine…

So, a quick knock. “Hello! Gentaro!”  They began, knocking once more. “It’s me, Ann! I’m here!”

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