Our Choice

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Oh they could be so cruel. So very cruel, much to Dice’s own dismay. Just when he had finally gotten some money to gamble away, having successfully managed to win some double, Ann was just around the corner and quickly snatched it out of his hands. And they would keep it for some time, making sure that he would see nothing from it.

“This is theft!” He shouted, trying to get through them that way yet they did not seem to think so. Oh, far from it. He was even growling a little bit, something he rarely did. All while trying to snatch the money back from them. And yet, they had it hidden from him, all too well. Oh where the hell was it!? Where did they store it!? This was insane! Taking a man’s winnings, just like that! He was not liking that, at all! Oh not in the slightest! And yet, any argument he was trying to throw at them got shot down in an instant. And by that he meant that he was completely ignored for one, them not even responding to anything he was saying. Even as he walked right beside them and trying to make his stance clear. 

“I won this fair ‘n square! Now gimme my money back!” He insisted, one of the few times where he had become nearly furious with them until they had suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, facing him… Unfazed by his current way of acting. 

“I’m not stealing it, I’m keeping it safe from you.” They explained. “After all, I can’t have my fiancée stay in so much debt.”

“Fia– For the last time, no one has proposed to anyone here!”

“Oh? But the time where you asked me to give you money or marry you—”

“I said I was sorry! Please let it go already!” Of course they would bring it up however. The rumor had spread like wildfire, even the other gambling dudes knew. 

“ Dice, you’re getting married? 

“ Congrats! Maybe I should ask your cute, little wi— Ahem, spouse to help repay your debt. They seem to be the one with the leash after all. 

“ Aren’t you two a little too young to marry? You’re 20 and they’re like what? A year younger than— Wait… They’re 22!? Damn, didn’t know ya liked ‘em older! But seriously, you two sound too young to marry. 

They were all believing it. Each of them were buying it, thinking that Ann was seriously going to get married to Dice. And that was something he had mixed feelings on. Mainly because he knew that this was his punishment most likely and they were still mad about that time where he put them on the spot with a choice. Even with his countless apologies… Then again, none of that would bring back his money.

“Are you sure? You sounded very serious~” They teased him however, having a rather playful smile on their face. “After all, putting me on the spot by making me choose between two things I would refuse to do otherwise~”

“And… Ya picked marriage because…?”

“If there’s one thing I’d never do above all else, it is lending you money~” And they said it so shamelessly too, not even hesitating with their wording. 

It made him flinch, so much so that he was staggering a little backwards, as if his heart had been shot right then and there. He even faced the ground for a moment. “Th… That hurt…”

“Oh come on, you should be happier about it!” He heard them say as steps came closer, only to feel their hands grab onto both of his cheeks and make him lift his head up so he could face them directly, then pouting a little. “Shouldn’t a marriage be more worth than some money you borrowed?”

That… Was a surprising sentence to hear from Ann of all people. Very in fact. “Didn’t ya just say that ya didn’t want to get married?”

“Well, yeah. But if I had to pick between ever borrowing you money or getting married… Consider me fair game for marriage.”

That… Were they serious? “So you’d marry a person to not let them borrow your money?”

“No. I’d just marry you so I wouldn’t have to borrow you money.” They chuckled, at first glance it sounded like a joke. And yet, when hearing a little closely, there was a hint of seriousness in their voice. Not just that but the smile for a second did not match up. It felt a little… Too genuine? Was that a fitting way to phrase it? And yet, he could see from their expression… They… Meant it. By some twist maybe they meant it after all? Getting married… Or did they just like the idea? Either way, they didn’t seem to be… Against it. That’s the least he could conclude.

It had left him speechless for a good second, wanting to turn away yet the moment he tried he remembered that they had a tight grasp on his cheeks, not making his face move away from theirs. 

“Spending time with someone you love for eternity sounds better than money, doesn’t it?” They threw in at the end of it all, making him flush for a moment. It was one sentence which got him like this, all because it had caught him off guard.

“W… Well… I…” He had to think for a moment. Marriage… Maybe back then he would have refused, said no, but if he was allowed to choose who he would be bound to… “It doesn’t—”

Yet no chance to finish. Before he knew it he got a quick peck on his lips with their own before they had pulled away, letting go of his face. It was really short lived but enough to interrupt his answer. And he had just been ready to give them one too! 

“Hey, don’t worry about it. It was just a silly question.” They responded, taking a step backwards. “Who cares if we actually get married or not anyways? We don’t need something like that to spend time with each other for as long as possible, right?”

“But… You just said—”

“Haha, I know. But that’s how most people would describe it… I guess. What’d be the difference if we just called another husband and spouse without a ceremony? Ever thought about that?”

“Guess there wouldn’t be any di—” Yet then it shot through Dice’s mind. Wait, if he said anything wrong here then… “Hold on, that’s another trap of yours, ain’t it!?”

“A trap? What could you possibly mean~?” Oh their playful tone didn’t help, at all!

“Oh I know your tricks by now! I ain’t falling for that! Nah–ah! I ain’t listenin’!”

“Alright, fine. If you say so~ Guess you don’t want your money back then~” 

Ah–!? Right, they still had that! For crying out loud… “You were supposed to give it back to me! I won it!”

“Hmm… Ok, but only if you listen to me for the rest of the night and pay for drinks again~”

“Hah!? You’re playing unfair!”

“Then no—”

“Ok ok fine! Just give it back to me, please!

And even now they managed to play him like a fiddle… Then again, it’s not as if he hated it. At most he was just a little peeved but nothing more.

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