To Be A Catsitter

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It had all started as a simple offer, one which had surprised Ole and his owner when both had heard the mere suggestion. 

“ There's no way you're gonna let me borrow money, right? 

“ Dice, I love you, really, but… Yes. I'd never let you borrow my money. 

“ Heh, then I got a suggestion for ya that you cannot refuse! 

“ And that is? ” Ann had crossed their arms, raising an eyebrow, as if suspicious.

And yet, that grin did not wear off the young man's face. “ I'll work for ya sometimes! A part time job! 

“ Part time job? But I–”

“ Oh it ain't much. Just a small job for some pocket money. ” He interrupted before pointing at the cat resting in the box, Ole himself, which made said cat lift itself a little up and stare at the man with his wide eyes.

“ Eh? What does Ole have to– 

“ Just watch! Leave the little buddy to me for a while! 

“ What are you up to now? 

Ole expected anything from this. Cat sitters are not too uncommon, even if Ole does not need one. He knew how to take care of himself, even when it comes to getting his own food. But it is best to entertain the youngsters so he saw no reason not to. 

However… This old timer cat has done many things… He has entertained people in many ways – Kids and adults alike. Playing, being pet, cuddling, being picked up and held for minutes on end… There was a lot. And yet somehow this was something new, something not this cat had seen coming.

Ann had been suspicious, wanting to see themself what Dice had been up to. After all, he could be up to many things. Nothing bad nor harmful of course but Dice was known for his… Interesting ideas and habits. And yet, even they were baffled when hearing and even witnessing the suggestion. And Ole himself? He was stuck in this mess by default. Well, it was not the worst thing he had experienced at least, but…

“Dice… Why did you insist on Ole having a leash?“ Ann asked, them being just as confused as the old cat was. 

“Weell… Ya heard of dog walkin’, right?“ The young man brought up, the grin audible for the cat. “So why not some cat walkin’ too? ‘sides, you're always worried that Ole might gain some weight if you’re not careful enough.”

Hearing that made Ole's ears twitch. Him? Gaining weight!? The audacity of his owner sometimes! It's not that simple! If it was his decision he'd get snacks whenever and some of that sweet butter! But they won't give him any! This is outrageous and if he could file a complaint, he would! Really… They're unbelievable sometimes.

“Er… Yeah but…” They're not even denying it!? Oh that calls for Ole to tilt his head a little while tapping down the park and give Ann the stinky eye from the side… Where's their respect for the elderly!? And even with that gaze however, they continued speaking. “We're already looking out that he won't just eat anything on sight…”

“Haha, that ain't enough!” Dice laughed, resulting in Ole glancing over at the boy, seeing his smirk slightly. “He should get some more exercise too, don't ya think?”

“Ole is 16…” Very old for a cat mind you!

“Hey, I ain't gonna make him run through the park or have him jump over fences.” The boy better not be doing that… “Just let him have a few walks from time to time.”

And what sound Ole heard, giving them yet another stinky eye. That ‘ hmm ’ was something he had been all too familiar with… Way too familiar. He had heard it so many times already it wasn't even funny anymore to him.

“More walks outside… For more exercise… But does he really need the leash?”

“Sure. What if he gets lost?”

Lost? Ole knew how to navigate! He's not a little kitty anymore! He's a grown, old cat who can handle himself just fine! What does this youngster think!? Who does he think he is!? Hmph! This cat has walked the streets of Shibuya all on his own before with no issues whatsoever! He has always returned home for dinner too! 

If anything, when taking a walk with this boy Ole would be the one looking out for him, given the gambling habits are strong in this one. He loves the thrill yet it is not healthy. Oh if he had his own Hypnosis Mic here right now, or rather could grab it easily, he would let his human illusion do the talking and give this youngster a lecture! Who does he think he is!? The youth of today can be a little too exhausting. 

Then again, at least Ann seems to be on Ole’s side for this one, given he heard a nervous chuckle coming from their lips. “I don’t think he’s that helpless.”

“Whaddya mean? He’s still a cat.”

“Well, yes, but… You know yourself that Ole is a little special.”

“Oh, I’m more than aware of that.”

“Then why—”

“Ok listen, ever thought of it that way?” Dice began, suddenly stopping, making the other two stop dead in their tracks as well. Instead the gambler walked up to the cat and… Picked him up!? What was that for!? Well, Ole would be finding that out within the next few sentences. “The little guy’s special, right? People might be after him if they find out.”

“Well, yes bu—”

“And don’t come with the ‘No one’s gonna find out’ crap. You never know who’s out there!” He interrupted. “So havin’ someone look out for the old man might not be so bad. Just in case someone’s tryin’ to snatch him. Lookin’ out for him y’know.”

This was met with a quick moment of silence shortly after. Even Ole himself had his ears wag a few times. Was this the plan of the young man all along? Things have become more complicated ever since out of that cage, right into freedom. And while Ann allowed the cat to roam around freely that was not wrong… You never know who is lurking in the shadows sometimes. So maybe— 

Heh… The boy is a curious one, isn’t he? 

“So you’re volunteering to cat sit sometimes?”

“For a small fee.” But of course he’d say that… Nothing’s for free.

Even Ann sighed. “Well… It’d be nice to have someone look after Ole sometimes. Bu–”

“I ain’t asking for much! So please! I’ll look after him whenever free, promise! And I won’t lose him! Gambler’s honor!” What does that have to do with gambler’s honor!? Also what even is a gambler’s honor!?

“Hah… Ok fine, sounds fair enough. But do I hear that you lose him even once I’m revoking your cat sitter rights.”

“Yes! You won’t regret this! I promise!”

Yeah, they won’t… But Ole? He’s gonna be the one having to look after this boy, doesn’t he?

Hah… The life of an old cat…

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