An Unfair Game

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“This isn’t fair! You’re cheating Ann–Chan!” Ramuda would complain with a huff, crossing his arms. And all Ann could do was look at the guy, letting out a sigh. They should have seen it coming… 

“No. I’m not.” They said and they really weren’t. And yet… 

“Liar liar pants on fire!” He was acting like a child about this, wasn’t he? And honestly, it wasn’t even that serious. And yet, it is exactly like Ramuda in the end… Or something like that. But why would he even act like this? 

To keep a long story short, it was about a board game. Honestly, it had caught Ann a little off guard, having had Ramuda suggest it out of nowhere. “ Let’s play to pass the time~ ” and with them not having anything better to do, they agreed. 

And since then, hours had passed, one after the other, and thus also each round of said board game. And with each round Ramuda was only puffing up his cheeks more and more, letting out his more childish side… Or something like that. Why? Because with each round he was the one losing and they just kept on winning. And it seems after a few more rounds he has had it and was now at the peak of his kid–like behavior. One may as well call him a sore loser… Who knew Ramuda had such a side as well.

“No, seriously. I didn’t–”

“Nah–ah! You can be very unfair!” 

Was this seriously going to turn into an argument? The thought of it only made them roll their eyes on the spot. ‘ This again… ’ It was the only thing which had gone through their head for this moment. And not to mention that they were expecting a tangent anytime now. A non stop tangent on how Ann could be a ‘mean cheater’. Maybe he really was just a sore loser. That or… Was he hoping for something? If anyone knew how to play dirty of the two, it would be Ramuda. Hmm… Hard to say… 

And so as their boyfriend was complaining and whining while sitting on the sofa they got up, right out of the armchair. Did he notice? Probably not, given how busy he was talking. 

So they just walked over, right to the sofa and got seated. His complaints were now right in one of their ears yet not for long. “Hey, Ramuda. Can you be quiet for a moment?” They suddenly interrupted him while turning their head to him, seeing his confused and baffled expression right close up. 

“But I’m not even done!” He tried to tell them.

“Just for a moment, it won’t take long.”

“Hah… Alright, what is it? But don’t think this–”

Yet before he could see it coming they grabbed both of his cheeks with their hands, tilting his head up as their own shot down. It was a short lived moment, a quick kiss. And it was over before anyone knew, Ann pulling back almost as quickly as they had kissed him at that moment. They then let go of his face, their hands dropping down and then they just stared at him.

He sat there, face all red and eyes wide. His body was swaying from one side to the other, as if just having been overwhelmed… Before suddenly dropping down on his back, right onto the sofa. 

D… Did that seriously knock him out? Ramuda should be used to this… Right? And yet, Ann let out a shrug shortly after. In the end it got him all quiet, didn’t it? And besides… It was a little amusing.

“I should do this more often~”

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