Ice Cream Date With Ramuda

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The summer heat could defeat someone at mere sight. Or rather people call it summer heat but it was still the early days of May. It doesn’t really change that the days have gotten hotter and the sun may as well be preparing its own barbecue or something. It may as well become so hot in the upcoming days. June is going to be a fun time, isn’t it? Hah… 

And yet, the heat itself was all not so bad. In fact, i t was the perfect excuse for the following: Drag out your partner and have a fun stroll across town or the park! Have them outside during this warm, sunny weather and spend as much time with them as possible! Especially when they were having a few free days on their hands, the both of them! So they could spend as much time as possible together! Just the two having a few nice days together! Besides, during the first week of May even Ramuda had a few days off and could enjoy some time here and there! And he wanted to spend it with Ann as much as possible. So he made sure to occupy them for the next few days and they could not escape!

So with that, right now the both of them were outside, right in the park and had been seated onto a bench. Now what would one do outside, surrounded by trees blooming with green leaves and the sun shining down? Cool down of course! And how would one do that? There were several ways but there was only one way Ramuda could imagine to cool down! And he had made sure to let it be known as well! How did he do that? Simple.

By dragging Ann to the next best ice cream stand and begging them to have some with him. Even if they denied or just said that he should only get one if he wanted he would not take that answer. That would be unfair and no fun. Where was the point in that!? Sure, he had urged them on a little, yet eventually they gave in and agreed. Though the cones both had decided to get were a literal contrast between one another.

While he had gotten himself a colorful tower of four scoops of ice cream they had only gotten one, chocolate mint flavor. The sight was something and made him sigh a little. “Hey Ann–Chan, you did not hold back because I said that it would be my treat, right?” He asked, wanting to make sure. He knew them by now. They were always guilty when someone said it was their treat. Ann could hardly push themself to get what they wanted and would still be the usual cheapskate. “You did not just pick that because it was the cheapest option, right?”

“Wha— Er…” They nearly flinched for a second there, looking away for a second, as if he had caught them red handed. And maybe he did… Good grief. But he also had to take their word on it when they said: “N… No! I can only handle so much! And… Well… I do like that flavor the most so—”

“Really? You’re not just saying that?”

“I’m really not!” They protested. “In fact, I don’t even know how you can manage so many scoops at once.”

“Oh, I would have taken one of each but it would have been too much to carry~” Ramuda responded with his usual smile and it was not even a complete lie. It was already tempting and he really had a hard time picking between the flavors… But he had to decide on some of them or else he would have created the tower of pisa in ice cream form. “So four scoops it is! Hey hey, do you want to have a taste?”

“Ah— N… No, it’s fine. You got it for yourself. You can eat up.”

“But it’s fine. A small bite shouldn’t hurt, right?”

“It’s ok, really! Eat up!”

"Yes, yes. But don’t complain if you miss out~” He teased at the end before turning away, though the wide grin still did not leave his face. “Then time to dig in~!” And then he moved his mouth down to take a small bite out of his several ice cream scoops. 

The flavor would hit his tongue right away. It was creamy, then again of course it was, yet it was always a different type of flavored cream. Strawberry, chocolate, cookie, matcha. an explosion of flavors would be guaranteed inside his mouth. And that was one of the best feelings ever! Ramuda loved each and every single one of those explosions! 

And he had been occupied with this for quite some time, long enough to almost devour every single scoop and only licking it off when the ice cream started to drop down from the side and melt. Yet he made sure to make it quick, even if he had a brain freeze in between and he had to pause for a few seconds. Guh… Brainfreeze was the worst sometimes but he could look past that fairly quickly.

It took a few more minutes until he made sure to look to the side, taking a look back at Ann. Compared to him they have been eating rather slowly, rather licking on their ice cream scoop than biting into it. They seemed to manage at least, seeing little to nothing drop down. Maybe they were careful.

And yet, even with that, he noticed something on one of their cheeks. He leaned a little forward, though careful enough to not startle them and drop the ice cream in their hand. And he had to be careful to not drop his own and waste it. 

And he seemed to succeed, getting closer and closer, noticing the small bit of mint ice right next to their mouth, dropping down. Now, Ramuda could have said something and his partner would probably wipe it off themself… But there was no fun in that! So, without a warning, he decided to be sneaky by getting his mouth closer to the spot and quickly lick it off, shortly after saying: “Ah, there’s some cream on your face!”

Thus it had all happened before they could have reacted properly. He cleaned them while getting a taste of the flavor they had picked while giving them somewhat of a peck on one of their cheeks. Not just that but he got to see them all blushy and flustered, making him unable to hold back his wide smile. This was more fun than expected. “Oh, it’s yummy too~”

They turned their head towards him, showing him their bright red face. “Wha… H… Hey! Ramuda, did you have to—”

“Maybe, maybe not. But I wanted to~” He chuckled, unable to hold it in anyways. “Hmm… And maybe Ann–Chan should get their face more dirty so I can lick it off~”

“Hah!? W… Wait but—”

“Like this!” And before giving them another warning he decided to tease them a little by licking one of their cheeks, over and over. Their cheek was getting hotter, perhaps even their entire skin, and he could feel them squirm a little. But that was what made it fun. Ann–Chan had such cute reactions sometimes~

“H… Hey, Ramuda… You’re not a dog…”

“So?” He asks in between the small licks, only to embarrass them further.

“I… I just mean… Uhm…”

“Hehe, no escape whatsoe—”

“W… Won’t your ice cream melt?” They suddenly brought up however, making him pause for a moment… And he then noticed, one of the scoops starting to turn into fluids. It made him pull back and turn back to his ice cream, looking in shock. “Waah! I totally forgot!” He threw in before starting to lick it as quickly as possible, shortly before it could hit any of his sleeves. He had to be quick about it! “Uh… All because you’re distracting me!”

“Distracting you? You decided to—” They were about to tell him yet suddenly paused for a moment, as if thinking about something. But he didn’t pay attention to that and just took it as is. After all, he had to eat up his own ice cream cone as quickly as possible!

Nevermind. I’ll get you back soon enough~ 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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