An Outfit For You

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The rare sight of a ponytail, even though a tiny one. A shirt with the lack of sleeves and a green tie, having a fitting jacket (which however had decided to slide down enough to not cover the shoulders) as well as a pair of jeans. Not to mention two hair clips at the right side of the hair.

It was a start, at least a different sight from the usual. Anything else and Ann would have probably collapsed on the spot so Ramuda had to ease them into a style change. But they looked way cuter than they would in their usual clothes! Maybe it had been their tiny ponytail hanging down and the hair clip. Or perhaps it was both with the mixture of a blush and trying to avert his gaze, an attempt to not come off as too flustered, too embarrassed… Except that was the only thing they were looking like and honestly, it was a little amusing.

Ramuda himself couldn't help but hum at the sight, unable to hide his smile even. He could just barely hold himself from letting out a teasing quip or running over and just hug them right then and there. After all, he had to make sure that everything was fitting, from head to toe – Not being too tight but not too wide either, just fine and comfortable to wear. Work first, fun later!

“So so, how are you feeling Ann–Chan? “ He asked, though he could already think of the answer, judging from their face.

“How am I… Feeling?” They repeated, trying so hard not to stutter and somewhat shiver. And yet… “Uh… Can I just change back?”

“Nuh–uh! Not after I've spent weeks making this!” He protested with a rather playful pout, hands on his hips. “Also that doesn't really answer my question!”

They stayed silent for a few moments, their gaze wandering around. Left, up, right, down – Always going from one direction to the next. They were clearly too flustered to answer, whispering something under their breath. It was too embarrassing apparently. But they will get used to this. They have to get used to this because Ramuda will make sure that they won't escape his grasp now! But one step at a time…

“Uh… I mean it… Fits. “ They then slowly said after seconds had passed, the blush not fading. In fact it only got worse, sort of.

“Really? Nothing is too tight?”

“No, nothing is.”

“Haha, I'm glad that I got that right then! But I might have to check that myself later.”

“Eh!? S… Seriously?”

“Yeah, of course. In case your clothes still need some adjusting.” He responded. “But it's best if you calm down first. You have to stay still for that.”

As if caught red handed Ann turned to him in one swoop, first somewhat shivering in some way before getting themself to force themself to calm down. “I… Uhm… Er… Sorry!” They even apologized.

And yet it only received laughter as a response. “Hey, don't apologize. It's cute actually~”

“C… Cute?” They said, gaze once more turning a little bit to the side at least. “Uh… Ramuda… Can you not say something so embarrassing? Besides, I'm not–”

“No way! I told you before, didn't I?” The fashion designer interrupted them abruptly, not wanting to even hear them finish that. It was going to be the same as usual. He had heard it plenty of times to know where this was going. “Ann–Chan is cute! And anyone saying otherwise is just a blind dummy!”

And he got them to flinch on the spot yet again, their body having visibly gone a little stiff. All from a compli— No! Not a compliment! He was stating the truth here, the absolute truth! And there was nothing they could do about it! And he was not going to give in for even a second!

“I… That…”

“Want me to repeat it over and over?”

“Repea— You wouldn’t dare! Ri—”

Oh he would. Of course he would. So he interrupted them, not even allowing them to finish, saying one sentence over and over. “Ann–Chan is cute!” And he was not stopping for breath either. Though it did get exhausting fast yet he didn’t care. He had to get a point across here and they will have to listen. So he has to literally hammer it into their brain, even if verbally!

One quick glance up right at their face and one could see their expression only becoming more and more shocked, their face redder than any strawberry Ramuda had ever seen on any shortcake. In fact, a strawberry may as well look pale in comparison. They were that flustered from this, weren’t they? That was very adorable. It only made him want to keep pushing their buttons one way or another, not stopping. So he just kept on repeating it. Over and over and—

“Ah yeesh! I get it!” Ann interrupted out of nowhere, steam may as well be rising from their head now. They looked as if they were burning after all. “Please, have mercy!”

It only left him to grin for a moment, feeling rather powerful in this situation. “So you won’t deny it anymore?”

“I… I…”

“If you keep going then—”

“Ok fine! I give, I give! I won’t deny it anymore!” They said though only time will tell if they will keep that promise.

“Alright, I’ll stop then… For now that is~” Ramuda said ever so playfully before stepping closer, finally. “Ok, time to stay still! I have to make adjustments where it’s needed! And then I also need to take some pictures!”

“P… Pictures?”

“Yeah, pictures.”

“Is this a model photoshoot all of a sudden?” They asked, almost deadpan sounding.

“Hmm… I mean if you want to try yourself as one of my models—”

“No no no! I will never! That’s too embarrassing…”

He looked at her, almost like a sad puppy, as if at the brink of tears. “Eh!? But You’d make a great model! Plea—”

“No! That’s one thing you can never make me do! Ever!” They said, awfully defensive. Ah, they fall for the silliest of jokes, don’t they?

“I’m kidding, I know that. You’d probably  hate being a model anyway.” Ramuda said, chuckling. “Besides, I want Ann–Chan as my private model if anything.” He added as he finally started to observe the outfit from close up, even tugging onto the clothing sometimes to check if it felt… Well, right. And also if there were any mistakes of any kind. So he couldn’t look at their face for the time being and only heard their voice.

“Private? What… Are you implying?”

“Nothing nothing. Except that this isn’t the last outfit for you.”

“Ah— I have to do this again!?”

“Yeah. This is the first of many.”

“Please tell me you’re joking…”

“No, I’m not. There’ll be plenty more clothes for you to try.” The thought may have gotten him a little excited even. Maybe he was being a little selfish with this but… “So prepare yourself~”

“Sh… Shouldn’t you focus on making outfits for your work instead?”

“Oh, I am. Don’t worry. I like doing it. I can make outfits for you here and there.”

“Sounds like a waste…”

“Too bad, I’m doing it anyway! And you can’t escape!”

“I… Guess I can’t… Hah… You’re impossible sometimes.”

“Thanks. I’ll take it as a compliment~”

And besides, he wants to see them in the outfits he makes more often as well… Yeah, he was going to enjoy this a lot.

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