Fake Date... Right?

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“H… Hey… Do I have to stay so close?”

“This is a date, isn’t it?”

“W… Well… Yes but… Walking through the crowd like this…”

“Don’t worry my dear, I’m right here. You won’t get lost in this crowd~”

“Hah!? Th… That’s not what I mean! It’s just… A pretend date… So–”

“And we must be authentic at all times. We shall be lovey–dovey and make those spotting us turn their heads away in disgust because of this unbearable sweetness~”

“Wait what!? I think that—”

“Haha, calm down Ann. Part of that is a lie.”

Their reaction was always something else to behold. Even now Gentaro could not hold himself back. He just had to open his mouth and get them all flustered, despite him having requested them to help him out for a little while. It could have been just for the day but it also could have been for the entire week. Surely, no feelings were involved whatsoever. It is not a situation he indulged in for selfish reasons, oh heavens no! This was merely to simulate the experience of a young couple going on a date, nothing else.

But was it a lie? Surprisingly, not completely. Parts of it were true and it was a genuine favor he had asked of them, asked of Ann. 

In one of the chapters he had made it that two of the characters were attending a date yet he had been sitting on this chapter way too long. He just wasn’t sure how to properly convey the feelings and thoughts when going on a date. What did it feel like? What would be done on a date? Most would consider it embarrassing to admit yet this author had little to no experience in this field. Honestly though, he didn’t mind being inexperienced. He had never had the urge before… Well, until recently. And yet, even then, this was not something he acted upon. It didn’t sit right with him, at least not in a time like this. That or he felt as if he needed an excuse in all honesty. Maybe it was that, maybe it was not. Regardless, this would not change any facts at hand.  Let alone the request he had asked of them earlier in person. 

“ Huh? Wait… You want to go on a… Date!? ” Ann had asked him, their eyes wide and their cheeks all red. So red that he had to hold his hands back to not reach out for them and pinch them right then and there. “ G… Gentaro… That’s sudden! I… don’t think— 

“Please, calm down. It’s just for research. ” He had excused, interrupting them in the middle of their panic. 

“ For research? 

“ Yes. After all, don’t write what you don’t know. 

“ W… Well, some people do say that but— 

“ As a fellow writer I’m sure that you understand my peril. ” 

“ I mean, yeah bu— 

“No buts. I cannot ask anyone else. ” What a lie. He didn’t want to ask anyone else. “ You have experience thanks to Ramuda and Dice, don’t you? So please, educate me a little when it comes to going on dates. 

And that was how the two got themselves into this situation. It was why they had to hold onto one of his arms very tightly, almost hugging it, while walking down the streets together, heading to a place together for an activity, to be all by themselves. After all, the essential  of a date was to bond, thus spending time alone was important. Was it not? 

A Shared Love Between Our PosseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora