A Forehead Kiss

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A simple way to show affection. It was one small gesture, one only lasting for a short moment. And yet the way to get it could vary. That or it would just happen out of nowhere.The past few days had been interesting development wise and Ramudahad been plotting… Yet those things took time all the same. He could not just barge in and shove the two right against each other, make them kiss and then scream ‘ Now confess your love to each other so we can get this over with! ’ 

Well, in theory he could do just that but… That’d be pushing it, not to mention making it a little too obvious, his intentions would’ve been a little too clear by then. So he had to hold it off and plan something, the right shove. Such matters have to be handled with a certain amount of delicacy. But right now… He didn’t want to think about that, not really at least. 

Because right now? He had to occupy them for some time, for as long as he could at the very least. It was Ramuda’s turn to be close and feel their warmth, one he couldn’t feel for some time. It has been way too long and the moment he had even shoved himself against them and nuzzled over and over. And they couldn’t resist! Or rather, he made sure that they couldn’t.

It had happened out of nowhere, the moment Ann had set one foot into the studio. A sudden hug tackle, him being unable to hold back any sign of excitement. That and he knew that they would get flustered by this, no questions asked. He didn’t even have to look up, he could hear it in their voice. And honestly, that was exactly why he had been so amused and why he would keep doing this regardless. He just loved seeing them being a mess. Ah, this was all a little too easy.

And that is how the couple had ended up on the couch yet again, them being unable to refuse at this point. And he was humming alongside each nuzzle. He could do this all day long! And… Hmm… Perhaps he should! Just to see how they keep reacting. Will they finally get used to it or… Actually, probably not~

“R… Ramuda… You’re awfully clingy today.” They would comment, the first thing they had said after a good while. 

It made him look up at them, only slightly tilting his head yet the grin not fading whatsoever. “Am I? Haha, you’re probably imagining things~” He responded. He wouldn’t say that. He was like always towards them, unchanging. Or maybe he was but that was alright, given that it has been a long while since he could feel them this up close!

“Am I now?” They sighed, maybe a way for them to admit defeat finally? Quicker than usual… That was a little too easy.

“Well, do you dislike it?” He asked, wondering yet all the same he knew the answer, hence why he was moving a little more forward, leaning a little more against them as his grip was tightening around them. He didn’t feel like letting go just yet after all.

Their gaze shifted to the side, at least a little bit, as if unable to directly face him. And yet, they were being so honest all the same. “W… Well… No. I don’t…” 

“Then there’s no problem, right~?”

“I… Suppose not. But…” 

“But what?”

“This is hardly fair, is it?” They finished after a few moments of silence, making Ramuda tilt his head slightly in confusion. This isn’t fair? So unfair? Why would it be unfair? He didn’t get it. 

And yet, just when he was about to ask what Ann had meant, they turned their gaze back, suddenly leaning a little more forward yet also down with their head. Not just that but he felt them softly pushing aside parts of his hair, specifically the one around his forehead. He could only predict what was coming and yet, even that prediction wouldn’t save him from the moment of surprise.

Before he knew it he felt their lips placed right onto his forehead. Their soft lips, pressed against his cold forehead. Then again, it would not remain cold for long as he felt himself heat up from one moment to the other, most likely turning bright red. There it was… Again! This moment… S… Since when were they so bold!? And where was this coming from!? He didn’t get it! And every single time it brought him out of his concept, making him unable to speak, let out a single word. All he could register for a short moment was his own heartbeat anyway, hearing the quick pounding right then and there. And it didn’t stop, even when he felt them pulling back. 

It had not been a long moment, only worth a few seconds at most probably, yet it may as well have been an eternity. Besides, he was still feeling the side effects. His gaze lifted itself up, eyeing his partner and seeing their pink cheeks yet also a light smile on their face. He eyed them in somewhat of a shock, his brain trying to process what had just happened. Why was this all so overwhelming to him out of nowhere? He had never been like this nor felt like this. But he should be used to this, right? So why— 

“There, now we’re even.” They then said, smile not disappearing. In fact, he felt them ruffling his hair for a moment, making them even more embarrassed as well as confused. This was… This… This… 

Wait, this all felt familiar, somewhat at least. Wasn’t it when the two had first met… Years ago? Because even back then they were confusing him. Just in a different way. Back then… Back then… Back— 

Who cares!? That didn’t change the facts in the present right now! One worthy to complain about, making him pout! “Ah yeesh! This again! Ann–Chan is playing dirty again!”

“Eh? Me!? Why am I the one playing dirty now!? All I did was—”

“You did it without warning! Foul play!” He interrupted before clinging tighter, burying his face in their chest, just wanting to hide his beet red face. “Another foul play… This isn’t fair…” All because he didn’t want them to see him all red and embarrassed like this for much longer. Not again… He could never handle it.

“Says the one who hugged me without warning at the entrance.”

“Th… That’s different! That’s a greeting!”

“Are you sure you’re not just bending the rules as you like it?”

“N… No! I’m not!” He was, kind of, he knew. And yet… It was just unbearable. It was all unbearable again. Feeling all this pounding and confusion, it had not been the first time. And it was not the very first time they had caused it either. And even now he was not sure what to think of it. Hah… This was pathetic. The two were dating, so why was he acting like this now? And why was it all coming back to him now? He hated the fact that it all—

No no no! Just forget about it now! This had been and isn’t now! He had other things to focus on right now! … And yet, this would not let him go so easily. Just like that question… “ But you sure it’s nothin’ on your end Ramuda? You seem to really insist on this. ” No, now’s not the time!

“Huh, really? Are you suuure?”

He only nodded, still hiding his actual expression against their chest… An expression contradicting his cheerful tone altogether. “Yeah, I am! It’s always been like that!”

“Alright, alright. If you say so… Sudden attacks are fair game then~”

“Hah!? Please Ann–Chan! Mercy!”

“You show me none, I will also show you none~” They laughed, not suspecting a thing it seemed. And maybe that was for the better… He knew it was. And yet, that was just another reminder… One he would have to keep to himself.

“Eh!? Since when are you playing so dirty? Meanie!” 

Well, in some ways they always were one…

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