86- Suggestion

308 29 15


Gripping the sheets, I looked down in dejection when Erhan glared at me and informed us about the stunt I pulled.

"Come," Erhan sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

It took him a few seconds to sink into my words and sighed, "Just a second,"

Rolling his eyes, he left us alone. A shiver went down my spine when the door was closed and he turned to me.

I flinched when he stood before me. Pressing my teeth to contain myself, I whispered weakly.

"Please don't hurt me,"

He stared at my weakened state for the next few seconds before releasing a disappointing exhale and inclining on the bed beside me.

"I am not angry or disappointed, Aalifa. I am merely confused. Why did you do this? And how?" He asked softly, pure confusion plastered on his face.

A tear pricked in the corner, I replied to his second question first.

"I... recorded your confession and asked for someone's help. Please don't hurt them for my actions," I whimpered, though I doubt he would hurt Sofia, when Asad couldn't, he wouldn't too.

"They should have thought before, you are my exception, not everyone else," He frowned.

"Please, they did it on my word."

"Fine. And may I know why?"

Lowering my gaze, I held the sheets, I knew he wouldn't buy that as an excuse but it was the truth.

"My actions were already haunting me each moment, Zaviyaar. This is the least I could do for Asim."

Zaviyaar wanted me to move forward but I couldn't do it. I knew I senselessly forgave him before too.

I didn't intend to bring that topic in between but for quite some while, I couldn't bring myself to continue anymore.

He listened, bringing a silence that dreaded me but unexpectedly, he placed his hand over mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I can understand,"

My mouth dropped in disbelief when he forgave for what he could literally end my breaths. I was dumbfounded as soon as I was reminded.

"But don't forget the man before you is your husband, the father of your child, your future. Your past is buried in Asim's grave. It died the second I stopped his breaths,"

I almost forgot that I was pregnant, that too with immense weakness.

He wouldn't do anything that could worsen my condition.

Looking down, I found myself stuck in a dilemma, 'If I told him it was more than guilt, would he believe in me? Shall I tell him?'

"I am the Ace, Darling, your so-called justice is meaningless, I will be out before you know it."

I honestly didn't care. I did it for my consolation. Gripping his hand with both hands, an unstoppable hopelessness came to my face.

"I know. You are too powerful, you will be freed but I needed to unlock the sting in me at least. I.. I feel him glaring at me," I whispered.

A tear rolled down my cheek, curling my lips in a gloomy smile, it was becoming hard for me to carry.

"I.. I feel him hating me, you, our child, on everything..."

My voice broke to the point I ended up trembling a little but forcing the lump in my throat, I forced a weak smile.

"I am sorry,"

He noticed the glum and comprehended my state probably better than me. I was stuck between unwanted emotions that were rendering me unable to take a leap of faith.

I was so scared, so worried, so... exhausted.

After contemplating my condition, he rose from the seat. I was stiff in distress but he merely pulled my body to his midsection, like a side hug.

"If it will make you feel peaceful, I will stay there for a few days. You just take care of yourself," He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"Are you going to punish me after getting out?" I asked innocently, clutching his shirt.


Shaking his head, he flashed a grin to reassure me. He placed his hand under my cheek, causing my heartbeat to turn rapidly with a strange sensation.

"I love you and if seeing me in prison will help you, then it's alright. I just want you to become better,"

With this, he left, imprinting an intriguing scar on my heart for what I did. I was confused between my feelings and he probably apprehend what I needed.

After he left, I became afraid and refused to come out of the room. Erhan informed me from outside that they took him away and it was my fault.

'What is wrong with me? Why was I unable to get on with everything how he did? Was it that easy for him? Why not for me?'

Immersed in my unwanted thoughts, I kept my legs crossed, falling into a daze of unwanted emotions.

Curling my hand in a fist, I thought that doing that would lessen the weight.

It didn't.

Nothing was reducing the heaviness in me.

When I was lost, the door knocked and the most unexpected person, Saira came holding a tray of food.

For a moment, I thought she would mock me but didn't say anything, stopping before me.

"Why are you here?" I asked innocently, fidgeting my fingers around my dress anxiously.

"How can I leave you?"

She sighed and placed the tray on the bed after refilling a glass of water for me. Pausing, she gave me a grievous look.

"You the woman he adores,"

My chest clenched, my throat dried. Averting my gaze, I looked down, her scant statement pierced through my chest.

"All his life, he had never seen love. Don't you think he deserves a little love? Why follow my path, Aalifa?" She spoke softly, giving me the advice I needed.

And she was not wrong, me and my child's future was dependent on my actions and I had done nothing but to worsen my condition.

"I had lost Zaviyaar long ago because of my stupidity don't follow in my footsteps."

She suggested with a grievous smile, giving my shoulder an assuring squeeze.

"Save your marriage," 


Hey Everyone,

I am sorry for disappearing. Actually I have been blessed with a niece and I can't tell you how deeply I had fallen for her. I keep her near me all the time, neglecting all my work XD

 So if you face any delay, do know that I am with 'My' Noor-e-Jaan ;)

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