81- EID

551 34 13

After a month of fasting, worshiping and repenting for sins, the day to celebrate as a reward came.

It was Eid-ul-Fitr, a lively atmosphere was created in the household right in the morning.

"Zaviyaar! What the hell is your problem, man?! Why do you have to repeat the same thing every year!?" Asad yelled.

Slamming on the door when Zaviyaar was yawning in front of the mirror.

His eyes were barely opened while Aalifa was closing the buttons of his Thawb, he especially got for Eid.

"I am coming, dammit! Give me two minutes!" Zaviyaar growled, yawning again, giving his brush to Aalifa who frowned and began to comb his hair while he stood motionless.

"Come on, we are getting late for Eid prayer!" Erhan shouted too, hitting the door as if they would break it at his tardiness.

"Geez, what were you doing for so long in the shower?" Aalifa scolded, giving him his cologne while setting his dress.

"I... fell asleep in the bathtub," He smiled nervously.

"Allah, Zaviyaar, hurry!" Asad yelled.

"Wait, dammit!" He yelled back.

"I am so done with this drama of yours being late every year!"

"So you fall asleep every year?" Aalifa smirked.

Going through the closet searching for his shoes. She had no idea he would behave so lazy or else she had placed his everything already.

He had never loafed like this before.

"Different year, different reasons. Feels good to irritate your younger siblings once a year," He smirked, wearing his shoes.

Aalifa blinked in disbelief that he was deliberately doing all this only to infuriate his brothers. Shaking her in disbelief, she couldn't help but to chuckle at his jest.

"I swear we are going to leave you!"

"See you soon, take care,"

He laughed a little, giving Aalifa a side hug and kissing her cheeks and after making his brothers wait for a painfully long time, he opened the door.

Asad and Erhan were glaring at him, resenting his habit of repeating this every year.

"Fasted the whole month but learned nothing about patience."

He smirked and set his perfect hair with his hand while taunting them.

They growled only to hear him laugh a little, "Okay, let's go."

They got down hastily and greeted their Mother, "With your permission, we are leaving Mother,"

"Bless you all,"

Grinning, they bid her goodbye and left for Eid's prayer hastily.

After they left, the Ladies of Palace were preparing sweets as a part to indulge in the auspicious day.

Saira was doing all the work while Aalifa was resting her head on the table with her eyes closed as if she could doze off at any moment.

"What happened?" Saira smirked to find her mouth gape, mouth open to not care about anything.

"I don't want to dress up. I was up late applying henna, I want to sleep now," She groaned.

Showing her hands where she applied the bridal henna for Zaviyaar who absolutely loved how the maroon color adorned her skin.

"What's with this disgusting design on your palm? The bridal is so beautiful but on the palm it's so bad."

Saira asked sourly at the roughly made circle and uneven dots showing as if a kid smeared it.

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