93- Earning A Reprieve

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“Ya Allah, I have never traveled into first class before,” My beautiful wife beamed.

After a devilishly long time, I saw a glimpse of happiness on her face. 

She was going where she wanted to for a long time, to her dream place after all.

“I would have taken you there on my private jet but I can’t. Sorry.” I chuckled, indulging in the merest shine she displayed.

Her jaw dropped, “You have a private jet?!” She whisper-yelled.

“Yes. Though it is just rotting there, Asad and Ruben mostly use it to go to London.” I shrugged my shoulders, telling her nonchalantly while enjoying her bewilderment.

“Why can’t you take it?” She questioned, curious.


Pausing, I leaned over, contemplating her pretty form while thinking.

Alphonse would never bear an outsider on his territory,’  

“Because due to lack of being used, it needed servicing and a lot of work. I have no intentions of risking our lives,”

Altering my perception so it won't vex her, I poked her nose. 

“I see.” 

I didn't want to accept but Sebastian had made a wise decision to leave Alphonse there.

He might be in a ‘Devil's Prison’ but he had made that domain his. 

Plus I had no intentions of ruining my trip by crossing paths with him. 

I didn't want to cause bloodshed.

“Though we can check it out next time,” I offered sweetly.


I leaned back to close my eyes and relax but how could I expect any solace when she was distressed?

Opening my eyes, I contemplated her doll-like figure, increasing my heart rate. Drying my throat with needs that were screaming to become one with her.

She was watching a movie as I tilted my elbow on the armrest and stared intensely at my woman with my deepest affection, curling my lips upwards.

So delicate…’ I thought happily

She was engrossed in the movie until she noticed my expressions, my longing gaze lingering on those parted lips and strands falling on her face.

Taking out her headphones, she turned her head to me and chuckled nervously.

“Where are you lost?”

“I am lost in you,” 

Exhaling, I took her arm, wrapping my hands around it to find my solace and rested my head on her shoulder.

“Will you try to give us a chance, Darling? I am dying for your acceptance,” 

“Believe me, Zaviyaar, I am trying but it scares me,” She sighed, placing her head over mine.

But, hearing that was enough to provide me with solace, it relieved me.

“It’s alright, I will wait.” I grinned, inclining my chin on her shoulder to cage her in my eyes and keep her safe with me.

“Maybe not now, not today but at least, I hope that tomorrow, months, or unfortunately years later, that you won’t find any shackle pulling you away from me,” 

“Where did you learn such talks?” 

She breathed out nervously at my most earnest words that came from the bottom of my heart.

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