92- To Fix Her

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I knew that Aalifa's condition wouldn't get better if things continued how they were going.

She needed critical care. She hurt her arm, who knew how she would hurt herself next?

I knew I should take her to a psychiatrist but how could it cure the disease of the heart? How could it cure her regret?

It won't erase her pain.

"Are you seriously going to call him?" Hashir asked in disbelief as I sighed.

I considered bonding with her properly, like a normal couple would be the best option and for that, I had decided to take the most undesirable step.

"What else am I supposed to do, Hashir? You haven't seen your Madam. She... I have to," I sighed, rubbing my temples as making that call was too unfavorable for me.

"But, why France? She is regretful, so take her for a pilgrimage to Mecca. There she would feel better,"

Hashir suggested the obvious option but her pain was with me.

She needed to erase that first before confronting her own self.

"I checked her social media account, and she mentioned that she wanted to go to France. Plus going to Mecca would overflow her heart with more pain for now. Let her rest her mind first, I will take her there too." I explained briefly.

"You know better,"

Taking a deep breath, I decided to call the puppet master of the one residing in France or else his pet would assault me for disturing his fucking playground.

Exhaling, I called the monster in London as his dominant tone with a mixed American-British accent came.

"What do you want, mate?"

Regaining my composure as the ace, I spoke in my deep, husky tone to sound like a mocking bastard as always, hiding my emotions proficiently.

"How is your pet doing, Sebastian?" I suppressed a chuckle, coming to the main topic.

"What do you want?" He repeated his words, clearly not in the mood to talk with me.

He had always resented us, as if I cared about him.

"I wanted to pay a visit to France, for a vacation trip so tell your man to not bother me." I continued with the snicker, pissing him off.

"It's his playground. He can do whatever he wants." He sighed but then his dark amusement struck him too.

"And why don't you go and see for yourself? You will know why I made him an ace too."

"Fair enough."

Cutting the call, I sighed deeply from distress and threw my phone away, vanishing the loud, sneering resonance.

After wrapping up my work, I went back home where I saw Aalifa eating some fruits for nourishment, fortunately, but I seriously needed to do something about those hollow eyes.

I had seen shine in them, I knew how her true happiness sounded. I was longing to win them back and for that I would do anything.

Taking a deep breath, I forced out a grin to not show her my stress and plopping on the couch, moving my hand behind her.

"I am home, Darling,"

"Welcome home. Mother is in her room, you can see her. She was waiting for you actually. Freshen up, I will make some tea-"

She was about to continue though my heart had refused to shift from here, I couldn't move anymore.

"Leave it for now, tell me what are you doing?"

I continued to grin, pinching her cheeks, peeling a banana, offering her a bite of it and ate the rest myself.

"Aren't you going to see Mother? Did you guys fight? Haven't seen you not going to her first. Is everything okay?"

'When my beloved isn't okay then how could I be?' I thought.

"Yeah, I will go there in a bit. I am just tired, can't I sit with for a few moments," I shrugged my shoulders, offering her another fruit.

"Did you have an exhausting day? Stay here, I will get something for you, you seem hungry too-"

She became worried for me and got up, wiping my grin.

"Hey, I am fine, sit here,"

Sighing mentally, that she was not apprehending me, I wanted to be with 'her'.

The reason I didn't go to greet mother first was that I wanted to be with my wife peacefully.

But, no, she was not understanding that.


"We are going for our honeymoon." I enunciated abruptly as my last option to stop her from leaving my vicinity.

"Come again?" She blinked, mouth gaping.

"We are going for our honeymoon,"

I repeated very slowly this time so her mindless self could grasp properly.

"After five months of our marriage? And during my pregnancy?"

She tilted her head adorably, folding her arms at her chest, enhancing her grace.

But, if seen from my eyes, when she wasn't desirable?

Those hair that didn't do anything, just stay on her back, heck, those were tempting.

"So? Honeymoon is a honeymoon."


"Paris, France." I smiled sweetly, poking her cheek, bringing a slight hope on her face to go where she wanted to.


"Yeah, have you ever been there before?" I acted oblivious, immersing in the shine she emitted for two moments.

"No. I thought about saving money to visit there but never got to do it. I am bad at saving,"

"No worries now, Madam. I am here now to fulfill your wishes. You don't have to save, I have got too much to spend."

"Thanks," She smiled, placing her hand over mine with a lowered gaze.

'You have no idea how dangerous that place is for us mafia men but for you sake, the risk is worth it, my love,' I thought.

Sliding my finger under my chin, I made her stare into my endless affectionate gaze to let her know that I won't abandon her even if that would require life threatening force.

"I just want you to get comfortable with me and start imagining our future together only," I murmured.

Moving my thumb across her jawline, causing her to stare at me innocently while forming her lips in a thin line.

Damn, I wanted to kiss them with all my passion.

"Because at this moment, only 'I' exist."

Continuing sternly, praying she would understand, I gave her head a pat, rising from my seat.

"Not Asim, not your past, not your regrets, not your previous. Look forward into our future, Darling,"

Fidgeting her fingers around her dress, she replied honestly, "I... will try,"

Allowing her to be lost in her thoughts, I went to see Mother, informed her about our honeymoon.

"Please pray for us, Mother, I need them the most right now," I pleaded with her.

"All of my prayers are for my family, my son. May her heart melt, may you guys finally solve all your problems and continue a lovely, healthy life with many kids," She grinned, patting my head.

I spoke wholeheartedly, "Ameen,"

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