111- Not Trusting

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With a hint of embarrassment collecting in me with worry about what he would think-

Probably as a desperate woman who got any chance available and started a new life.

'Ah, what could I say? Life could never be how one would want.'

If that was it, then so be it. Unfortunately, I had lost that one chance to talk to him and with a heavy heart, I returned home with Ahmer.

Holding an emotionless look, anticipating his rage when we entered his luxurious apartment and he burst his rage.

"So that's why you were late huh? So you could meet him behind my back!?"

Yelling, he threw my things away, gaining attention.

The maid glanced at us and went back to her work as I sighed in disappointment.

Coming closer, I placed my hand on his arm to cool him down.

"You are getting it wrong. We have talked about it before, Ahmer, please," I whispered softly.

It had been three months of our marriage, I didn't feel like fighting once with him.

I had one request only, apart from it, I would just lead this life, uncaring of where it would lead.

"That doesn't give you a damn right to see him without informing me! How could you? You were waiting for him all this huh?" He hissed, turning his head away and yanking my hand back.

"Will you stop doubting me, please?" I murmured, curling my lips upward emptily but none of it affected him.

He was filled with rage at finding me with Zaviyaar, he won't forgive me for it.

"Because that is what women like you do. Listen closely, you are my wife and I won't tolerate you with him," He scowled, pointing his finger furiously at me.

I frowned, "I am not that low to cheat."

"At least have some respect for our relationship, Ahmer. There is something I must tell him, that is all," I continued, not remembering for what time.

Narrowing my eyes, I almost pleaded with him, praying he would understand. Arching an eyebrow, he looked down at me.


At my lack of reply, he grabbed my arm possessively. Bringing me roughly towards him as I froze at his roughness when he glared at me.

"It's not... I love you, right?" He hissed, desperation coming to his face, losing his breaths.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head in denial weakly, "N-No, it's not,"

To my reassurance, he sighed in relief, leaving me after hurting my arm by his grip.

I rubbed my arm and averted my gaze when he pulled me into a side hug, kissing the top of my head as I looked down with an empty gaze.


Sighing, I removed his hand gradually, the hollowness taking over as I filled a glass with water.

"But, thanks to you, I lost my chance. There was one thing I wanted to tell him, all I asked for was one meeting and you got me back,"

Taunting, I drank some water to calm myself.

"I am your husband, how do you expect me to watch my wife with her ex?"

Twirling my fingers around my dress, I spoke sincerely, "Sorry, I should have told you before,"

"You should next time-"

He was about to speak expectantly to lift my mood but I cut him off coldly, going back to my room.

"I doubt there will be a next time,"

There was no point in talking about it. I had lost that chance.

He must have left by now and I doubt I would gain another chance to see him again.

Filled with disappointment, I went to work the next day. My mind was lost but I kept my shining posture, forging the perfect pseudo smile.

I didn't want to.

Ever since I returned, my heart had been exhausted, I no longer wanted to smile.

But, upon seeing Zaviyaar, I smiled.

'I wanted to show him that the radiance for which we separated paths was revitalized in me,'

After working, I was about to leave but surprisingly saw Zaviyaar in the parking lot, probably waiting for me that astonished me. Didn't expect he would come to see after knowing I was married.

I thought he left.


Waving his hand sweetly at me, he smiled. Returning the smile, not forcefully, I came closer, waving back.

"I thought you left," I whispered happily, heart beating at an abnormal pace with a bubbly sensation.

I felt anxious and delighted at the same time.

Chuckling, he shrugged his shoulders, "You owe me a coffee. Plus, I want to hear what you would like to tell me, Mrs...?"

"Don't use that. Just use my name," I shook my hands in the air, motioning to him to stop.

Like I couldn't tell that would agonize him. I no longer intend to hurt him further than I already did and continued to smile

"Why? Is it difficult or sounds funny to pronounce?" He teased me, earning a giggle from me too.


Lowering my gaze, I held my arm, vexed about how Ahmer would react as I was too tired to bear a fight with him at the moment and doing anything right now would infuriate him beyond control.

"Um, how long are you going to stay in New York?" I asked nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

"As long as you would want me to stay,"

My mouth gaped when he flirted but he laughed a little, gesturing to me to relax.

"Just kidding, I have extended my ticket to a week."

"Wouldn't it... Cause problems?"

I got perturbed, I had seen that action causing too much trouble already, I didn't want to bring further tribulations because of me.

"What? No, no. Don't worry." He smirked, walking with me to my car.

"If you say so."

"So, are you free today?"

I sighed in disappointment, "Actually Zaviyaar, I have to go to a student's home for dance lessons. I wrapped up my work yesterday but sadly..."

"A few days feel less compared to three years,"

He smiled sorrowfully as his unintentional mock pricked me but I continued to smile sheepishly.

"Sorry about that."

"No problem,"

And bidding goodbyes, we both left as I prayed to get one chance to tell him what I want to

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