90- Savior

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*** THIRD POV ***


Back when Aalifa used to be an online famous figure, she received an audition call from two celebrities. She, who yearns to create a career, was ready to grab that opportunity.

She wanted to show her parents for whom she chose fame over them that she could survive on her own.

That they were wrong and she was right.

"Are you sure that performance will get me into movies?" She asked Asim who used to be events manager at that time.

They were acquaintances at that time.

He had given her a few shows too and was the one who informed her about the audition as he had always admired her grace.

"Sure. Stop doubting your capabilities, Aalifa, I am sure you will do amazing." He chuckled, having faith in her.

"Ya Allah, I am so scared. They are so famous and senior to me,"

"Keep the confidence and you will surely do it good,"

She smiled sincerely, "Thank you, Asim, for giving me a chance to meet them,"

"I didn't do anything, they requested you themselves. They must have seen some spark in you to choose you," He smirked, showing her a thumbs up to boost her confidence when she was flooding with anxiety.


"Ijaz and Akbar are going to produce a film, they want to see if they could cast you or not,"

He grinned, boosting her confidence, earning a chuckle from her that caused him to stare at her in mesmerization.

She was truly a charm of grace and seeing her holding her head high made him smile.

Soon they entered the young and handsome actor's cabin who were waiting for their prey.

"Hello, Sir," She smiled, fidgeting her fingers with her heartbeats becoming louder in thrill.

"Ah, my, we are finally honored to meet the infamous Sitara, brother,"

One of them, Akbar, rose from his seat and took her head, kissing the back of her palm.

"Pleased to meet you," He spoke seductively.

Asim narrowed his eyes but shrugged it off. She continued to grin, giving his hand a firm squeeze.

"My name is Aalifa Niyaz, Sir,"

She didn't think anything wrong, in fact, she felt delighted that he displayed such a gesture.

"You are a star, aren't you?" The other brother, Ijaz smirked, scanning her from top to bottom while opening a button on his shirt.

She chuckled nervously, "Asim told me-"

Cutting her off, they turned to him, "Ah, right, Asim,"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Could you please get us all a cup of tea, please?"

"Sure, no worries,"

With a nod, he didn't think much and left her alone with those two whose eyes were affixed on her timid body, becoming fretful when Akbar placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, what were you saying, Dear?"

She gulped, glancing at his hand and back to his face. The smile on their faces started to give her bad omen, scaring her yet upon noticing her distress, he didn't remove his hand.

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