Chapter twenty nine

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February 14th

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February 14th

I shut my notebook again with a sigh for the ninth time today, my head landing on my arms crossed over top of my book on the piano.

I've locked myself in this room all day, trying to at least get something, anything done.

I haven't finished a song in weeks, and I'm running out of time to keep up with the timeline I set for myself for the album release. I busied myself cleaning my music room and putting the odd thing away that was left out, trying to make myself feel like I haven't completely wasted a day. I dusted the piano and shelves, vacuumed, and sorted through all the loose note papers in a bin on the floor.

I pick my head up from my arms and look over my shoulder to the clock on the wall. Harry will be here to pick me up in two hours, so I decide to give up and go have a shower. I shut the window and lock it, turning back to my bathroom to turn on the shower. I flick the switch for the fan and take off my clothes, throwing them into the laundry bin in the corner of the room.

I open the shower door, stepping in and immediately step under the stream of water, letting out a sigh when the warmth spread all down my back. I wash and condition my hair, wash my body, and wash my face before shutting off the water and grabbing my towel that I left hanging over the door. I wrap the towel around me and roll the top a little so it doesn't fall down and open the shower door. Goosebumps cover my arms the second the cold air hits me, and I open the bathroom door, and walk into my bedroom.

I put on a clean pair of underwear and shorts, then shuffle through my closet until I find the sweater I was looking for.

Once I'm dressed, I grab my glass of water from my dresser and go back into the bathroom to start getting ready. It's already four thirty and Harry will be here at six to pick me up. He hasn't told me much, all I know is it's Valentine's day, I'm supposed to dress up, and he told me not to eat dinner, so I assume that's what we're doing.

I do my skincare and put on some makeup, letting my hair air dry as much as possible, before I finish it off and curl it. I painted my nails this morning, so I quickly double checked that they didn't get dented at all today, and slip on my usual rings, necklaces, and earrings before going to get my dress from the closet.

At five forty-five, Harry texted me letting me know he was on his way, perfectly on time as always and I zipped my dress up in the back and grabbed my heels to bring to the door.

Turning around to face the mirror on the wall across from me. The red dress goes about half way down my thighs, making me need to wear heels tonight since you can clearly see my shoes.

The dress first me nicely up top and is more form fitting on the upper half, but frills out the slightest bit to give it a little bit of flow at my waist. I'm not wearing a bra either, since the thin red straps on my shoulders will show just about anything I could have tried on.

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