Chapter thirty five

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April 27th

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April 27th

We spent last night packing up for our drive this morning, trying to remember everything we'd need for the weekend.

Harry packed a small backpack full of things he hopes will entertain her enough throughout the four hour drive, that we won't go crazy.

He spent the last couple days accumulating things he thought we'd need this weekend from the house, slowly packing things into the car so it wasn't super overwhelming.

We went dress shopping a few weeks ago, the three of us spent forever trying to find something for everyone that we were all happy with.

Harry chose my dress, I swear I tried on almost twenty dresses at different stores, starting to get frustrated with the whole thing before Harry knocked on my change room door, shyly handing me a dress he wanted me to try.

I don't know how he did it, but it fit perfectly. I fell in love with the dress as soon as I put it on, immediately forgetting about the last few options I hadn't tried yet.

That was the one.

Now, we rush around the house making sure nobody's forgetting anything while Isla sits at the front door.

She's grumpy this morning, not at all excited for the drive ahead of us and being up this early.

Harry thought about leaving yesterday to avoid having to do it the day of the wedding but didn't think we needed to be there that long.

We are already staying an extra day, as he wanted us to take advantage of being away ensuring we get a little get away before we're back and everything gets crazy with the album release.

Eventually we all made it into the car, and honestly the first half of the drive was lovely. Isla talked about her week, telling us about what she did at school, and what she learned at piano this week now that she was able to go back.

Harry took her to get her cast off two weeks ago, swinging by my apartment after her appointment to show me. She said she was happy to have it off but a little sad to get it off because loved the drawings and names people had put on her cast so Harry took pictures for her to be able to keep.

But once the first two hours passed, she was getting restless. Harry knew this was going to happen, he was just hoping we could make it further before we got to this point.

He told her where the backpack of toys, snacks, and colouring books were, offering for her to find something in there or play a car game.

She was happy again with that, she spent another hour colouring and playing with her toys, often interrupting herself from playing to ask how much longer.

Harry laughed every time, giving her a quick answer which held her off for a couple minutes.

Although the drive felt like forever, it was a lot of fun. Yeah, we had to think of creative ways to entertain Isla to keep her as happy as possible, but I also got to spend four uninterrupted hours with my two favourite people.

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