Chapter thirty one

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February 23rd

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February 23rd

"You can't wear that." I turn around confused and see Harry in the door way, eyes roaming up and down my body.

"Sorry?" I ask, unsure of what's wrong with my bathing suit, since we're going to the beach and all.. I look down at myself to see if I'm missing something, but I feel his hands land on my ass. He leaves them there for a few seconds before impatiently moving them, and letting them roam wherever he could reach.

"You. Can't. Wear that." he says in between kisses up my neck, I'm fully ready to push him off of me. I'm just confused as to why he's being a dick all of a sudden.

"I don't know how you think I'll be able to behave all day with you, it's hard enough as it is." He chuckles, spinning me around. "You look gorgeous, my love. This colour looks perfect on you. I love you." He finishes his compliments, with the shy reminder, neither of us used to saying or hearing it yet.

"You'll just have to figure it out then, won't you?" I ask, kissing the tip of his nose and pushing him away from me. "And I love you." I add in grabbing my bag and Harry's button up I stole to wear over my bathing suit, and head out the door to find Isla.

"Hey." Harry says following me out, picking up the beach bag he packed and left in the hallway outside his room.

I laugh softly so he can't hear me, at his feet quickly moving down the hall behind me.

Islas waiting in the living room in a pink bathing suit, and pink sandals. "You ready?" she asks, perking up and heading to the door as I nod, grabbing my hand while I slip on my sandals.

The three of us head out to the car, Harry placing the beach bag on the other back seat, while I help Isla buckle her seatbelt. Her excitement was adorable, she always talked lovingly of the beach and the time they spent there but i've never gone with them yet.

Isla sang along to her songs as always, I was a little surprised when one of mine started to play through the car and she continued singing like nothing was different.

I look at Harry and he's smiling, watching the road mouthing the words. "She-"

He cuts me off, nodding "She loves them" he says, the honesty in his tone making me want to cry.

After pulling into the parking lot Harry grabs the beach bag out of the back seat and unbuckles Isla while I grab my bag and Islas little bag of beach toys. "Thank you Ivy" she says, seeing me carrying her toys, and I giggle.

"No problem"

We walk down the short path from the car to the sand and Harry and I follow behind Isla who takes off down the beach.

"Every time." he laughs from beside me, reaching for my hand.

I look around, over the beach and the people occupying the different spots in the sand. Isla running ahead, but making sure not to get too far. The sky is blue and it's surprisingly nice for February, the sun is out and while in the sun, it's plenty warm for a bikini.

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