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I was unsure what to do with myself after the conversation with Roseanne

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I was unsure what to do with myself after the conversation with Roseanne. Her words kept echoing in my head, making me question the truths I held onto for all these years. I felt drained, and I needed to stop the barrage of thoughts, so I changed, hitting my gym. I pushed myself hard, showered, then headed straight to my den. I expected Roseanne to approach me wanting to continue the conversation, which I hoped to avoid, but she was busy in the kitchen, not bothering to look my way as I went past.

Waiting on my desk was a plate of sandwiches and a thermos of coffee. I stared at the offering for a moment, then with a shrug, dug in as I lost myself in the files I had brought home. It wasn’t until early evening I saw her again.

“Dinner is ready, if you’re hungry.”

I looked up, squinting.

“Lisa, you need some light.” She crossed over, snapping on my desk lamp. She shook her head. “And maybe a pair of reading glasses. I’ve been noticing how close you hold things to your face to read.”

I looked down, realizing she was right.

“I’ll make an appointment for you,” she offered, a grin tugging on her lips. “I doubt that falls under your assistant’s job listing, either.”

I had to chuckle, even as I rolled my eyes. When I met with Amy on Friday, listing out my expectations, she had surprised me with her own list. PAs at The Kim Group were a vastly different species than at Anderson Inc. She was there to provide back up, keep me organized, and even, on occasion, fetch me lunch, but she was not there to make me coffee, toast a bagel, or pick up my dry cleaning. To say I was put in my place would be an understatement. She was kind enough to show me the large employee lounge, how to use the coffee machine, and where I could find the bagels and other assorted foods Graham kept on hand for his staff.

Roseanne had to leave the room to hide her laughter when I told her the story.

“It’s not funny!” I yelled after her.

“Oh, but it is.” Her dry reply drifted down the hall.

I had to admit, she was right. In retrospect, it didn’t kill me to get up and grab a coffee. It was a good way to stretch my legs. I had a sense Amy would be skimpy with the cream cheese on my bagel, anyway. Katharine always piled it on the way I liked it.

“Christ, I’m getting old,” I grumbled. “Reading glasses.”

She laughed. “Yes, thirty-two is ancient. You’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll make them look good.”

I quirked my eyebrow at her. “Oh yeah? Are you saying I’ll look even sexier wearing glasses?”

“I’m saying nothing. Your ego is big enough. Dinner is in the kitchen if you want it.”

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