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Spending an evening with a nervous, tense Roseanne and Jennie proved to be interesting

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Spending an evening with a nervous, tense Roseanne and Jennie proved to be interesting.

Jennie was unnaturally still, which was disconcerting itself, but Roseanne was the bigger surprise. I had gotten used to her quiet nature, but tonight, she rambled.


Between showing Jennie her plans for the living area, “our room,” asking endless questions about the history of yoga, the general inquiries about every member of the Kim family and office, as well as any other subject that seemed to filter through her brain, she talked non-stop. Also, she never sat down. She flitted around the room, using her hands to demonstrate her ideas. She picked, moved, tidied, and straightened every object in the room at least twice. She kept patting Jennie’s shoulder, making sure she was okay, and the cold compress she kept on my neck was switched out every twenty minutes. I didn’t think it ever reached room temperature. I had to admit, when she stood behind me, chatting, I didn’t mind the way her fingers felt as she massaged my neck, or the way she tilted my head back to the softness of her stomach and ran her fingers through my hair repeatedly. The soothing action felt good, and my headache began to dissipate, despite the constant chatter.

Still, her behavior was perplexing. Even Jennie quirked her eyebrow at me more than once. I shrugged one shoulder, offering the only thing I felt made sense when Roseanne was out of earshot.

“She doesn’t like storms, either.”

My explanation seemed to satisfy her curiosity.

Around ten, the storm lessened, the thunder tapering to a low occasional growl, although the rain continued to beat on the glass around us.

Jennie stood. “I’m going to go stick in my ear buds, turn up the music, and put on a night mask. Maybe I can fall asleep before the next wave hits.”

Roseanne stood, as well. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can sleep on the chaise and be close.”

Jennie shook her head and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be okay. Knowing you’re across the hall will help. I just can’t be alone. Usually Mom and Dad are around if Jisoo is away. Adam and Julia are so busy with the kids, I hate bothering them. You guys were a lifesaver tonight.” She bent down and kissed my cheek. “Thanks, Lisa. I know you see enough of me in the office. I really appreciate it.”

“Not a problem.”

“If you need me, come and get me,” Roseanne offered.

“I’ll try not to.”

She walked up the steps, leaving Roseanne and me. I studied her body language. Tense was an understatement. If she held herself any tighter, she’d be the one with the headache soon.


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Why would you ask?”

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