Chapter 4: Strange Things

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Chapter 4:

Strange Things by Randy Newman (The song was in Toy Story)


Liam's POV

"Well, I'll be off! I'll let you guys and girls get acquainted!" With that statement, Simon was off and left us standing in the front yard.

We all examined each other. My 'little sister' could actually pass as my little sister. If she was a little older, she could pass as my twin.

"So..." Lian and I said at the same time and the same exact way. I'm not sure if this should be happening.

"Let's introduce ourselves the right way." Zayn said.

"Hi! We're One Direction!" We all said perfectly together. That wasn't freaky to us. We sort of had to learn to do that. Simon thought the fans would like us more if we do that and well, they do.

"Let's introduce ourselves too." Zaina said. Of course she had to say that right after Zayn did!

"Hi! We're Any Direction!" They're just saying that. They can't possibly be really called that.

"And you copied our name!" Louis added.

"No we didn't! I came up with that name when we all became friends!" Harriet retorted back.

"I came up with our name when we became a band!" Harry said. Simon must be punishing us! He probably paid all these girls to act like us to teach us a lesson!

"Let's go inside I'm hungry!" Niall said holding his stomach.

"Same with me." Nellie copying Niall. Ha ha, that's so funny! Note the sarcasm.

We all went inside our gigantic house. The girls were in awe. I guess they never seen a house like this before.

"Hey! We have to take a quick picture and post it on twitter!" I said while taking my phone out.

"Everyone get with your older sibling!" I yelled.

Soon we were all squished together and taking a picture. Once the picture was done, I posted it on twitter. I examined the picture more closely. Harry and Harriet were making the same face and so were Louis and Louise. Zayn and Zaina both had their hands in their hair trying to fix it. I guess they didn't know I was taking the picture. Then it was Niall and Nellie and they both had a sad face. I guess they both wanted food. The only two left in the picture were me and Lian. We both had the same smile, but that really didn't say anything...right?

Lian's POVo

This whole thing was set up. It's impossible for people to act this much alike. Even twins don't act like this! I bet this is going to turn into some movie and they didn't want us to know. That is totally it! I have to tell the girls and ask what they think about this theory.

"So what do you girls want to do?" The boys asked. I immediately jumped up.

"TOY STORY!" That is the best movie in the world! I mean who doesn't love that movie?

"This is getting freaky!" Zayn screamed.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Cause Liam loves that same movie!" Niall said. He was still gripping his stomach and so was Nellie. I think they need food or else their going to die.

"Everyone loves that movie! That is not freaky." I told them or mostly told myself.

"Can we at least get popcorn to eat or something? My stomach is going crazy!" Nellie said while her stomach was making noises.

"My stomach is going crazy too!" Niall exclaimed while his stomach was making the same noises.

I have to say that's pretty creepy.

"As long as we get carrots!" Louise and Louis yelled.

That's a little more creepy.

"No! Those baby carrots are mine!" They both screamed at each other.

They both raced to what I assume is the kitchen. All that is running through my mind is that strange things are happening here. (EB)

Harriet's P.O.V

All right. This is weird.

I looked at Harry's bright green eyes. They looked like mine. Same hair. Same face. This is weird.

"Before we start the movie lets talk about our selfs." Lian suggested.

"Buzzkill!" Harry, Louis, Louise and I all yelled at the same time.

We looked at each other in awe.

"Alright. Favorite colour?" Liam tried.





"Red!" Harry and I finished.

I raised an eyebrow.

This is fucking crazy.

"Let's go weird questions. Relationship status?" Louis asked.

"Taken!" Liam and Lian shouted.

"Taken." Zayn and Zayna.

"Taken!" Louis and Louise shouted.

"Single but ready to mingle!" Harry and I said smoothly.

"Single." Nellie and Niall finished.

"Wow. Lost of relationships here." Liam continued.

"JUST PRESS PLAY PEASANT!" Louise and Louis shouted.

"Does anyone else think this is like...insane?" Lian asked.

"I DO!" shouted my BooBear, Harry and Louis.

"NOW PRESS PLAY!" continued Louise and Louis.

"Can we watch the 2nd one?" asked Lain.

"Why?" the guys asked.

"UM GIRL POWER DUH," said Louise.

"Yea and who dosen't love Jessie," I added.

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