Chapter 9: Mama

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  • Dedicated to the mothers of the world

Chapter 9:  

Mama-Spice Girls


Harriet's POV

"Heh, heh, unicorn," Louise said looking at Harry.

"You're sure she's okay?" asked Liam.

"Not anymore," I said.

"What gave it away, the fact that she's mental or calling Harry a unicorn?" asked Zayna.

"Can I ride on your back unicorn?" asked Louise.

"UNCLE SIMON!" Niall yelled.

"What?" Simon said coming in the room, "I have enough on my mind with your mums coming over."

"Well, we think Louise is delusional," I said shrugging.

"Go, unicorn, GO!" Louise yelled jumping on Harry's back.

"Why am I the unicorn?" Harry asked.

"Good unicorn," said Louise patting Harry's head.

"Let's go to the hospitol," Simon said.

"Wait Zayn stay here," Louis said.

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"Hospitals have germs." said Niall.

"Okay, I'll just go to the loo really quick," said Zayn and Louis followed him and locked him in.

"HEY!" Zayn cried.

"What?  I locked you in with water and a toilet," said Louis.

"Let's go!" I yelled and pulled Louis away. We hopped in the car and headed to the nearest hospital. "Oh, Mr. Unicorn you have a friend," said Louise looking at me.

"Hello Mrs. Pegasus, will you fly for me?" Louise asked.

"Okay?" I said and I flapped my arms, Louise started clapping.

"Yay pegasus," said Louise and we carried her to the ER lobby while Simon went to park the car.

"What's wrong?" asked the woman at the front desk not caring to look up.

"Well our friend here went kinda mental, love," said Harry.

"You're One Direction!" the woman explained.

"Yes, now get my best friend a room," I snapped.

"Okay, just fill this out," said the woman handing us a sheet about Louise.

"Her mom should be here soon, then she'll fill this out," I lied.

"Okay, come with me," she said and led us to a luxurious helf room with a mystery patient on the other side.

"Is Mr. Unicorn and Mrs. Pegasus dating?" Louise asked.

"No, Mr. Unicorn is my brother," I said.

"OK," Louise said smiling.

Zayn's POV

I heard the house door open and looked up.  Suddenly I heard a whoshing sound and a thud.  I looked at the door and saw an arrow sticking out.

"We know someone's in there," said a female voice outside the door.

"Who are you and what have you done with our daughters?" asked another voice and I heard a power drill and thought I'm dead.

"Any Direction?" I asked.

"You know them?" asked a voice and the drilling stopped and the door fell in right next to me.  Standing on the other side of the door were 5 women, one was holding a power drill and another was holding a bow with a quiver attached to her back while the rest looked ready to beat me to a pulp.

"Ye-yes," I stuttered.

"Where are they?" asked the woman with the bow and arrrow.

"Who are you?" I asked my voice quivering.

"Marrie, Harriet's mom," said one holding the power drill.

"Erin, Nellie's mom," said the one with the bow and arrow.

"Rose, Lian's mom."

"Katrina, Zayna's mom."

"Stacy, Louise's mom."

"I am Zayn and the girls are at a hospital," I said.

"What?" the mom's said.

"We think Louise went insane," I said.

"Why?" asked Stacy.

"She's calling Harry a unicorn and Louis dropped her on her head last night," I said nervously.

"She was....when my son dropped her on her head when she was a baby, the doctor said next time it could lead to a severe concusion," Stacy said.

"We need to get to the hospital!" Rose said.

"One problem, I don't know which hospital they're at," I said moving around the door and out of the bathroom.

"Where's the closest one?" Marrie asked.

"Down the road," I said, "They're probally there."

"LET'S GO!" Stacy yelled.

Harriet's POV

"What happened?" the doctor asked and I pushed Louis forward towards the doctor.

"I dropped her on her head," Louis said scracthing his head.

"I'll look at it, can we clear out the room, so there's only 2 or 3 of you?" the doctor asked.

"I'm staying," Louis, Lian and I said.

"Okay," the doctor said before everyone left.

Marrie's POV

"Calm down, Stacy, she'll be fine," I cooed patting one of my best friends on the back.

"I'm looking for Louise Tomlindaughter," Rose said to the receptionest.

"Room 7," the woman said bored.

"Breath," I told Stacy as I grabbed her hand before walking in the room.

"Louise?" Stacy asked approaching her daughter on the bed.

"Giant lolipop," said Louise.

"Hello," the doctor said coming in.

"Hello," we all greeted.

"Now, Louise has a concusion. This is only a small side affect and will wear off eventually.  But for now keep her sitting and drinking lots of fluids," said the doctor.

"Of course," said Stacy holding Louise's hand.  Louise started licking it thinking she was actually a lollipop.

"I'm so sorry," the boy in the room said.

"Are you Louis?" asked Stacy and the boy nodded, "You dropped my daughter."

"Yes, I'm so so so so so so sorry," Louis said.

"I forgive you, I knew you wouldn't mean to drop her," said Stacy hugging Louis.

"Thanks?" he said.

"Are you going to yell at us mom?" Harriet asked looking at the floor.

"Not right now," I said hugging my daughter, "But later is a definate."

"Okay," Harriet said sniffling.

"Lian, your mom's in the hallway," I said to Lian who left a second later.

"I'm so sorry," Harriet said.

"Think of it this way," I said, "You looked great, did you design those shirts?"

"Yea," she said smiling wiping away tears.


A/N: Happy Mother's Day Weekend!  Our gift to you is a motherly love chapter!  Hope you liked!  I did, no doubt. But I wrote it, so yea.  I love you all.  And just a note, I don't know anything about 1D so when I write a chapter it's all about me trying so respect me if any fact is wrong :D


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