Chapter 25: Kamehameha

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Chapter 25: Kamehameha

Lian's POV

Nellie and I are going to be alright. If we weren't, she wouldn't be in the closet with me watching Youtube.

"Does he really say kamehameha? The guy with the spiky hair on your shirt?" Nellie points at my DBZ shirt that has Goku on it.

"Yes he actually does. Do you want watch a video of him doing it?" I don't wait for a response as I search kamehameha on my phone. I click on the first video that pops up and wait for it to load.

"You're really going to show me him doing it?" She questions my weirdness, which you should never do.

"I am and you're going to enjoy it." The video starts playing. Everything seems right as he starts to say kamehameha, but once it reaches 0:12, things start to get weird. Instead of the usual yell Goku does when he reaches ha, he sang it really high pitched.

I stare at Nellie and she bursts into laughter and I can't help, but join. It's pretty funny.

"Play it again!" She touches the replay button.

As we watch it many more times, I see the Nellie that I know and love. She's actually smiling and laughing. I wish it could stay like this forever.

"Does he really sound like that?" She's able to make out through her laughter.

"Oh God no. I'll show you how he actually sounds." Starting my search for a better video, she stops me.

"No, I don't want to know how he sounds! It'll ruin it." She grabs my phone, giving me her puppy eyes.

"Fine, but just know that that's not how he sounds. He's cooler than that." I try to take my phone back, but she puts it in her back pocket.

"Nellie, can I have my phone back?" It's useless, I already know where this is going to lead to.

"If you want it then come and get it!" She jumps up and quickly runs out of the closet.

"It's on!" I shout.

I chase her around the whole house, with the boys and girls giving us crazy looks.

"What kind of music do you have on here?" She grabs my phone out of her back pocket and searches my phone, while running. How does she do it?

"Nellie don't you dare!" She can't see my music. I'm going to be judged. Why didn't I put a password on my phone!?

She stops running and just stares at my phone in a sort of daze.

"Nellie, it's not what it looks like." I try to explain myself, but it's already too late.

"You have them on your phone? You never said anything before..." She shakes her head.

"I swear I'm not what you think I am."

"You're a directioner." She looks up from my phone and to me. Her blue eyes show it all. She's hurt.

"Why does it even matter? It's just music."

"It's not the fact you have them on your phone, it's that you never told us. You never told me. I thought I was your best friend." She throws my phone on the ground and the screen shatters. That throws me off the edge.

"Well, best friends never leave each other, but it looks like you did that! Best friends care about each other too, but you failed at that. When you were gone, I stayed in that closet crying that I would never see you again. But you don't care do you?" I viciously spit out to her.

"Maybe I would have stayed if someone noticed me! Best friends pay attention. And you're clueless." She walks away from me and normally I would have apologized, but I'm not wrong.

Nellie's P.O.V

I stormed away from Lian.

Why does it matter that she listened to one direction?

It doesn't.

Its just, she neglected me.

She ignored me.

They all did.

And, I guess I really did not tell them that.

"Hey. Why the hell did you blow up on Lian like that? Just because she likes one direction doesn't mean anything! Don't you have their albums, too?" Zayna demanded.

Everyone, even Lian, had flooded into the kitchen. They were waiting for my answer.

'It's not the music." I mumbled.

"Then what is it, sweetie?" My mom asked.

"Its, everything. Its the boys, themselves. It's the girls, too. It's all of they're parents. It my parents. I should be in Canada. With Tyler and Kyle.(A/N I couldn't resist.) But, no! You had to move to England. Why? No FUCKING REASON! In Canada I had friends that truly cared. They have helped me in ways none of you will. They've seen me at my lowest low. They saved me. Hell, Alex, one of the kidnappers, helped me. I OWE MY FUCKING KIDNAPPER MY LIFE! But, you guys? I don't owe you my company.

"I'm only here because Alex went back to his boarding school in Paris. I would rather be tortured EVERYDAY than be here with you guys. My  life has been nothing but hell since I moved here. And, I hate you all. You make me want to jump off a building." I yelled. I pushed through the crowd to get to the door.

No one stopped me.

No one called to me.

I slammed the front door shut.

There's only one place I want to go.

The woods.

@@@@@@*A while later*@@@@@

"Why don't we?" I questioned, eager for his answer.

"NELLIE! Don't be daft. We're not doing it." Niall argued.

"Why not?"

"It didn't kill Zayn."

"We jump from the higher part." I smiled.

"Fine. I'm in. Tonight at midnight." He agreed.

Niall jumped down from the tree we were sitting in. He knew exactly where I would go.

There were three things that became apparent to me at that moment.

1.) I was a bomb. It was a matter of hours until I would explode.

2.) Niall Horan was the most important person, to me.

3.) I was going to explode, and I am taking him with me.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Niall gulped.

I glanced down. This house was really high up.

"Yeah. I still want to." I replied.

I took Niall's hand and walked to the edge of the roof.

"On three. One... two... three." I yelled.

We jumped.

I watched as the ground came to meet me.

I heard one sickening crunch after another. I wasn't really sure who's body hit first.

And you'll never guess what we did then.

We exploded.



Maeve, are you happy, now? ~Tay

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