Chapter 23:

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Harriet's POV

"Zayn, I thought you were fucking dead!" Zayna yelled running to hug him.

He moaned in pain.

"I'm not dead, I was just on the verge if it," Zayn said, "Those doctors are pretty nice."

"Let us in!" I heard my mom say from the door.

"I'm a cop!" I heard Nellie's dad yell.

"Mom!" I yelled running towards her.


"Harriet!" she yelled pushing past our guard dog and hugging me.

"Erin, we came as fast as we could, I'm sorry about Nellie, I can't even believe-"

"She's not dead!" Nellie's mom said, "Well...she may be dead, but we're not sure."

"Should we form a search party, Erin?" Nellie's dad asked.

"We need to find her at any cost," Nellie's mom said.

Zayna's POV

"I can't believe you," I whispered my cheek pressed up against his chest.

"Yea, got a broken arm and a few broken ribs but I'll live," he said.

"Get away from her," Liam said behind me.

"You almost killed me," Zayn said angrily.

"I'm sorry," Liam said.

"Sorry! That's it! You pushed me off a god damn building and you say sorry!"

"Stop it!" I yelled, "Life is hard enough as it is right now, we neglected Nellie, and now she's not coming back. Whether she's dead or alive she's not coming back. We can't neglect anyone anymore."

"Where's Lian, and Louis, and Louise?" Harry asked coming into the room.

"Uh....shit," I said.

"And where'd Niall go?" Zayn asked.

"He's probably blaming himself for this," Liam said.

"I'm going to check the roof," I said.

"I'll check outside," Liam said.

"I'll check the windows," Harry said.

"I'll check the rooms and closets," Zayn said.

"Let's go, we need to make sure that everyone stays safe from now on," Liam said.

I walked up on the roof and saw Niall sitting with checkers and an elementary school scale.

"She's gone because of you," he put a black checker in one side.

"The fans," a red one in the other.

"The guys," he put a red checker in.

"The girls," red checker.

"You're a failure," black checker.

"You're worthless," black checker.

"No one cares about you," black checker.

"We all care about you," I said coming behind him.

"No you don't," he said. Black checker.

"You're an amazing person, you're nice and she's not gone because of you or any one person, she's gone because of me too, she's gone because of all of us, but that doesn't mean she wants any of us to die," I said. Red checker. Black checker.

"She wants all of us to die," he said.

"Do you know what, this checkers thing is stupid!" I threw the scale off of the roof.

"I'm stupid," he said.

"Niall, get your ass off of this roof," I said.

"Zayna, you know that the checkers represent my entire life, I'm worthless and always have been," he said handing me a piece of paper full of tally marks, "I've had this since middle school, I said when I did something beyond horrible to someone I cared about I'd count them. 605 black, meaning death, 556 red, meaning life."

I ripped it into little bits and threw them off the roof, "I said, get your ass off of this fucking roof, we've all had enough emotional trauma for a lifetime, and I'm 14."

"I thought you were 13," he said.

I looked at the floor and started singing sadly, "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Zayna, happy birthday to me."

"It's your birthday?" he asked.

"Yea, no one remembered though," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I just want one gift now, you to not kill yourself, or even think about killing yourself, for the rest of your life," I said.

"Pinky promise," he said holding out his finger.

"Pinky promise," I said, "now get off of this damn roof."

"Alright," he said.

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