Chapter 29:

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Ah! This was our first book together and I'm sad to say that this is the last chapter. And if you guys want, I might write an epilogue...(Comment down below what you think. Yes or no?)
Thanks for sticking with us! Love you babes. Also like lots of death ahead so...~ taylore543

Year: 2025 (essentially it's been 10 years since the last chapter.)

Zayna's P.O.V
"I was always really bad at this. even when I was your age." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Awe. Please play with us!" Mary cried.

"Yeah! I bet that you'd be good. It can't hurt, right?" Harry sniggered.

"You're right. Then come on!" Fear flooded his face as I pulled him out of his chair.

"Woah, you're seriously gonna play four square with us? Hell yeah!" Derek cheered.

"No cursing!" Harry and I yelled at the same time.
Derek just looked to his feet.

"Well. If you two are actually going to play, I wanna see it. Go on." Liam (just to clarify this isn't Liam Payne. This is a child named Liam.)smirked.

"Fine. Places everyone." Harry clapped his hands.

"This isn't a show. Jeez." Carrie smiled, waltzing over to stand next to her sister.

"Just throw the ball!" I shouted, taking the deflating purple dodgeball from Liam's hands.

"On with the show!" Derek giggled.
Carrie stayed silent.

"How come he gets to make performance jokes?" Harry whined.

"Because you're old." Carrie scrunched up her tiny nose. Her sister did the same.

"Thirty is the new twenty." He replied.

"In your mind." Liam and I said simultaneously.
I bounced the ball to Derek who hit it to Harry. The game is on.

"We'll be back soon. Be good." I kissed each one of their heads as Harry, Derek and I shuffled to the car.

In my hands were a bundle of white roses, their thorns stabbing my hands slightly. I didn't mind the pain. It reminded me that I was still alive.

The drive was silent. None of us really knew what to say. We all sat stiffly, awaiting the sight of the familiar black gates. We were awaiting the familiar sight of the graveyard.

It was something the two, recently three, of us had become accustomed to. In that yard laid out friends and parents. Everyone we seemed to love ended up there. All at the same time.

One month after the end of Harriet's struggle, we lost her mother to suicide. Her father lives with Harriet's older brother, Jeremy, and his family.

Nellie's parents and sister live back in Canada in the arms of old friends.

Louise's mother tours across England, giving talks on the dangers of drugs. Her father lives in rehab.

And Lian's parents got a divorce, splitting up her siblings.

My parents still live in the house I grew up in.

Harry's sister was killed in a drive by shooting, along with her unborn baby. Her husband gave their thirteen year old son(Derek)to us, and was never heard from again.

Niall's mother pursued her secret dream of being a therapist. His father doesn't do much, these days.

Niall's brother and his wife live happily, with their two sons, Leo and Niall.

Zayn's parents live in Bradford. They don't talk to any of us much.

Liam's parents and siblings are still morning the loss of their dear son and brother.

And the freshest graves are those of Harry's parents and Liam(Payne). They all died in a car accident on the way to the air port.

As for Harry and I, neither of us got married. No parents, no friends, we moved in together so we could lean on each other to get through it all. When we discovered our secret want for children, we eloped and started adopting. He became my best friend and has helped my through this all. And we promised to never leave each other.

But, right now everyone who could come did. Many cars were parked in the cemetery, all here to say goodbye, once again.

On the anniversary of the day almost all of any direction and one direction died, the remaining friends and family come out. And we all talk, about everything new that happens. In someone way this makes us feel closer to each other. It makes us stop feeling so lonely.

It lets us remember our friends as they once were. In all their glory. And that was the best gift we could give each other.

Harry's P.O.V

Hours. We sat on that cold hard ground for hours. Even after the rain came pouring down.

Everyone got a chance to catch us all up on their lives, not that anyone was doing anything different.

Shivering we hugged each other and wished luck upon them. They needed it. And, together, we left the graves. We all left better people when we found them.

On each laid a white rose.
Our remaining friends and family walked out, scattering out into their respected parties.

I knew it didn't really matter where they went. Because we could walk in Any Direction, but we all knew we would be parallel. We would always be walking together, in One Direction.

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