see you again

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"Can I get a kiss?
And can you make
it last forever."



"Say my name and everything just stops." Val and I screamed the lyrics of "Dress" together while I did my makeup. There was no music playing, but out of nowhere she started singing and who would I be if I didn't join?

"I don't want you like a best friend!" We shouted together in totally perfect harmony.


"Oh wait someone just texted me." I dropped my brush and picked my phone up, looking at the notification.

"Paige: Wanna come over? Azzi and I wanna see you."

"It's Paige." I giggled like a child, clicking on the message to reply.

"What does she want??" Val asked eagerly.

"For me to come over." I answered, making Val let out an "Oooo!"

I replied to Paige, telling her I would be there shortly. Putting my phone back down and finishing my makeup.

"You're going, right?"

"I would be a fool if I didn't," I replied. I finished my makeup and chose a simple outfit, jeans and some UConn t-shirt that I cut to make a cropped top.

After getting dressed, I said goodbye to Val and headed out of my apartment and to my car. On the way to her dorm, I started thinking about yesterday with Enzo. The things he said about Paige and I. Paige didn't really like me, right? We're just friends, and that's exactly how she sees me. A friend.

But did I see her as a friend? Definitely not.

Paige had caught my eye since the first day I met her, even if it took me weeks to realize it. Everything about her was all I wanted and more.

I pushed away all the thoughts that raced through my mind as I parked at the dorm building, got out of my car and walked in. Once I finally got to their dorm, I knocked and Paige answered rather quickly.

"Hi, Mads." She smiled, stepping aside so I could walk in.

"Hi, Paige," I replied, walking inside and over to where Azzi sat on the couch.



I sat next to Azzi, watching as she played Fortnite on their TV. Paige took a seat next to me.

After the round Azzi was in ended, she passed the controller to me, which I took. I wasn't like amazing at the game, but I knew how to play without dying immediately.

After a little bit, I ended up getting killed but managed to get third place. Then I turned and handed the controller to Paige, who instantly took it and started a new round.

Azzi and I watched the screen the entire time Paige played. She was definitely a lot better than I expected her to be. It didn't take her long to eliminate all the other players and get a Victory Royale, passing the controller back to me.

"Show off," I mumbled in a joking tone as I handed the controller back to Azzi. It went on like that for a little bit longer before Paige and I decided we didn't want to play anymore so it was just Azzi.

While I watched her play, Paige went on her phone and started watching TikTok.

I placed my head on her shoulder, resting it there for a little while.

"I think I'm gonna go grab some food, y'all want anything?" Azzi asked, pausing the game and standing up.

"No, I'm good," I replied, lifting my head and looking over at Paige.

"Yeah, I'm good Azzi."

Azzi nodded and grabbed her stuff before she left the dorm. I ended up placing my head back on her shoulder, watching whatever TikToks she scrolled through. We stayed like this for a while. The room was quiet except for the sound coming from Paige's phone.

There was a comfortable tension in the air. Neither of us felt awkward or that we had to have a conversation. Just sitting in each other's quiet like it was the most natural thing ever.

For a minute, I took my head off her shoulder and moved my gaze to Paige. I continued to stare, admiring everything about her. Then Paige paused the video and looked over to me, a small smile on her face.

"You're starring."

"I know."

Neither of us said anything else after that, but I noticed her eyes once again going between my lips and eyes. The small space between us grows even smaller with every second.

Soon enough Paige closed the gap and placed her lips on mine. At first, neither of us did anything, mainly out of shock, but then we slowly moved our lips together. I felt her hand go to my cheek, making me melt under her touch.

The kiss itself spoke more words than either of us ever could. From the way they instantly synced together you could tell it was something both of us had been wanting for a really long time. I found myself not thinking of anything else but the way her lips felt against mine, how natural and easy it felt.

"Hey guys, I ended up ge-" A voice suddenly spoke as they walked through the door. Paige and I jumped off of each other, disconnecting our lips.

The room went completely silent. This time it definitely was an uncomfortable silence.

"I-I'm gonna go." I got up from the couch, grabbed my keys and walked towards the door. I glanced up at Azzi one more time before I exited, her jaw to the floor as if she had just seen a ghost.

I walked back to my car at a much faster pace. Many different thoughts running through my mind.

I just kissed Paige. We kissed. We actually kissed.


i told yall they would
i hope the kiss scene wasnt too cringy for yall reading it, but it definitely was for me writing it.
anyways love yall

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